Defile looks awful and covers the swirlies and other ground spells

Died a couple of times earlier to defile, neltharus I think with orange swirls totally convered! It’s fun

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+1 DK who has the same complaint. You can barely see a lot of the mechanics if you use Defile or even DnD, it’s reallyannoying.


Impossible for devs to foresee this problem, notice it in beta, fix it beta when reported multiple times or fix it months after its gone live.

simply impossible.

Just turn off visual effect, make it default with status effect by talant

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I think the most disgusting experience is sanguine and defile overlapping… :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:

I swear they share the exact same texture, with the only difference being the colour…

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I haven’t played in awhile, especially M+, but from what I have seen on the leaderboards DKs are not played too much anyway these days. Maybe they will have something in the works which will either replace defile or make it redundant. fingers crossed


for sure they don’t. DK have less utility, less dmg than everyone else, and even can’t see aoe underfoot. We rework rune for mage, cause it’s force they stay in one position, they said. Defile just show, how everyone don’t care about DK.


Yea, time to quit until 3 months into the last patch of the expansion and waiting for new one if there is not an overhall of the class in the upcoming major patches.


overall dk class needs rework. most of mechanics and spells are old and clunky

dk is not funny anymore. even with high numbers


Be careful what you wish for.

Unholy is terribly clunky, but so are a lot of the specs/classes in dragonflight.

It feels like the devs have become obsessed with plate spinning ‘rotations’ and at least we’re not that


I do see what you mean, though I have the impression this affects spell caster classes more over melee? I don’t seem to struggle to play rogue, monk or enhancement shaman, let alone warrior, though I do find that mages and ele shaman need a freaking phd to get right sometimes.

I second that… I’m not complaining about damage or anything like that, we’ve been to tier in raids for a long time, but the spec just feels so unrewarding and clunky… Also, the thing that bugs me the most is the huge rng crit element of gargoyle… Got that WA that tracks our RP spent /crit rates etc, and seriously the damage disparity sometimes it’s ridiculous!! 480% increase but 0 crits, so just about 2.5 mil damage then sometimes 390% increase but 6 crits so the damn thing does nearly 4mil!!! Literally I played worse but did better because of rng…

Back to subject at hand though… FIX DEFILE PLZ BLIZZ, this has been the most popular entry on the rather dead forum of death knights for the whole season.

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I dislike a lot the lack of diversity. Having to play THAT spec because nothing else comes near it by lightyears away. I know this is a general thing applying to all classes, but in DK it’s so obvious it’s not fun. They need to make talents ACTUALLY feel competitive and meaningful and stop bsing the community with filler talents and spells. Blizz definition of talent build diversity is 1-3 points spent somewhere else and those talents affecting quality of life, not damage.

Maybe we need start topic in general with defile problem? At first we’re melee, but can’t follow mobs cause we lose our defile effect (not only mastery, but also cleave). In same time tanks can’t see where we must stay. And main problem, we can’t see ground effects under defile. And bring back clawing shadows in M+, cause we have worse mobility in this game. Probably same as priests. Even rune of power was reworked, cause it’s too hard for poor rdd to stay in one place.

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the defile issue was reported in beta and many time since. bliz has done nothing.

doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity.

as loyal players we deserve far better, but our choices are clearly: suck it up, play another spec/class (id suggest rdps) or quit.

i remember when defile did actual okay damage back in legion, ontop of its massive utlity and damage buffs

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I’m sure it’s not an easy problem to resolve in the way Blizzard likes things to be done. They want a unique visual for defile and the zerg creep look it has going on feels fittingly plaguey. I don’t begrudge whoever first made it.

But WoW has always had a problem with mechanics getting covered up whether that’s by our abilities or a slight elevation change in the terrain or a carpet. Even without that mechanical readability isn’t always great. How large exactly is that swirlee? How long before it goes off? Why is it the same colour as everything else in this dungeon?

I don’t get the impression the WoW team compromises on their artistic vision very often. A change ABSOLUTELY needs to made to the ability or it simply needs to be retired. Properly fixing the visibility problem might be a complicated endeavor that takes a lot of time sure. A glyph in the meantime would be a great bandaid solution but somehow the WoW team feels too proud to me to do something like that.

So what I will ask for instead is just. Nerf Defile. Get rid of the mastery and give it to Unholy Pact or whatever so we can continue ignoring the problem.

render defile under the floor effects

render the floor effects on top of defile

and we could see floor effects

make it look like the “defile grey goo” there is in Lich king heroic fight looked mega uber cool imo :slight_smile: the dk animation look like trash.

it’s not about colour. It’s about position. Defile hide every effect under it. Like fire at first boss in Uldaman. With uptime 70%+ it’s pretty dangerous

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