Dear story writing team, please do not insult our IQ

The power of frienship and love wins again. barf


That is so iconic just as “You are not prepared” and Sylvanas s “For the horde”.
They are so memorable and give such a great vibe.
So I don’t agree with cringe,but I only speak for myself.


Saufang, Voss, Shandris, Maiev. List goes on. Those characters had negative tratis that made them interesting. But they “fixed” them.

Saurfang, from a stoic wise old man to some sniveling self hating weepy sacrifice for a story that ended up making no sense. Basically killed for nothing.

Voss is now atoning for the Forsaken. Cause I have to apologize for playing Forsaken these days. So she’s here to fix nelf trees when she should be fixing the Undead city since she’s one of the leaders.

Shandris is a joke, a shadow of her former self, from the badass military leader to some emo chick who acts like she’s struggling with puberty.

Maiev, the huntress who trusts no one, she’s all about family now too. I’m not saying her character should not have undergone some changes but crap, not become the opposite.

Anyway, point is, characters I’ve seen across the life of WoW have become unrecognizable since BFA to this point. The writing is so bad I hope I never see the dragons again. Ever.

I’m not even gonna talk about Anduin, all I’ll say is that I miss his dad.


It’s a shame if that is the case, because it’d mean they’ll keep struggling hitting the right notes for WoW to actually be WoW, unless we get a cultural counter movement some time soon.


We need the titans for what is to come we will not be fighting against titans we would not be able to win unless blizz want to make us all mary sues and put this franchise in the grave

It’s largely a consequence of pandering to players whose primary interest in the setting is shipping characters together. These people see the faction, racial and political divides as an obstacle to be removed.

They’re a vocal minority - especially since the game’s highest population to date was during a period where the faction war was in full swing - but modern businesses are obsessed with listening to social media takes rather than sending out an in-game poll to better gain feedback that accounts for more than just the takes of the terminally online.


I miss that too. I miss characters being subjective, flawed, opinionated, sometimes outright wrong while convinced they are right, and the story rolling with it, using that, allowing the conflicts. It gave characters their space, their role in stories.

Right now everyone is 50 shades of peace, harmony, overcoming together!, shoulders to cry on etc. It’s just not realistic and intensely dull.


I’m aware yeah, and in that sense I’m not yet convinced we’ll be doomed to experience this kind of storytelling for the next 10 years :wink: But just in case someone on the writing team is in doubt, and bumps into this topic (one never knows), please, no more. Or in palatable doses, combined with a bit more teeth and savagery!


What saurfang has to do with dragonflight?

Last I checked Warcraft universe morality is not twisted and pretty close to real world, so why would forsaken not atone for their past crimes?
Orcs felt guilt and shame for crimes that they’ve done under legion’s influence since Warcraft 3, do you hate this plotline too?

I don’t remember shandris having character prior this patch at all, did she even do something? Like I don’t even know what she was apart from being named sentinel lmao

Maiev is bi-polar edgy fantasy with temper tantrums, I don’t even know why she can be liked. And where exactly in her character written “trusts no one”?

Come to think of it, apart from malfurion and tyrande nelfs have large problems with writing

I guess you didn’t read what I said. I said leading to DF, not just.

And yeah, I do believe that when it comes to the Forsaken, they are morally twisted. In fact the game presents them as such for most of it. You want them pitching in, sure, but there are more typical ways they could do this. They could have had Forsaken alchemists trying to do their thing, stich a dragon head on a moonkin or something. Instead we have that Voss-Shandrind crap.

And yeah, Shandris actually has a character. If you like the story, I suggest you read some of the old novels, like Stormrage. That’s a good one.

And Maiev isn’t bipolar, she’s been fixed. She’s now just another nelf, part of the family.

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They are doing it? cleansing of undercity? Could be more behind the scenes, maybe blizzard will touch on this subject in future.

Novels are written by different writers, it’s not a reliable source of info, for example in wh40k various authors could have different understanding of same character and write them in a different way.
Especially considering that little amount of warcraft books is actually good reading

Good for her, will be far less annoying

In a way, when they make the titans and the Light the “baddies” it will mark the end of WoW.

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titans not being good is hinted since wotlk, desire to control everything and having a doom switch that could destroy the whole planet are not a traits of a good guys.
Scarlet crusade

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I have got faith in blizz with metzen and do hope they do not go down that route the titans should be returning to help save azeroth it is as simple as that

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Isn’t the point that she should be annoying?

What’s the point of having so many characters and such a wide cast of different races and cultures if they all boil down to the same personality anyway?

