Dear story writing team, please do not insult our IQ

My guess is they are gonna do some dumb bait and switch with the void lords actually being the first ones and that Azeroth has the capability of being either a titan or a void lord/first one.

I mean they hired ex tumbler fetish artists and had people in the DF reveal talking about ducks like 8 year old kids would. I don’t know how any of us really expected anything different than the clown show we got, but I’m just as much a sucker since I’m here too, so I can’t judge.

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I don’t think it’s the story that’s the problem. It’s the way it’s being told. I think it’s really cool that Azeroth herself blessed the aspects with power instead of an external force doing so again. The problem is how this scene is portrayed is bloody awful.

The dialogue the characters say sounds exactly like a speech for one person that was divided among the group. The characters don’t TALK to each other. They just have one liners they say in turns that come across like a rehearsed performance. No one reacts to anything like that in real life, so then the characters just end up looking like bad parodies of themselves rather than people with thoughts and feelings.

And that cutscene is far from the only time this sort of thing happens. I adore the lore of the game but the cutscenes often ruin what should be amazing moments.


Honestly? I think there’s an A team, a B team and at this point even a bloody C team…

Feels like that the beginning of expansions, the overarching story points and ideas are set by the A team. We’ve a cast of characters, a clear threat, and have a setting to work from.

Around the first patch, B team takes over, they’ve been left some instructions by the A team, but somethings get lost in translation. Things vaguely make sense but feel awfully disjointed and unfinished. Opportunities are missed.

By the end of the expansion, they leave everything to the C team. Nothing makes sense anymore, plot points are completely lost, characters are inconsistent, there are very few good quests here and there but that’s about it. The brief for C team is either “lol fix it somehow” or “put it out of it’s misery”.


I want this version of Anduin.

Origialy WoW lore is grim lore, this is how it must be, play for example Maiev first mission on Warcraft 3, that was grimnes which attracted millions to WoW.

I dont understand why story teller even started to swing game into Disney direction, it totaly not fit in game, Game is called WARcraft for reason, war shoud always point of grimnes, surrival of fittest, betrayer, struggle, and feeling of danger… this disney narrative scrapes all this virtues of war into totaly missplaced sweetnes…


Personally I think it’s just laziness and incompetence, reduce all characters to 1 functioning personality trait/goal, remove all nuance from the plot in terms of intent aka main characters are goodies and goodies do the good and never do the bad. It means you basically can churn out generic fantasy story beats without contradicting yourself too much because the plots so shallow it’s basically none existent. It also means that since the variables have been reduced so much an AI can functionally fill in gaps for you so you aint got to spend too much time actually writing.


Nothing will ever beat Arthas’ storyline for me.
They also had the audacity to butcher him in Shadowlands and reduce him to that miserable little soul mote.


Exactly, interesting lore in game is very hard to find, you almost have to seach for it outside of game, game itself shows you pegi 3+ crap and really childish vibe to it


I think it is going to get better with Chris Metzen as the main guy. Copium overdose**

Well, Metzen continued story 90% from events after Legion and said that THIS is conclusion of last 20 years of WoW and he “can’t ignore” what happened in BFA SL and DF.
But that part of conclusion of last 20 years was a direct slap in the danuser’s face and his statement that SL was conclusion :stuck_out_tongue:

He is only one guy. We know of rebellion in Blizz against the direction for the story after he came back.

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Oi, there are 35+ year old female nerds too, alright? And we don’t like World of My Little Pony either. Just watched a 1h compilation of Warlords of Draenor cinematics the other day. Hard to believe I’m still playing the same game tbh. :joy:


It brings me joy to see every gender untied in bashing Blizzard story telling. So who are they pandering the story to? Internal team? or Wanna be disney overlords?


I think the juniors are pretty much indulging on self-expression recently, now that given the chance in order to make up for the internal scandals. Unfortunately, their self-expression isn’t what people are paying for though and it de-personalises the game itself.

It’s not the matriarch hierarchy of a centaur folk. It’s not the emotional story of the blue dragonflight in cinematics. (at least THEY have some personality) It’s not the gay crafter couple here or the lesbian couple there. It’s not even the rather comical design of dragons and “fluffy” locations. I can live with all that. What I can’t live with though is story depth sacrificed for personal indulgence. I’ve really reached a limit regarding illogical to straight up insulting story telling since BfA. And knowing the same person to blame for in the past is still pulling the strings within the writers team pretty much disgusts me. Most particularly since he’s yet again squeezing Sylvanas into the picture with “video calls from hell” and her quiver being obtainable in 10.2.5 apparently.

It’s weird isn’t it, I’ve said it somewhere else on the forums or maybe earlier this thread. The way they attempt to be “inclusive” is the most derogatory way of making the character:

  • Strong female lead, has to be a narcissistic and another word the forums wont let me use, because in new blizzards mind you can’t be a strong woman without being a horrible person to be around.
  • Gay characters, well they all have to be the campest of people, because in new blizzards mind no gay men are macho or manly in anyway
  • Males showing emotion, have to become whiney overly emotional cry babies that do nothing useful, because in new blizzards mind only wimpy men show emotions.

There are more examples, aka the attempt to add in more ethnically diverse npc’s, so they put a fatherless black guy in the alliance starting zone… although that might just be a stretch or me finding hypocrisy funny and so I’m looking for zebras. Generally though, It’s the weirdest form of bigotry.

It’s just horrendous. Iridikron is the only character that I find interesting in the game right now, but there should be quite a few more toiling away in the background and I’m not seeing that. This was the ending that I had dreaded after an expansion that felt like it was ripped straight out of Teletubbies, and it is exactly the ending that we received.

I want them to change the game name and the next expansion name into…
World of family-craft: The Family Within.


Yes everything must be written for edgy teenager :man_facepalming:

Not really!
I would embrace the chaos that Warcraft was known for…
My version of BFA was like this…
Destroy / bomb Stormwind and Orgrimmar
Anduin dead
Thrall dead
Jaina dead
Baine dead
Vellen dead
Tyrande dead
Sadly, it failed to accomplish that.
The old gods and all are fine but they could have done more…like made alleria and the void elfs relevant in that expansion.

Azeroth is destroyed by Jailer.
All the souls, including the Dragon aspects have become a fuel for his conquest.
Sylvanas becomes the new Lich Queen (Necromancer).

We are teleported to an Alternate world of Azeroth, where we meet…
Anduin, a slightly older version of himself.

Yrell, a dreanei that as ascended to become a Lightforge dreanei.
Garrosh Hellscream, a Lightforge Orc Palladin.
and finally the good old Vellen.
in defending against an army of Undead horde unleashed by the Lich Queen.

We make a pact with the Dragon aspects of the alternate world of Azeroth.
These Aspects are more powerful than our orginal world Aspects.
And thus we defeat The jailor and the Lich Queen Sylvanas.

The War Within,
Since, our original world was destroyed by Jailer,
Azeroth seems to be unstable, with void energies and old gods corruption seeping out…
Thus, we try to heal our world by defeating the most powerful old gods that were asleep for a very long period.

This is what I call WARCRAFT!!!

pls stop with your nonsense, people are literally asking to stop being threated like children in game that require you to pay loads of money, If you like to be threated this way, good for you, idc but stop projecting. DF has very much vibe of my little pony the latest cinematic was terrible and only thing df lacked yet is alextrasza’s happy musical with major characters dancing and singing together.
If you think it’s hyperbole then prove it to me and give me one thing from df that isnt suitable for pegi 3+ fairtale on nick jr or other crap

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