Delay flying until 9.0

I am sorry to be like this but.

I hate with all my hearth and soul people like you and people from blizzard that delay flying just because they feel like it or for some personal reason.

What about those that just want to fly?
The expansion is already dead, explored, with everything possible done so the aim of doing stuff without flying is achieved.

Doing pathfinder is the bigges sadistic joke ever since it only gives you hope to somethinc that eventualy will happen but at the end of expansion where there is no more interest in doing anything and the rest of things start to be obtained easly as a catchup for alts but not good for new players or those that slack while the others Ɵpend time and soul to be up to date with all.

When blizzard will focus to make the game alt friendly and by that i mean once you have done something on one character never repeat it on alts but ofc that would mean less time spent in game.

Bottom line is that flying will never be the same and enjoyable during the expansion because of blizzard and those that whine not to. Hope you guys have fun while others dont cuz thats jow this game works dont like it dont play it. Should be the moto of the game.

Also those vanilla wanna be and fans should focus to make the upcoming remaster of a game instead of ruining the present game.

I also regret that some of the people dont have the guts to stop playing for 1 day or at least stop the subs or just unsub for a month to send the message that without us there is no game. But then again we come to our favorite phrase “dont like it dont play it” so i am glad i have left under 2 months of sub cus i was one of those that payed for that mount.

Sorry for the off topics and thank you very much for reading this if you did.


Perhaps flying but with a cooldown and/or cast time attached to it? Make it so you use you flying mount for long distance travel and your ground mount for shorter trips around the questing zone.

But again, that’s restricting flying when there is simply no need just to appease a few who for some reason, want to inhibit others enjoying this aspect of the game.

People don’t have to fly if they don’t want to. That really is all there is to it - and yes I realise that’s my opinion, but I really can’t see any other way of trying to get people to understand this.

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not everyone and everything is about pvp weak excuse .

they never said that they said they dont want us skipping there work fair comment and you are lie’ing .

We are talking about WoW and you keep dragging GW2 two totally different games and concepts please focus on wow only thanks .

Oh you mean like the dailies in MoP :thinking: or DMF :thinking:

I rather you didnt come back to the thread at all because you have no clue about what you are saying imho .


The arguments about scenery are largely null and void because they only apply to your first char anyway because alts can buy the map with all the FPs.

FPs plus 5 min whistle plus short HS (9 min with research and guild) means generally you aren’t travelling a lot anyway, most of your time travelling is just 1 to 2 mins to get from FP to WQ location. Then it’s whistle and FP to next one, alt tabbing for a min. How is this exploring the land?

To me restricting flying whilst adding a flight masters whistle shows the reason can’t be about exploring because both are shortcut mechanics for travel. So blizz want us to skip it in certain amounts, but not fully as we choose? That’s simply incoherent.

Flying should be unlockable with an achi you can earn from release of expo. Make it take time (like exalted all major reps plus explore plus story quests) but for the love of all things holy make it available from the start. People who want to admire the zone will still do so, just because someone can fly, doesn’t mean they will. Conversely just because someone can’t fly, doesn’t mean they’ll appreciate the zone.

Thats like assuming forcing your kid to only have the option of carrots will make them prefer carrots to potatoes. No. That’s not how it works. In fact, it may just make them sick of carrots altogether and prefer to go without.


I agree. The whole experience of Zul’Dazar has been rather linear. The first time around it was okay because the zones were pretty and the narrative was compelling enough, but it was already starting to be grating the second time around. I’ve not done a third. The world design could have been better but I do not believe flying would improve things because flying undermines the experience in other ways. If the content isn’t fun then it doesn’t matter how convenient it is to get to it, it’s still not going to be fun. The developers have failed to make the world meaningful. Adding flying would not be a fix, it would merely be a bandaid on a much more deep-rooted problem.

I figured someone was going to call me out on this and you are right. All I can say is that the glider is simply better designed than flying in World of Warcraft. It altered the player’s mobility in a way that complemented the world, it didn’t undermine it. In certain areas the glider could be used for convenience, but in other areas attempting to use it for convenience could result in death. You wouldn’t use it without considering the terrain first. If WoW could make flying engaging in such a way I would be all for it.

That’s actually not completely untrue. Take the old MMO Star Wars Galaxies; in that game you had to wait for shuttles at space ports and it could take minutes for them to arrive. That might not sound like compelling gameplay, but it certainly reinforces the feeling of a world with rules that you have to abide to. There was no technological limitation that caused these shuttles to be so slow; it was a conscious design decision with a very specific purpose in mind.

Waiting for these shuttles alone could be boring, but if someone else was there you would most likely chat with them. If they could zip around the map, unseen in the air or with convenient inventory items, they would never have had that chance to speak with you. That was the beauty of MMOs in the past. Today, you rarely have the chance to talk with someone new because everyone is too busy minding their own business, and the quest design is so easy that people don’t really have to team up to do them.

