Death of Matthias Shaw and Flynn Fairwind

No they dont, if you value yourself so low to be pleased with just beeing a tickbox idk what to say. I mean i dont love Spiderman and Batman because they are streight the same as me, and i do not hate Storm because she is black which i am not. The point of identifying with a character should not be their sexuality, gendre or race.


I literally have friends who are gay, calling this relationship forced…just to give perspective on how trash / how much of a token gay couple relationship this was made to be between lore characters :weary:. But then again thats Blizzard for you, retconning everything as far as the :eye: can see


I was really trying to not play this card, but same.

Good psychoanalysis, my selfstem is ok dont worry about it, i like to see representation thats it, i dont love someone because its gay i actually hate shaw but i think is cool to have diferent types of characters and he has the honor to be unique and bring joy to people and the “he didnt say he was gay so it cant be now and he talked to a girl” its a pretty narrow and stupid argument tbh, but hey you have the right to be however you want and to think whatever you want.

One more thing, humans are diverse, and maybe you dont appreciate seeing your personality or sense of taste in a character but some people do and they are not depresed or value themselfs poorly.

Two people gone, Two will replace them.

Glad to hear that.

Again good on you, but if thats the case why are you happy with retconing characters to fit said quota.

Personality and sence of taste are defining features of a character. Sexuality, race and gendre are not. True you can interchange sometime sence of taste with sexuality but if the only defining trait of a character is beeing the gay guy, that not a good character (not saying Flynn and Shaw are that way). And we have seen characters as i described all over the media time and time again.

I did tell you that i dont think its retconing (word that i just learn now) just because they didnt show that part of the character doesnt mean that it doesnt exist.
Im gonna stop replaying because its late and our conversation its not going to lead us into a final catharsis you have your opinions i dont share them but i dont need to, at the end of the day there is nothing to be salty about it, they are just two LGBT character in a videogame. Good night.

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So it’s straight white people or nothing.

Should female characters only be allowed to be cooks and dishwashers as well?

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And i did prove that it is retconing due the fact that in both cases A) Blizzard had ample time and oportunity to show those parts of the characteres and B) Those parts were non-existent before the community started shiping them.

Also how is it not retconing or writhing out of character in the case of Mathias Shaw. He has faced death time and time again, war after war, never did he break his “man on a mission” atitute, however sudenly his boat crashes and he decides he is bi/gay and starts acting flamboyantly.


This thread is absolutely hilarious.

I’m gonna need to go take a shower to wash off all these salty homophobic tears I’m swimming in.

I might just think about Mathias and Flynn getting hot and sweaty and sticky with each other whilst I do. Ooeer.


That’s a double edged sword…in a homophobic country, you could have all the background lore, etc, etc…for characters, going back to Vanilla, and they would still be retconned to be straight, if the market was large/lucrative enough… Undead’s bones, remember?

People should just be honest, if LGBT characters make you feel uncomfortable, that’s a ‘you’ problem, that you need to own.

Stop trying to gaslight the LGBT community, fact is you just assumed characters were straight and then got all angsty, when you discovered they were not.
As has been mentioned before, there are a large number of male players who would have absolutely no problem whatsoever, if the gay couple were female… rather than male.


Think people are undermining the fact nobody here has a problem with it being LBGTQ Friendly and are kinda ignoring the fact that Blizzard are just retconning stuff and doing a JK rowling and expecting all fans to oblige with just that explanation.


So your complaint is why the game did not have lots more blatantly gay male characters from the beginning?.. I think probably not… judging by quite a lot of the comments in the threads on this matter, there is a very vocal group of players, who do have a major problem with male gay characters and are simply hunting for a socially acceptable cover story, for their prejudice.


I literally have nothing wrong with gay characters, I’m all for it regardless of gender–if its done right. They could of literally introduced new characters and that would of been alot better recieved than just putting 2 very low odds characters, trying to justify it across the span of 2 books and nowhere else :thinking: :man_shrugging: if it was expressed to some extent in-game that would of been atleast a bit more convenient, but if you’re genuinely thinking that this is me attacking same sex couples then you’re crazy, given some of my best friends I’ve made in this game are in exactly that situation–A same sex couple and I’m all for supporting them with that choice.

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Then do so… by supporting more inclusiveness, rather complaining that it hasn’t been done ‘correctly’ with two characters…in a sea of thousands of straight NPCs.

However we are talking about represantation here right and how important it is, right ? So if its that important why arent oh so LGBTQ friendly Blizzard take a hit to their paychecks just to show how commited they are to the cause.

We are honest about it, its not the beeing gay part thats bothering us, its the forced divercity thats our(mine atleast) problem. Said over and over in this tread already, if they were portrayed as LGBT (damn it forgot the Q, guess im a biggot) from the get go i would have not had this problem with them.

If it acts like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck then its duck… untill the community starts shiping the duck with a chicken, then its a horse. They were portraid as straight, if it was planed for them to be bisexual then thats what should have been shown. During the drunk Flynn quest, he could have flirted a bit with the PC, maybe later at the pirate bar, nope we had him swoon over Taelia and get seduced by syrens. Shaw maybe then… surely in 16 years time we could have gotten something to hint at it, right ?

Also how is it now, in the era of virtue signaling, we are getting this information.

Where ? Where has it been mentioned ? I cant speak for everyone, but i would be equaly upset if Jaina decided that she wanted to build a dam with Azshara after a boat ride.

Not letting half-arsed story telling dictate / ruin major lore characters of a fantasy game sorry. IRL shouldn’t interfere with a video game to the extent of fully ret-conning characters who have existed for over a decade.

Even if straight people were the minority I’d still not want this kind of story telling to be the go-to choice.


Two characters…out of thousands of NPCs… and these two happen to be male.
Flynn continuously suggesting going for a drink with your male character, might have been a bit of a give away…

I dont remember this, will do some digging, and if thats the case ok, i will take my words back.

EDIT: Ok so if you reffered to this line

" * Are you thirsty? I’m thirsty."

Never really rubbed me that way, but fair i can see someone seeing it that way. But i cant still justify this as a flirt. I mean the mans clearly a drunk, I always tought he just wanted to get smashed.

That were not portrayed in a way before the shiping started. There is a questline in Arathi Highlands were you help a female human and a female night elf, they are clearly lesbians and the first time i saw them i tough ok cool, and it wasnt because they were female.

Hmmmm…have to take your word for that.

Hmmmm… ‘thirsty’ seems to currently be a common slang for being very keen to ‘get it on’…and straight men often have a bit of a blind spot, when being mistakenly chatted up by a gay man, who isn’t very obviously ‘camp’.
Flynn, imho could have been gay, or bi, or straight…on the basis of the storyline.