Defend Saurfang?

Think Puny was talking to me. But well lol :slight_smile:

Merry christmas!

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:blush: #tencharacters.

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Guys! It’s Christmas eve, a time for harmony and good will between all humans, elves, draenei, undead, worgens, taurens, orcs, trolls, gnomes and dwarves (feel I’m forgetting a race here) let’s all be friends, drink and be merry :champagne:


Well Merry Christmas to you all and have an awesome next year :smiley:.


This matter should be brought at the attention of the Devs.
We are trying to do that here, by forum, and on reddit too.
If you experienced this and/or know someone who did, please join your voice to ours here:

Just leave a reply or a like.
The important thing is to keep the topic hot.


Oh you’re so easily bought :rofl::rofl::rofl:

That post gave me a great laugh.

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I collect most things, mounts, pets, toys etc.

I’m not going to miss out because blizzard decided to gate it behind a decision they want to push me towards :wink:

I often explore different options on alts to see what could have been. My main gets to make the choice I want and then I get to see the others.

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Obviously. Wouldn’t be any option to choose sides otherwise.
I’m convinced the put that in there precisely because Sylvanas has so many fans. For reasons I can’t understand. I liked her character up until Wrath of the Lich King.


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Antoher post to be louder:

Please, if you are interested in fixing this choice, join your voice too! Just leave a reply and a like!

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shh or you’ll get collared again lufus! :stuck_out_tongue:

The argument “you follow Sylvanas just cause she’s a sexy chick” has really got to my nerves.

Keep in mind that I’m alliance so I didn’t choose, but if I could, I’d choose Sylvanas. And I don’t really care if she’s female, elf, naked or whatever, she could really be anything, even a ugly moustached old man but I’d still follow him/her cause I’m so bloody tired of the same story all over again.

We already have Disney for this boring kind of stories. Let Warcraft try to be something else, something really interesting to follow. Just for once atleast.


My words here. Follow, like, reply if you are interested in the cause.


Please everyone make like and reply in all similar threads.
Developers must give us answer.

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Jesus no .

This is why you sylvie fanbois can’t be taken seriously. Getting so worked up over a game.


So the invasion of Azeroth involved no casualties among non-combatants now? Every settlement between the blasted lands and stormwinds? Civilians in stormwind itself when it fell?

Was that a good war? Saurfang fought in that one.

Let’s see, was it a war for survival? Yes, just not for his side. Was it a war of defense? Again yes, and again not for his side. Glory if challenged? Glory maybe, but not challenged.

If Saurfang was how he is being portrayed, he would have tried to take down Gul’dan. He did not.


Saurfang is a traitor to the horde and doing the business of Anduin.

Remember, he gleefully laid the plan to invade Darkshore, but chickened out at the last moment.


Oh and you can be taken seriously by calling us fanbois and saying sylvie ?

Why do you even care about my complaint if you’re so normal yourself?

I chose something i didn’t want to, because of the confusing questline. I complained to support and they didn’t respond properly. So i’m complaining here in hopes of more devs seeing people like me and realizing that this choice should have been made more obvious.

Such a shame that people like you are what i have to look forward while playing this game. Narrow minded and rude to others, simply because you want to choose something else in the game.


One of Game-Master told me the following so please, Everyone do it. Maybe this method works.

Game-Master: I know how important the game is to you, its very important to me as well as a gamer, so please do get your voice heard by using the ingame suggestion tool.

@DEVELOPERS. The community demands a change and an answer! Step out and be responsible for what you did!