I mean some of this is forced.
Maybe we just shouldn’t have included almost any sexuality in the game.
Just like the skin customizations, btw.
Those were forced.
They’re kind of supposed to be about lore.
Super brighty white elves, ASIAN humans, BLACK humans, from where? What’s the explanation? None.
Talking pandas and foxes, eldritch horrors, dragons, zombies, magic, but the line is drawn at dark skin colours?
Yes, because they all have lore behind
If you’re trying to whiteknight atleast don’t make yourself look DUMB.
«whiteknight» oh you’re one of those guys
Edit: dark skinned elves exist in the lore, as well as dark skinned humans. If you’re going to pretend to care about the lore, you might as well actually read up on it. If representation bothers you, the problem might lie with you.
Yeah and you’re one of THOSE girls
So you wouldn’t mind a gay relationship dominating an entire region in the game like malfurion and tyrande did in valsharan. Then people would espially whine about pushing it down their throat because they have do do this quest line and can’t skip or ignore it. And then this relationship keeps going on for about 2 decades as Tyrande and Malfurion already do since WC3.
Some people are going to riot.
We did have an explanation for where those things came from. However we didnt get one for the dark skined elves and the asian humans. I mean lets take a look at the new troll customizations for example, each skin tone represents one of their tribes, we have something to understand where they came from, regrdless of the fact that sand trolls are not part of the horde when you see a brownish troll you know its a sand troll, we have not seen asian humans before and as far as i remember the elves had a pretty major lore reason for why they didnt have a darker skin tone.
Entire region ? It was 2 parts from a 7 chapter storyline. And yes i did mind it, it was writhen badly and gringey.
Oh look. Yet another thread started by and filled with like minded people with so little in their lives they feel the need to complain about fictional characters and their fictional love life.
No one is. You decided to look it up and post a thread about it nimrod.
Yeah, but a few characters already have family, so sexuality obvously exists in the game and kinda must exist. Orcs are not fungi in WoW. Thrall had sexual intercourse with his wife.
Obviously relashionships exist, however they are never the focus, with the exeption of that part in Valsharah where like I said it was bad. Most people dont care about character sexualities, however when they are forced/redconed it does bring them on focus. If we ever get a zone with only a romantic relationship as the focus (gay or straight) it would trump Vashj’ir as the worst zone imo.
I for one play the game to have an adventure not to be a third wheel.
Considering the Dark trolls are basically extinct, why can we have them as a skin tone then?
Seems pretty non-lore friendly…
and well, the Sand Troll skin too… also not lore friendly.
Also black people don’t need a lore reason to exist. They just… can.
Yes, but this relationship is way less forced than Malfurion and Tyrande, Thrall and his Wife, Mankrik and his dead wife, but still this one causes lots of discussions while all the others do not.
I’m not sure if it is retconned if Shaw was never shown with any preferences.
However we knew they existed.
I didnt say anything about the black people. We have had them in game for a long time now, however the Asian ones we didnt. And look im not asking for much, just a simple line of text, i a not against the skin tones or the ethnic customizations however I do want to know how come we have never seen them before and where did they come from.
Like i said, its because it was essentially a retcon. And it was focused on heavily in the book, soon we will have a continuation of the story in the other book that releasing soon.
To expand a charactes story is not the same as retconning a story.
Its not expanding if you are rewrithing the character. True Mathias didnt really show much of an interest towards neither sex, with the exeption of maybe Vareera, but Flynn did only show interest in women, Taelia Fordragon to be exact. If they wanted him to be Bi why didnt they showcase that he had interest in men aswell. The first time we ever heard Flynn was bisexual was after people started meme-ing on him and Shaw, which like i said previously didnt look, sound or feel like a flirt.
Imagine being haunted by the thought of gays or anything gay.
This is how ridiculous these threads sound.
characters: start a gay relationship
Gekko: u r both to dead to me
Because this is an afterthought, this wasn’t planned. They looked for popular characters to sacrifice for LGBT appeal hence chose Matthias and Flynn they were not trivial characters.
They could’ve do this by choosing a Troll, Tauren or Orc gay couple instead of Humans. Perhaps people could find it more interesting that way. They made Alliance gay faction, only Alliance have gays as a sidenote and what is worse is a forced gay couple for the sake of LGBT appeal.
Giggles, yes they are…unfortunately…
To go from one love interest in a female character to bisexuell isn’t much of a retcon tough.