Death of Matthias Shaw and Flynn Fairwind

The SJW’s Blizzard is hiring to write the lore have a grudge against them because they’re “WHITE MEN”.

/Yawn… did someone offend your fragile masculinity?

Gay deffinetly not, bi plosible but it should have been more clear. The “thirsty” line should have been a good indicator but i just confused him for beeing a bad drunk, also it might be just that. However Shaw was buchered. I liked him because he was badass, now we have this touchy feely side of him wich is offputing to me. Relationships in wow for the most part are cringey due to the the dialogue quality… "Tyrande my love, I AM HERE barf "

No, but Testonek is right tough, Roux is insuferable. Also have some dignity and avoid terms like “fragile masculinity”.

The author’s Twitter description contains “She/Her.” That says enough.

I agree it makes no sense, but to go as far as to say they’re dead I dunno.
I also just think they’re personalities clash way to much for them to be able to love eachother even if we see it from the point of them being gay…Shaw is very sharp and collected, Flynn is just chaos, opposites attract can only go so far…
I haven’t read the book tho, or found that part on the internet somewhere, so can’t say in my own opinion how much sense it makes in the book.

But you know…If it makes China uncomfortable I’m all in tbh.

Who cares, this is not canon.

TLDR Shaw’s ship crashes and he decides he is into Flynn. Was abit more tastefully writen but read more like fanfic than anything else.

You obviously don’t know many gay men… it’s entirely possible to be gay and ‘badass’.

Example, one of the most infamously violent skinhead, white supremacists in London, back in the 1980s, was gay…one of the notorious 1960s London Gangster brothers, the Krays, was gay…Edgar Hoover the famous, first Director of the FBI was gay… there are plenty of other examples of very ‘badass’ individuals who are gay…and more, who do not publicise the fact.

So, I would simply state again, you made an assumption.

I wonder if these people blow a gasket every time a character declares his/her love for the opposite sex in any form of media.

I myself was extremely upset when Nathanos was made into the straight lover of Sylvanas in some stupid short story. Like omigosh straight outta the blue on that one. How dare they pander to the heter*sexuals in such a blatant fashion. :rage:

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Lmao so, oh no my ship crashed guess I’m gay now.

You’re probably sarcastic, but I thought Nathanos always had a thing for Sylvanas, even when he was human and she was a high elf.

And I shipped Flynn/Shaw a year before it became official.

Checks out I suppose. :upside_down_face:

Read the rest of the sentance and you would understand thats not what i meant. Take Rob Halford for example, the man is the definition of badass. What i ment was the way he acted in the book was out of character for him because it wasnt badass.

theres some hot stuff out there with them…

But lorewise eh I duno.

Yeah pretty much.

Something something near death expirience something something i have to live life to the fullest. I mean the mans a veteran and has had worse near death situations before, for Sargeras’s sake he was imprisoned by the Legion.

I thought it was fairly obvious by the time the datamined 8.3 texts rolled out.

I was heartbroken though because they sunk my Lor’themar/Liadrin ship to the bottom of the ocean. :sob:

I honestly thought Valeera would be the one he’d go for…They work together, they now eachother way deeper then Shaw and Flynn.


Ikr, even after thelast warcampaign cinematic Valeera asked him “Waht about you Shaw, do you fancy someone” and he replied “I have my eye on someone”. I honestly tough he was beeing coy with her, thats his character after all.

Thought exactly the same, or will Blizz go so far as to add some Valeera sprinkles to the Shawn and Flynn sandwish…

It wasnt Christy Golden that wrote the latest book that plucked this out of nowhere.

And there was also the two random troll females getting married im the book aswell in some scene.
Which there isnt really anything wrong with, but it does nothing for the story in any way at all - and with the forced Shaw/Flynn thing, it becomes too transparent.

And also, as anyone might know by now - looking at her tweets she hates white men. So yeah. Shocking.