Defias WPvP Revival

I joined WPvP late in Legion on Defias, missed the good ol’ days! So my view of WPvP is perhaps more positive, because I can’t miss those ol’ days since I wan’t there - all I know is killing randoms or individuals on my KoS list, fun to me.

But I always want more - and it would be great if the WPvP community can (re)grow on Defias. I was on Defias at start of BfA, but left because RP shards seemed too quiet. Tempting to move back. I find normal WM shards more active, but if there’s community on RP shards, could be good. Not sure if I want to join a guild or form my own, but need to settle on one realm, I have been moving around looking for ‘the right place’.

I’m noticing a lot of negativity about War Mode in various threads though. Ofc opinions are fine. But to build community, and draw new and old players in, seems like focusing on positives would help with recruitment.

I made a list of WPvP guilds for anyone interested, be good to add to the list! I’m including guilds that are at least partly WPvP. And here’s my idea for WM shard guild wars… a challenge I know. There must be conflict!

I’m also interested in joining or forming a WPvP guild on a Classic PvP realm. I know, there is a likelihood of an initial interest in WPvP at start of Classic that dies down. Will be interesting to see how it pans out. But those core that love WPvP are prob gonna be there anyway. I’ll be in both BfA and Classic for sure, killing Horde, hopefully in a WPvP guild :slight_smile:

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