If I understand you correctly, you are saying that Blizzard never said they don’t want flying? I even provided a link in a previous post:

Direct quote from the article:

“The world feels larger, feels more dangerous,” he says. “There’s more room for exploration, for secrets, for discovery and overall immersion in the world. At this point, we feel that outdoor gameplay in World of Warcraft is ultimately better without flying. We’re not going to be reintroducing the ability to fly in Draenor, and that’s kind of where we’re at going forward.”

That is from the mouth of the game director. Am I wrong for agreeing with him?

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You are not wrong in agreeing because this is very much matter of opinion and preference. I would like to point out though that they got so much crap on their necks from that very thing you linked (it is from time when they said they wont be adding flying at all) and people quitting the game, that they actually desided to add the flying after all and there pathfinder was born. I guess it was sort of “sure i am returning your hat but i am gonna spit in it first” kind of compromise :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. But yeah they changed their mind after that article and how it was received. It is very much possible that they still go some days into broomcloset and whisper to themselves “We will take out flying” but i doubt they will try to say it outloud to players or try to do it anymore again after how the first attempt went. :smile:


Yes you are, he even had to reverse that so flying got implemented because he was wrong

people quitting equals less backdrop scenery, so it makes no sense to force it, since they will be gone anyway

dead factions dead servers less players, only makes more people quit, which means it will ultimately be worse for the non fly crowd as a result, and then its too late


Exactly. I would not have been among those that did rebel against that choice because I agree with him.

No. They may have underestimated just how much their playerbase wanted flying mounts but that does not automatically mean that their assessment was wrong.

Take Darkshore, for example. They gave it a cool new skybox and peppered it with world quests and rare mobs. You fly from one quest/rare spawn to the next and you don’t really bother with the terrain at all. What if they had given some purpose to the terrain? For instance, the coursing rivers could pose a risk for players; by falling into one you could be whisked away. Instead they remain static, because what’s the point of developing them if people will just fly over anyway?

People can fly in the areas of the warfronts. Do you prefer to do world quests in the old world? Is flying in Darkshore fun, or merely convenient? Can Darkshore be called fun at all? As I see it, Darkshore is a giant lootbox where people go to get their Skinner’s box tic satisfied. I can’t find any real meaning to it, outside of the quests for the lore.

Imo if the playerbase want something that blizzard don’t want to give them, then they are wrong, and by that I mean when it is a huge portion of the playerbase, like the flying debaucle we had in WoD when they announced no flying ever again

especially looking at how subs ever since have dwindled down, flying could be one of the major reasons for that, since it had a major outcry during WoD
 but hey its blizzard, they don’t listen

But they don’t even do that in BfA ??? rivers being dangerous
 why did you even bring that up? since blizzard don’t do that, unless you are talking about the current when the water drop down? but that’s not risky
 only makes you ride back up for a little extra time used ‘time again’, btw I have never falled down from a river doing that

its more fun and less time wasted traveling

the WQ’s where you cant fly is also just 1 giant lootbox as you call it, but it just takes more time, its the ONLY difference

btw did you know blizzard measures fun in how much time you use ingame ?
Time time time

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I was one of the many who unsubbed after that announcement. They also refunded my Mystic Runesaber because they advertised it flying in Shadowmoon Valley in Draenor, which was false advertising.

I can only conclude that there were so many of us unsubbing that they had to u-turn. I agree that I don’t think we’ll see them trying to remove flying again. I don’t enjoy them grounding us for as long as they do but it’s not like we get any choice. :slight_smile:


If “the playerbase” wants something? How do you measure what the “playerbase” wants? The playerbase is not one body that is always in consensus. Also, WoW is not a democracy, it’s a business product. The developers will sometimes make decisions for economical reasons. If anything, WoW is crumbling under its own popularity; it’s impossible for them to make everyone happy. It’s also a very old game. Anyone can take an aspect of WoW they don’t like, find some support for it and say “WoW is dying because of this.” I’ve argued with people saying that the change to the global cooldown is the reason WoW is dying, not taking into account that WoW has technically been “dying” since Cataclysm.

The developers may not always make the best decisions, but regardless of what they do you will always find someone who approves of it and someone who disapproves of it. That does not mean that the person standing on the side with the most approval is automatically correct.

Actually, they do. At least at the mouths of the waterfalls in Zuldazar; if you fall into them they eject you quite hard. I can’t remember if the entirety of the river pushes you. If they do, it is not with the same force as at the mouth of the waterfall. Also, the rivers in Highmountain would also push players, though it was quite gently. It’s a minor thing, but I really approve of stuff like that.

I brought it up as an example. I think Darkshore has some of the most interesting terrain in the game but it’s not utilized at all. Just because I don’t want flying doesn’t mean I think that Blizzard’s world design is perfect. Far from it. Zandalar and Kul Tiras both look pretty but they’re really boring. I want them to make the world more dynamic and have content that is meaningful, and in my view (and Blizzard’s, if they still think the way they did in that article) flying stands in the way of that. Their compromise is sure to keep both camps tepid, though.

