Death of Matthias Shaw and Flynn Fairwind

That was very bad. Couldn’t they make gays instead of changing these characters?


That is what I’m talking about, from the scratch.


That would be better. Best is not making lgbt in game. Imo these shouldn’t be there in pegi 12 game.


…because you decided?
Oh, the humanity! will my ‘fragile’ masculinity ever recover from your acerbic rhetoric.

Wait so you actually arent a homophobic sexist biggot and just dont like characters beeing changed for the sake of divercity ? Im confused.

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No, because im not the one here acting like a 16 y/o who just heard some buzz words on Tweeter and then started acting big. Atleast bash me with things related to the game in this gaming forum. And now im curious how old are you big man ? I mean if we are flexing digits atleast provide info, I’ll start im 29 (inb4 49).

I’m your grandfather’s age, how can you use the word biggot to me :smirk:

Of course I’m not, I am a man of freedom, of variety, diversity. I am just against such unorganic and hypocrite approach to this topic.

Then I probably am indeed old enough to be your Dad…if your age is accurate… since this is the interwebz and neither of us has any way of verifying details (nor should we)… I think that is far enough down the ‘honest’ doxxing path, eh?..nice try, no cigar.

I couldn’t care less how old you are, so trying to play that ‘age’ card doesn’t get you anywhere and doesn’t strengthen your argument, give you an elevated state of importance or imply that your opinion is of higher value than anyone else’s.

Also, as someone who is most definitely in the age group you are referring to, you’re an embarrassment in that regard. You’re firing in to people for being ‘intolerant’ and yet you are showing a lack of intolerance to people whom you are assuming are younger than you. That makes you a complete hypocrite.

What also makes you a hypocrite is that you say “don’t tell you me to do”, then in the same post tell them what to do “Get over it, move on”.


He is younger than me… and he was telling me what to do… mate of yours?

It’s a shame blizz takes the lazy route of turning characters gay and forcing them into a relationship out of the blue simply for the sake of “muh inclusivity”.

What’s more of a shame is the fact that people eat it up as something amazing and great and people who voice their opinion on it are labeled homophobes and introlerant on the spot even if they have nothing against gays but instead the way they’re brought up and/or introduced.

It’s lazy and dull, it shows they don’t care to bring in new characters that were gay from the beginning.Introduce new characters that were gay from the start and less people would care and there’d be less “drama” about it.

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Yes my age is accurate, however you have failed to even atempt to enter this pissing contest.

As if you are worth it.

For someone accusing people of just “assuming” stuff you have already misraced me, probably misgendered (no, not probably read down a few posts) me and assumed i would doxx you.

Get woke, go broke.

Tell that to the pitchfork crowd, over the First Night Warrior.

The drama is actually being created by the folks who don’t like LGBT and are desperate to find a justification for complaining about LGBT, while claiming if only it was the ‘right kind’ of LGBT, then they would withdraw their objections and welcome it.
Which is of course, absolute nonsense…they would simply come up with new objections… these hoop jumping demands, are very, very old school conservative politics.

Reminds me of the conservative pitchfork crowd going after Thunberg… told her not to fly to the US, if she was an environmentalist… so, she took a sailing boat… utterly predictably the pitchfork crowd immediately refocused the attack and said the sailing boat was too posh… /yawn.

Blizz cannot in fact introduce any diversity, without an attack being launched… because there will always be a reason, why conservatives feel it’s not the right way to do it… because they do not like it and never will.

So crack on, Blizz… because you cannot please conservatives unless you turn the clock back to the 1950s… or possibly the 1700s, with less smallpox.

Are you ignoring me now ?

Dont tell me that your code of chivalry prevents you to talk back to me now that you know im neither white not male. Dont worry i wont tell Tweeter, but if you start simping now i just might send some feet pics.

Also the only one driving a narative here is you, people have told you time and time again that its not about the “gay thing” its becasue of the “divercity quota”, yet you are too stuck in your little tweeter world logic that if you do not agree that every woman is kween, every person of color is a saint and everyone is secretly gay/bi/goat then you are a biggot.

Also also you should reroll your race.


When i was playing the game.
I was like… humm those two would make a great couple.
Flynn was the more, gay one, of both of them. I was like yeah i could see this happen.

But saying they are ruined now?

Are the blood elf and the Nightborne also ruined now as they are a couple?

They make a great couple.

No thanks, don’t flatter yourself… No quarter in the debating arena, regardless…but you knew that, kid.

Nah, the Floof stays.

Oh was this a debate ? I tough you were just reading from your tweets, I mean one cannot be this dense without the help of atleast 13 outraged 3rd wave feminists.

For it to be a debate you actually have to say stuff different than “homophobe” and “fragile masculinity” or atleast provide some argumentation behind them.

Before you flex on me with your car, I will concede however mine is junk.

Soldiers have a duty to decline orders when they’re against the law, human rights, or similar.

Terrible analogy. Christie Golden willingly ruins these stories, nobody is putting a gun against her head and tells her to write as badly as she does.

Have you ever thought that politics should be kept out of the game and that Blizzard should try to cater to both sides of the society, not just one?

This ignorant girl actually had to go back to school and thankfully she did.

Like a typical limousine liberal, she took an expensive boat. But then she’s privileged.

That’s why they shouldn’t try to do it :slight_smile:

Just return back 20 years ago, the world was sane back then.