This matter should be brought at the attention of the Devs.
We are trying to do that here, by forum, and on reddit too.
If you experienced this and/or know someone who did, please join your voice to ours here:
Why there is no IN-GAME WARNING before you take “Grim Tidings” quest from Zekhan in order to remain loyal to WARCHIEF ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
I got the quest without knowing about the path I chose and once I found out (When I got “Warrior’s Death” quest), I deleted “Warrior’s Death” quest right away but it seems that doesn’t change anything!
Soi repeat my question again!
Why there is no IN-GAME WARNING before you take “Grim Tidings” quest from Zekhan in order to remain loyal to WARCHIEF ?!?!…
Okay, so I would like to clearly say, in case anyone needs to tell me xD It was entirely my fault that I didn’t read the full quest, and entirely missed the speech bubble with “I will not betray my queen” thus sending me back to Sylvanas and that would have been that.
Instead, I clicked on whatever that troll dude said, and bobs your uncle I’m going to defend Saurfang, but I’m not; as I fully intend to never finish this quest now on my main…
But the thing confusing me is, on my main when I cl…
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