Hmm so its not used at all during the Battle For Darkshore event :thinking:

We have had flying in many expansions from max level, if it was detrimental to the game, it would already have been obvious, but instead it was a huge success, if talking subs

Considering that the DEVS had to do a U-turn on no flying ever again shows that something happened the devs could not ignore, as in players wants flying

instead of giving the players flying back we got a pathfinder, and made it so you cant fly for most of the expansion, almost first after it is over, so the devs achieved their no flying after all, but subs/players seems to quit more than before, is it because the expansion is worse than other expansions? or is it a combination of no flying and other stuff ?

anyone that was in the ‘no fly’ crowd would have quit long ago if they would quit at all, while the ‘pro flying’ crowd actually quit these days

so that’s how you measure what players wants, when blizzard don’t do what they said they wanted to do because of players quitting and uproar in the forums

so yeah
 devs were wrong, but didn’t give us flying back and it have gone downwards ever since

no real risk of anything dangerous as I said, only a minor setback to get back up, so no they don’t actually as I already explained.

Dropping down from a ‘waterfall’ only makes you land in water, no risk there

btw I do like that effect in the water, I have nothing against it, but it is in no way a risk, its just the world around us, flying or not.

hmm weird my avatar changed, ill try and get it back to what I usually post on

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I’m subbed now (well, not subbed - bought game time), but I haven’t bought BFA yet and not going to, till flying won’t be available. I also had been unsubbed from BFA release till new year, I guess. I’m currently playing some old content, like Cata, MOP and WOD, but as MOP and WOD contents suffered severe damage due to broken scaling, implemented in patch 7.3.5, I enjoy this content much less, than back in old days. That’s why I start to run out of content and will most likely stop playing in a nearest future.

There are several factors, why I need flying so much. Blizzard think they’re needed and enjoyed by majority of playerbase. They’re mostly about so called “challenge” and PVP, because immersion is very subjective and exploration phase ends pretty quick. Blizzard think, that forcing this two things - is great idea. What I think, is that this approach is counter-productive. I just need more relaxing and less stressful game. That’s why I don’t want to perform corpse runs on every corner. And that’s why I also don’t need PVP in any shape or form.

All this blah blah about flying ruining world PvP - Blizzard ruined that all by themselves and there wasnt a single flying mount in sight. Flying is what most humans - and I’m not talking about ingame humans either - dream about. Its the one thing that we’ll never be able to do and that feeling of freedom and soaring above is something we wont get to experience in the real world and to have just a small semblance of that ingame is a special thing

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Major reason for removal of flying - is combat mechanic. I clearly understand, that it’s very important. But it shouldn’t be overused either. Back in Vanilla density of mobs and respawn rates weren’t so high, that your route from point A to point B was completely blocked by large amount of mobs. What I want to say, is amount of mobs, you need to kill just to clear area around quest items - is perfectly enough. Especially when quest tells you to kill just 10-15 of them. Killing hundreds of constantly respawning mobs just to get from point A to point B - is way too exceeding work for me. Yeah, I understand, that without it some quests become trivial. Tillers dailies for example. With flying and some degree of luck this quests can take just a few minutes to complete. But in this case, does forcing players to go around mountain and kill 100500 mobs on their way actually add something interesting to their gaming experience? I don’t think so. Blizzard should make more content - not stretch existing one.

Open world isn’t dungeon, where you have strait corridor, you need to clear, with several bosses in a middle. At least mobs don’t respawn in dungeons, so you don’t have to kill them over, over and over again, completing 400-500% of what quest ask you to do. Open world imply options.

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Not adding flying till 9.0 would likely be the last nail in the coffin for BFA, I’m already finding it tedious to get to places by taxi and ground mount painful, just getting around Zuldazar for Horde is painful due to is design (no way as bad on the Alliance side)

I like flying it makes getting to what I want to do easier, it makes my enjoyment of WOW more fulfilling (I don’t PVP) but not having flying currently makes me get bored and log out more often now, especially with the tedium of WQs.

I just don’t feel like any of the current zones are properly designed for flying. It will just ruin the immersion of it. When flying came to Legion, Suramar died as a immersive experience. It was so fun to run around the city and seeing dozens of others running through it. But then came flying and it felt so empty. People would fly down to do one thing and then in flash they’re gone.

I wouldn’t care if they add flying to BfA, but the zones need to be designed for flying for me to actually enjoy it. I haven’t played Wrath or BC but flying in Northrend and Outland are the only times where I feel like it’s part of the immersion. Gigantic buildings, long landscapes. That’s much better for flying. Everywhere else it just feels like wrong.

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Noone miss the point. ‘‘you don’t have to fly’’ is as meaningless as ‘‘you don’t have to use IWIN button’’. People will go for the easiest way, so game should not allow too much convenience in the first place. It has nothing to do with we prevent others from flying while ‘flying lovers’ are generous enough to let us keep using our ground mounts.

‘Players who love flying’’ isn’t a thing and meaningless because everyone love flying. But yours isn’t about loving flying. You may say;
‘players who love to skip the content’,
‘players who hate the content’,
‘players who are bored of the game’,
‘players who want to get all very quickly’
‘people who love to avoid all aggro in open world’

Those ‘‘flying lovers’’ most likely find other things in game as tedious, boring chores too. This is a knowwhentoquit issue, those people need to uninstall the game asap, not for a break but for good. Flying isn’t a cure to that boredom.