Well, the writer responsible for the orc heritage questline supposedly no longer works at Blizzard. A shame too, it was a compelling renewal of clan lore and orc traditions.
What a crying shame indeed. The Night Elves are an iconic warcraft race, literally on the cover art of the game. They have a loyal fanbase since Warcraft 3 and this is what we get as a Heritage questline? Really?
How on earth did this get past the editor’s desk?
While I don’t think it’s a bad questline in and of itself (I’ll never tire of hearing Maiev’s VA), it does fall short of feeling like a heritage questline. It just feels like questing in Felwood and clearing out demons.
Who knows, maybe it got a quick pass due to 10.2 all-but-certainly involving Night Elves, a world tree and the Emerald Dream to such a large degree.
I hope you are right, but my cynicism leads me to suspect it may only tangentially relate to Night Elves while focusing on the Dream and the Emerald Flight. We will see.
I agree though, the whole thing felt like a side-quest.
The most reasonable nelf stan
Think you’ll get your own squad after what happened last night?
The Warsongs watch, snickering and laughing out loud, pleased to see the humiliation and suffering of the Kaldorei. While they enjoy their beautiful heritage transmo and their super heritage quest.
normal behaviour
if the quest didnt have maiev this would be a good quest but we do not live in a perfect world
It’s actually nice getting some lore on the face tattoos after a whole ice age’s worth of waiting with quite literally nothing to go on besides “they’re a rite of passage for significant events, we guess”.
You could have just put “Heh, nothing personal, kid!” and been less edgelord-y and sad.
Gods she looks so sassy.
“Yeah, so I have a warden transmog months ahead of you. What of it?”
Haha yeah your heritage quest is so bad… hahaha. What a joke.
Tauren heritage is why I find the “HORDE BIAS!!!” stuff I’ve seen from some wow twitterheads so funny and/or sad.
If the question is “would I rather have tauren or nelf heritage quest for my fave race” then…NElf, easy, no question for a second.
Imagine if your heritage quest isn’t even about your race at all and is just another vehicle to talk about the void and the light and tease Shadowlands of all things.
At least this quest is actually related to the Night Elves and their culture, even if it doesn’t quite hit the mark.
I don’t quite support the “Mine’s slightly crappier than yours, you should feel glad!” argument. Both are bad in different ways.
Imagine if the situation was reversed: Say hypothetically the Alliance destroyed Mulgore, Baine’s revenge plot was cut short and “New Thunder Bluff” was made into neutral hub. It wouldn’t sit right with most people.
That wasn’t the argument though, in this case. The argument was “The Blizzard devs are biased against the Alliance”, with the NElf heritage quest being used as evidence for that.
I fully support focus on all races equally… Even if it’ll never come to pass
Oh, you meant from twitter? Fair do’s!
This is the thing that bugs me; personally I can say “The Nelf heritage quest is bad” and ALSO agree with “The Tauren heritage quest is bad”. The two are not mutually exclusive? This is a “all races deserve satisfying and lore-friendly content, and if the devs are failing then that is bad for everyone” scenario, and yet some people are making this a ‘muh faction pride’ thing.