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I know what you mean,

but if you visit telogrus, you will see High elf and Blood elf people who are interested in the void. Locus walker even says he was shocked to see Alleria’s bretheren wanting to follow her path, as he is standing in front of them.

This, paired with the natural skin colors void elves got, indicates that the void elves who faced the accident are not the only playable void elves.

which makes sense, as Blizzard called Umbric’s group a elite, meaning they are even far more lower than the high elves population wise and need to recruit


I’d say this is a pretty similar to the whole generations of death knights. All are death knights, but quite different.

Here are some transmog ideas for OP.

its by someone on youtube, not mine


watch the whole video. this is all from in-game lore, just skip the intro


And that won’t be hairstyles much to your dismay. There are already Void Elf NPCs with Blood Elf hairstyles. If you think that is just an arbitrary coincidence, then you are in denial.

Light and Fel eyes will be your distinction. So I don’t know, ask for hairstyles with Light tendrils or crystals floating around, rest assured Void Elves won’t get those options.

And how is that a problem exactly?

Nothing is being taken away from you.

Like there are quite a lot of people asking for Human customizations on Undead and you don’t see one single Alliance player screaming and pouting about it.

Well how about all Night Elf features are given to Nightborne, nothing in return though.

Night Elves get nothing in return, only Nightborne get ALL night elf features.
As you say, nothing is being taken from night elves, just that Nightborne get everything they have.

A few NPC’s who nobody cares about, doesn’t mean anything


Ma’am, I suggested myself to copy Night Elf customizations over to Nightborne. They desperately need more stuff and copying Night Elf aesthetics would be a fast and easy solution in the meantime.

Every single race should be distinct.

No more Blood Elf features for Void Elves.

Void Elves get more VOID and Old God based features - features that are ACTUALLY part of the race.
No need for anymore high elf features.

This is my Warrior and you can clearly see that hairstyles aren’t needed when wanting to be a High Elf:

It is 100% down to the player to be creative. If High Elf fans aren’t creative like me, then that’s their problem. Not mine.


This is me back on the Horde:

Let me know how I can get anything even remotely resembling it without losing my hairline, I’ll wait.


Play a Blood Elf if you want that hairstyle.

There’s no law to say you can’t have two hunters…

Right, so you concede the hairstyles are lacking then. At least for the males.


The answer is - play Blood Elf if you want that hairstyle.

Or have two Hunters.

It’s down to you, to be creative. If your not, then that’s your problem. Not Blizzard’s and not the Blood Elf fanbase’s.

So - now, you tell me how my Void Elf Warrior doesn’t look like a High Elf? I’ll gladly wait.

Imagine if blood elves actually made it their problem that void elves could have their hair styles. Wow players my holy god almighty.


Just like Alliance/Night Elf fans stating that Nightborne can’t have night elf features - especially when night elves get nothing in return.

It’s always the Horde fans that have to surrender to Alliance fans.

So why can’t Nightborne have all things Night Elf and Night Elves get nothing in return?

I’m not sure the Night Elves have anything left to give… :thinking:
But isn’t the Nightborne players main problem was, they not looked like Nightborne at all, instead looked like a Kaldorei…?

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What would you possibly want from the night elves?.. Their male models that look like they got crushed at their waist with their over proportionate long arms?.. The female model that cannot stop smiling except for that one face every night elf female uses?.. Sorry im letting my toxic get out here…

But to be fair… If you as a Nightborne made a case for Night elf customazastion I would react the same way as I am to this. Its a commonly known word around that the Nightborne are suffering in the customazastion department…

But in my opinion your already the upgrade compared to the night elves.

They do.

Pink hair, black eyes, golden eyes, red eyes, long hair styles - the list can go on and on.

Doesn’t matter.

Nightborne get all the features from Night Elves.
Night Elves get nothing in return

Maybe if we all agreed that more customazastion for all is an over all good thing that everybody enjoys… Instead of making it a give or take debate… Or almost like a war about who gets to get customazastion or not, We’d all be better off.

It is even stated in the OP that we are willing to share our own hairstyles with the Blood Elves, so it is not a one-sided trade. Acting like we are in some kind of competition with each other is just being petty.

No one would protest if Blood Elves were given other unique things like Void Elves have theirs. Different hairstyles are just a completely arbitrary way to distinguish from one another and makes no sense from a lore perspective.