Dear story writing team, please do not insult our IQ

So because it’s not dark and edgy it bad? And we can’t have a reasonable discussion? It must be saw but on Azeroth?

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after all the doom and gloom of the last 18 years this expac was a nice change it does not have to be all doom and gloom and filled with fel, blood and thunder.

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yeah and it could be handled differently than narration taken from my little pony. + it has 0 balancing, the story could stay exactly the same while they could add some depth to it, not to mention these terrible cinematics, no one says it had to be dark or anything like that, it could be the same story with decent narration, last cinematic narration was for kids that dont even understand words yet, as well they could remove killing in raids ( because it’s not for narrative of df ) we should get blooms to plant in raids, and we should hug fyrakk and send kim kisses til the shadowlame runs out of him

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You seem to be really angry at me and the game atm, and for some reason i am getting spammed by edits by you :frowning: so i am sorry just going to mute you for a while good night.

im not angry at you at all, i’m just trying to show you my pov because you got it wrong, also I had to edit because i switched to another post and somehow it was written here not there. It was whole diffrent topic so it didn’t make sense and I had to edit it again

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You can have lighter story while still respecting the lore and everything that came before. You’re talking about taking it to the extreme and df didn’t do that. But nooo even slightly light and it’s my little pony :man_facepalming:

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I never really cared for the Arthas story personally, but I do think SL ruined a very good story there.

No one cares about the story Nerd. Those left when wotlk was over.

people CARE about lore, especially new generation of players, no one will get interested with the game with crap lore. story atm is definitely one of most important things in gaming industry

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right…? Like i’d like to see what’s going on in working for blizzard people’s mind, what do they think, who possibly could pay that much for this game? Appearently playerbase is avg 3 years old because this df story is literally targetted for such audience

The problem with the writing team is that they think the players are the vocal minority of let’s say femboys that like all the awkward jokes of Disney and mild and cookie cutter “fantasy” stories . While in reality the playerbase are 27-45 year old dudes that are balding and living with their parents. We want old warcraft back. When it was brutal.


Brutal, story wise right?
I ain’t got the time anymore to run brutal grinds and balls to the walls hard quests of soloing elite zones for…scraps.

But yeah, I don’t want this little friendship and magic show either what WoW currently is.

Everybody wants to be friends now, and they act so dramatic e.g. alexstrasza.
I haven’t seen more mellow dragons than the ones we got.
Even the horde has a council of friendship and tolerance instead of a Warchief. :face_vomiting:

Not in an MMO. It’s not even a real rpg.

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mmm until legion i think ppl cared about lore. after that… probably the story is now too much stressed and stretched
But the positive reaction to OP probably means that there’s still someone caring about it.

That’s it.

I definitely care about lore and the story being told.
Ever since I started with the original Warcraft games, I’ve loved the world of Warcraft, it’s universe and the people in it.

It was amazing to try and create custom levels inside the game’s settings, read about stories and characters. World of Warcraft blew away my mind as a kind because it expanded on the world I knew, and allowed me to play a character in the universe I loved.

And even with the latest expansions, there’s a lot of things I really like, and would love to get deeper into. There’s many things I don’t even know about because I took long breaks from the game.

But this “My little Dragon show” stuff…is not one of them.

Honestly the worst part about it is them talking about all dragons being family and being together after they literally just ganged up and beat one of their own kind wich did not agree with them. Normally you would have such talk around a campfire. Not the bloodied corpse of your “family”


So people cared when TBC was current? :face_with_monocle:

I too call genocidal psycho-maniacs as someone who just disagree with me.
Fyrakk is just a lil different, he had a unique opinion, entirely susceptible to talk-no-jutsu.
“It’s not too late adolf.jpg”

To be fair the lovely family also did a bit of genociding to the primalists