Delay flying until 9.0

Congratz. Ur the target audience.

And many others i guess

Delay only Juicyx’s ability to fly until 9.0.

Let’s see how that works.

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I can think of 3 ‘precision puzzles’ on timeless isle, which is a 1 time event for 1 char and that’s it… a weak argument for non flying for that little thing on timeless isle

That bridge could be crossed over with goblin gliders, that you can buy for timeless coins, you glide to the hill just across and ride up from there, besides that, you can cross if after you did the whole legendary ring quest line, so no flying did not stop you from crossing over, btw the brige was not a challenge to get across, what exactly would the challenge be? either you used gliders or legendary ring or you did not cross over

I stand by what I said before, it would not have had a huge impact on that zone, blizzard could have made an achieve, collect so many treasures and get rep with shao something, and you can fly, after you had done that, you would have solved the puzzles you worry so much about?, btw they were not hard to do for me.

those puzzles were actually so uninteresting for me that I didn’t do them on some of my alts, especially the one were I had to linedance on 2 lines to get to the treasure, that I avoided on most alts, not that it was hard, just too much time used for a small treasure, I did goblin glide to it on a few alts tho… yup really hard… or not

Okay, it may have been a mistake on my part to say “huge impact”. Let’s just say impact and then we can agree to disagree on its size, but the point remains: it did have an impact. With flight disabled the developers can take certain liberties that would otherwise be denied to them, such as having a broken bridge serve as a barrier until a certain condition has been met.

The bridge didn’t even work as a barrier, all could get over on the other side, 1 or 2 talents could get you over as well ‘mages slow fall’ is 1 that did work but was harder to time the jump.

I still believe blizzard is wrong in denying us flying for so long, im sure its a ‘big?’ reason for players to quit, less players in the game makes more quit, some could have been friends to quitters, some just being on an even more dead server and so many more possibilities why players quit caused from no flying


I get what you mean with this, but in my opinion it does not have to be limited to non flying. With flying they could for example do areas where floor is lava and seaguls have bazookas. Or 3D aerial puzzles with poison clouds and nets dropping from the enemy flying above. Areas with heavy winds and storms and tornadoes. Areas with such a thick snowstorm you can fly but got no clue where you are (even minimap frozen unvisible). Nightflying where you cannot really see what is under you but you have to use map to find your way… options are endless and flying just brings MORE options to make puzzles because it adds extra way to move.

edit: that bridge was not barrier, it was just backdrop for the high part where you were able to go with bird.


or just make it even more simple, have puzzles inside a few caves :slight_smile:


Hah i was gonna add there that still could have land binded puzzles but have then in caves. :smiley:

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what I personally would like would be a hard puzzle with risk of dying from failure, but with a better reward than ‘crap’


No… there are flying mounts, both in game and in the Blizz store… so, NO!

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I’ve got WM off…

It’s soooo beautiful the landscape from above.

Same as above.

Why? Isn’t that the same with ground mounts if not worse?

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Flying is the only reason why I do any content on my alts.


Please don’t

I always failed to see how flying ruins immersion.
As for flying or not, I don’t care.

The solution is obvious:

no flying with war mode on but flying if you do not have war mode (as you would not be pvping either way with it off).

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I’ll take issue with the OP’s comment that flying ruins the devs work.

The problem here is lazy devs, they KNOW that we have flying, they KNOW that we have mounts that water walk, so why did they ignore these facts when designing the world ?

I call it lazy because with ab it of thought and creativity on behalf of the devs they could design a world that accommodates these factors. Instead they ignore them and then have to dream up something to take account of them anyway and usually end up annoying and upsetting the player base and it’s ALL THEIR FAULT for being lazy in the first place.

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WHAT world pvp?
This is a reoccurring argument i keep on hearing, yet most people’s experience with world pvp is having a 40 man raid farm them at a fp, spawn point, gy or near important wq and q locations.

See if the sharding scripts that rule the realms and servers would actually bother to pit 40 man raids against eachother it’d be possible to argue your point to some extent, however wpvp was, is and will be a trash experience revolving around larger groups farming smaller or individual players.

Or is the issue more revolving around the fact that with flight, people would be much more efficient with their farming?
Not sure, but one way or another, world pvp is an imbalanced trash experience.
No chance at 1v1 unless you play a stealth class and the remainder outside of that will be nothing more than being ganked.

You would be more successful at making the argument that flying shouldnt have existed in the first place cause it broke world exploration and a million other things, alongside immersion, and the irony is that blizzard would agree with you on that note. Actually… so would i.

However the pvp argument wont fly. No pun intended. It just wont.

People turning Warmode off is already a big enough problem. Don’t need to make it worse.

They are turning it off because they are PvEers trying to get that almost nothing 10% bonus from war mode not because they dont like war mode, they should not even be on a pvp server in the first place nevermind being to constantly switch.