The mechanics of flying in WoW are basically the same as the ones they use for swimming, except you move faster and in the air. I don’t think they do flying particularly well at all. I’d describe it as static; there’s no challenge to it. You can suspend yourself in the air forever. It’s perhaps the extent of what the engine is capable of.
The reason Blizzard doesn’t want flying is because it does not fit their vision for the game. From an article from Polygon, 2015:
Initially Blizzard expected to patch in flying at some point, but now it has changed its mind.
“Having looked at how flying has played out in the old world in the last couple of expansions, we realized that while we were doing it out of this ingrained habit after we introduced flying in The Burning Crusade , it actually detracted from gameplay in a whole lot of ways,” Hazzikostas explains. “While there was certainly convenience in being able to completely explore the world in three dimensions, that also came at the expense of gameplay like targeted exploration, like trying to figure out what’s in that cave on top of a hill and how do I get up there.”
Take Mount Neverest from Mists of Pandaria. The quest where you scale that mountain was, in my opinion, pretty fun! If I could have flown to the top of it with a flying mount that experience would have been nil. This is, perhaps, the “immersion” the OP talked about.
And still MOP had flying available from the max level and it did not prevent us for enjoying this quest right?
When it comes to article you linked, honestly i don’t put much weight on Ion Fuzzyhats devsplaining. He could make that cave in the hill to be challenge to get to even using flying mounts if he wanted to.
They turned the prerequisite for flying into a long, gruelling achievement-chain, keeping those wallets hooked to their subscriptions. Which was a pretty clever idea, though I was not a fan of it. Honestly, I would rather see it be something you purchase at end game. That does not mean I want flying, just that their model of unlocking flying is a bit cynical.
Devsplaining? That was a new one. Still, it is the answer to your question. Why does Blizzard not include flying from the get-go? Because they don’t want to.
They didnt though the damage was already done and hardly anyone came back when the flying patch came in ,to little to late was the phrase most used back then.
No its to meet in the middle with players or so they think ,a year on the ground when you have explored every nook and cranny already is not immersion .
I know its been used alot but you dont have to use your flying mount its your choice .
The screen shots you can take from the air with goblin gliders and DH glide are really something to look at .
They should go back to the way of how they designed flying in TBC was nigh on perfect after people through classic ASK AND WANTED flying .
We play a fantasy game with dragons there’s a hint they dont stay on the ground.
That term was invented in removing portal threads while ago and i find it so hilarious i just had to use it when i had the chance Don’t take it too heavily.
I also agree they should not have flying behind long grindy achievement for very reasons you said. I can also totally undestand if someone doesn’t like flying. Personally i love it, not for convenience reasons so much than feeling it gives to me. I just love soaring trough skies!
Do you have a source on that? I know the numbers of subscribers have been dipping, but I don’t think you can accredit that trend to the lack of flying alone. From my own observations, what people hated the most about WoD was not the lack of flying but the Garrisons, but I didn’t play much back then.
Whenever a developer does something they will be met with resistance and threats of boycotts. Usually it’s just hot air from passionate players.
Well, then I’m glad for you because this thread is not going to stop the implementation of flying regardless of how some of us feel. Like many have already pointed out, we’re probably in the minority. That doesn’t mean it’s not a topic worth discussing, though.
Did you not read what i said WoD lost 100’s of THOUSANDS of players due to the no flying thats not hot air and excuse me for being a little annoyed to be brushed off by your attitude.
Im done replying to you the facts are out there .
I think dipping subs is combination of different things. I think Cataclysm was start of that with changing the whole old world. While what they did was pretty nice it same time removed all the old things people had grown to get used to and love. So Cataclysm sort of mentally separated players from game they used to play, if you know what i mean. Old bonds were broken and for some new ones did not form.
Going onward Pandaria, while being againt nice content, was very “unwowlike” (if that is even a word) and that could have alienated more people. Watering down professions slowly but surely took lot of interesting things out of the game (thinking of gemming, glyphs, weapon chains, enchants to all slots) and in wod the way professions were simplified and made time gated (gain item every day from your profession hut to make something later instead of grinding hard to get mats from around the world on your own pace). We also lost old talents trees in some point which again simplified the game.
At the time of the wod many interesting aspects of the game were gone or watered down and replaced with the time gated “click button and wait for the next day” kind of crap. That time they first wanted to totally take away flying but caved in with pathfinder system when people got really angry about it.
So no, i don’t think removing flying alone is reason for dipping subs, i think it is combination of many things (that some i listed there). But i do believe that bringing back flying from max level with no hoops to jump trough would be good step to start to improve game again.
How about making flying part of world pvp? Add some fighting skills for different flying mounts (depending what it is, like dragons would spit fire, rockets have missiles, helicopters would have machine guns etc) so you can also fight on the sky at least to chase someone and drop them down. Add airdefence turrets to main hubs so people could defend their cities and villages from air attacks. Heck, add warning sirens that start howling when enemy aproaches the hub from the sky.
On serious note, i don’t do world pvp but i would 100% do it if such system i said would be in game. There would be no horde/alliance/scourge staying on the sky on the hub i am guarding!
How about no? How about just stay on the ground no flying and just gank the living hell out of people just like the good old days in Tarren Mill or Burning Steppes. The Blackrock Moutain was a great place to gank or be ganked. I remember priests sitting on the chains MC’ing people and drop them in the lava. Later on we had Hellfire Citadel where many lives have been taken. But after 70… it all went downhill :(.