Recycled winter queen model with crescent horns on her head.
and night elf bounce idle animation
are you sure you want to make this argument
Tauren seeing a stag:
- Hm, I should hunt that stag.
Elune seeing a stag:
- Hm, I should bang that stag
Something something she is now the sister of the Ardenweald Queen which was scared of Sylvanas.
Likely the opposite of death so life.
So much for being a greater divinity.
Can’t wait for her to turn into either a loot piñata or a good-aligned NPC which will be smacked by whatever evil guy’s around.
see, the great thing about tauren is that once you’re done cooking the steaks you can use their horns as toothpicks!
Why don’t gnomes make good chefs?
The steaks are too high.
Akameato chose the right day to make this misteak, there’s excellent BBQ weather just around the corner.
Take my chuckle and like, then Get Out
I had kinda hoped the NElf heritage would focus on Mt. Hyjal, the current capital/base of the Night Elves.
Also the lack of mention of the Army of the Black Moon, which Maiev is the general for, was kinda dissappointing! But I suppose she got a new recruit for the Sentinel Army, so I think the Nelves other general can be happy?
They had so many avenue’s to go with and this is what we got…
Also that Mage shouldn’t have been a random NElf Mage, while he could work as a bridge between the Shen’dralar Highborne and the rest of Kaldorei society, I feel Archmage Mordent Evenshade would’ve made more sense if only to amend what happened between him and Maiev and make him proof that atleast the leader of the Shen’dralar rejoined with nothing but the best intention.
Alas, this is what we got and while the NElf Mage addition was fun to see, I rather had them focus on the Army of the Black Moon/Sentinels/Cenarions/Priestessess and/or Warden as those are the classes/factions that define the Night Elves and Mages aren’t really high up that list for me, personally!
But we’ll see how this continue’s, if at all.
Also the Warden Armor looks fine! But I am curious if it will be faction/race locked akin to class to the locked transmogs currently on the Traders Post!
All in all, from what I read I am neutral on the whole Heritage Quest, which might change when I get back from work in 8 days!
I don’t think it WILL be race locked since it’s from an achievement you can progress on any character once a month, so prepare to see Human Wardens running around IC.
I am going to vomit.
With my unique gift of foresight I can tell you with 1000% certainty that this is a boogieman that is literally never going to seriously happen in RP.
You mean former Burning Legion Man’ari Eredar Argent Dawn Warden Paladin auxiliaries with signed papers from Anduin, Velen, Socrethal and Tyrande, as well as a letter of recommendation from the Blue Recluse’s bartender.
Don’t forget Velen too.
there’s going to be precisely one person like this, and it’ll be a non-issue tbh
Oh come on, you know there’ll be three.
And then they’ll become a trio!.. Then return to obscurity after a two weeks.
I can only assume they just needed a throwaway line and it was never meant to be anything more.
With my unique gift of foresight unfortunately it will become hard to tell who is and isn’t serious in RP, but I will celebrate any effort to perma ignore anyone non-nelf wearing the set in RP in this case!