There ought to be the character that is a hot-head, the character that is fanatical about justice, the spineless coward, the peace-striving diplomat, the merciless warmonger, the noble knight, the fair maiden, the witty jokester, and so on.

That’s what makes it interesting to engage in the story, because you see how these different characters act in the situations they’re put. That’s why Arthas is so interesting in the culling of Stratholme, because we see his stubbornness in full display. It’s why Maiev is such a cool character to play in Warcraft III, because she’s totally devoted to her cause, so you don’t experience the reasonable approach to matters, but rather the fanatical one.

Blizzard throwing all of that overboard in the name of wanting all their characters to be pleasing to each other and appear as role models to the player is perhaps not that wise of a decision in the long run.


No, she is plainly shown as badass and edgy, nathanos is character whose whole purpose is to be annoying, maiev is unintentionally annoying.

Arthas’s decision is understandable and you can somehow relate to him, that’s why culling is interesting, it’s a very hard decision and both sides are understandable, not just because “this blonde guy is so stubborn he’s so cool!!”
Maiev doesn’t have any understandable reason to be as she is, apart from "hurr hurr duty, hurr hurr i’m so dark i’m literally batman no you won’t escape me joker illidan!

Most of those character’s been static for a very long time, you can’t be static all the time.

eh arthas was a entitled little brat thats why his father sent him to the silverhand a trait he took with him until the end stratholme was nothing but his ego

his dad’s mistake was not disowning his worthless rear rather then sending him to be burden to the silverhand

Don’t want to derail, but I have to ask. Put yourself in his shoes in Stratholme, what would you have done?


You’re going to have to elaborate on what you mean by “badass and edgy”.

I would say she is devoted to her role as a Warden, and therefore is entirely focused around wanting to imprison Illidan, and is fanatical about that pursuit of justice as she hunts him across the world.
It’s that whole: “I have one job and I have performed it to perfection for 10.000 years and I’m not going to fail it now!”-fanatism.

That’s her stick. That’s a cool stick. That makes her a unique and interesting character because she’s driven by that single-minded fanatism.

If that translates to her appearing “badass and edgy”, then cool, but that in itself is not the goal here.

I mean, a character like Anduin Wrynn is not badass and edgy, but he is different from that old Maiev. And that’s what’s important. The difference in the character cast.

Turning Maiev into a Night Elf like any of the other Night Elves by being agreeable to Tyrande and asking for forgiveness for past transgressions and otherwise assimilating in the Night Elf lineup of named characters that can be used in any Night Elf setting with indifference…that’s boring. Maiev is essentially indistinguishable from Shandris now, as far as personality and purpose are concerned.

No, but you don’t have to take a diverse cast of characters and replace it with a homogenous cast, as if there’s no other option.

Take the Aspects now. They’re all…family. They’re all agreeable to each other, share the same values, and come across as role models and leaders to aspire toward.

That’s in sharp contrast to the old line-up of Aspects. Deathwing…The Betrayer. It’s in the name! That guy is not like the rest.
Malygos, the dragon in exile gone mad from grief and having paranoia about improper use of magic.
A life-binder that’s struggling with depression and on the verge of suicide.
And a dragon that’s more mysterious than present, and another that seems to know all but shares nothing.

That’s an intriguing cast of characters with personalities that are unique and different and curious.

What have they done? They’ve made Alexstrasza all happy again, and changed Deathwing for Ebyssian, who’s very much like Alexstrasza in his kindness. The mad dragon in exile has been changed for another dragon who cares about family and protecting and seeking peace. And the mysterious dreamer has been changed for another generic nice character who does blabber on all the time and is always present and who doesn’t appear much as a dragon of the dream at all.

I find it hard to believe that Blizzard, looking upon their old cast of Aspects or Night Elves or what have you, saw no other option than to wipe the board clean and write them all into this image:

So very very very wholesome.


yeah yeah she is very “devoted” it’s her entire character, she was gruesome, unreasonable, her philosophy is not understandable, she has instances of plainly sabotaging good guys on their way to fix things just because it interferes with quest to capture illidan, she’s batman without any nuance. plainly annoying and boringly written character.

That’s the whole point, dragonflight expac is about renewal and healing old wounds.

name one person who was intrigued by flights pre dragonflight expac.
No, really, there was no interesting aspects about aspects, malygos was generic mad wizard type of villain, deathwing was generic “i’ll destroy the whole world” type of villain, characters become interesting when they interact with something in interesting ways, aspects were always static plot tools, their lore doesn’t make them interesting, kalecgos in df was more interesting in df than all of the past stories, nozdormu actually shown semblance of character, before df they were just a bunch of plot tools.