Delete this

But you’re asking for a Horde race to come over to the alliance.

Sigh…… and she ignored everything I wrote again.

I give up at this point. I truely give up.

It’s the high elf debate all over again

I mean, the high elves can be argued.

But personally, I think copy and pasting Blood Elves and turning them into Goths was a bad way to do it.

They should have just done something unique.

Vulpera though… For the Horde!

Kiro’s Vulpera *

Meanwhile I’m going to booty bay to buy some more shirts from the neutral Vulpera there.

I will also visit the Vulpera in Kul Tiras.

Bye :wave:

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Nevermind this comment:

There are neutral Humans in the game aswell. But that doesn’t mean that humans should join the horde.

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They can if they want to. There is a Kul Tiran NPC walking around Ogrimmar, in case you missed him. He’s still there today.

I think your view of wow is that it should remain the same and have as much faction limitations as possible, and I understand that. Some people hate change

But as a roleplayer I would like things that would help in my roleplay, otherwise what’s the point of calling this game MMORPG. Same with the high elf debate of people arguing it’s a “horde” race, and yet when Blizzard finally added them, it helped roleplayers have a choice, have more of a identity that they want to build.

I can Roleplay a alliance or neutral Vulpera using the in-game toys, but 2 problems with that:

  1. They last for 1 hour
  2. You cannot choose customizations/ transmogs sometimes

It’s like Fiona from Shrek. By day a Vulpera, by night a Human :rofl: sounds like a curse

Whilst in reality, I’m having about 4 conversations all at the same time, in game and in various threads and it can get confusing…

Don’t let it put you off conversing with me. But I just feel OP’s suggestion isn’t the direction the game should take.

Because changes like this don’t affect just the player who is requesting it. It’ affects the entire player base.

But Roleplay is something accommodated by the game. It’s not the primary focus of the game.

yes you can argue “MMORPG”. But to many people RPG simply means I play a Mage in this game.

A small change like this might increase your enjoyment, but any change affects the entire player base.

I still don’t understand. How is my Vulpera individual, who happened to be neutral and now wants to fight with the alliance going to affect the whole player base?

Is a insecure orc scared of being ganked by a small fox in PVP?

Because they can’t just let 1 person switch sides like that.

It’s going to be a feature that allows you to choose.

Horde, you join Kiro’s Cravan

Alliance, you join the Alliance as Vulpera individuals who were previously neutral.

That’s how it works with the Dracthyr and Pandarens, in case you don’t know.

If Blizzard made Tauren rogues work, I’m sure you can imagine it would be easy to introduce this

And I bet when that happens, the game won’t be any different and you will look back at the “it will doom the game” comments and laugh, as the high elf haters did

It does feel different though.

Sure I wouldn’t stop playing. But it just makes the game not as good. It makes us feel more and more disappointed with the game.

It’s just not an important addition to the game, there are more things they should be concentrating one.

It seems important if you kept discussing and arguing about it with me for the past 5 hours.

Maybe to some, but not to others. There is a saying in wow “you can’t please everyone” the high elf debate was world war 3 on the forums and Reddit lol.

So surely it’s better to have a balanced game.

Sorry I fail to see what this is have to do with “balanced game”
If you truly belive letting the Vulpera - whos only a few number joined the Horde, not the Race, how the Pandaren of Pandaria have nothing to do with the Horde neither of the Alliance; they are neutral only a village or two helped one side or another, but the faction-alligned, playable Pandaren are from the Wandering Isle; followers of either of the Tushui or the Huojin Way - be like the Pandaren or the Dracthyr and chose will “ruin the game” or unbalance it, I have a birdge to sell you
The Vulpera are unique when it comes to the allied races; they are truly a Race not just a recolor of an existing one, in that regard they should be treated like the other races who started neutral, the Dracthyr and the Pandaren (and technically both of those are still neutral) - the other allied races are fine, tied to their “parent” race’s faction; Draenei–>Lightforged Draenei, Dwarf–>Dark Iron Dwarf, High Elves–>Void Elves (even tho’ the High Elves are not playable, still works), Gnome–>Mechagnome, Troll–yZandalari Troll, Tauren—>Highmountain Taruen; the Shal’dorei are an odd ball, but since the Blood Elves landed in the Horde, logical a quasi-similar race, that only different in colour of the skin basically, but went thrugh the same, lived behind a Shield (arcane shield and the Ban’dinoriel) in seclusion powered by fonts of magical power (Nightwell and Sunwell) and became addicted to magic to the point they wither in to zombies and could die from withrdrawal) , their tradition and nobility and arrogance are hardwired in to them AND had their own fair share of bad decisions when it come to the Legion and their leader Joined the Legion and had to be put down… well they particularly the “same” - would join Them (not the Horde perse, but the Blood Elves, see marriage and the Twin Kingdoms of Suramar and Quel’Thalas)
But back on topic, I fail to see how such an option would affect the balance of the game
If you mean using resurces to make it possible instead of balancing the game, the RP/Lore (hey, even PvE) community could argue, PvP or E-sport are as usefull or needed as the cecum in our body and should use those resources to balance the suposedly PvEMMORPG Game WoW technically is

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I know several Vulpera pirate characters who don’t feel the desert dune theme of the Voldunai Vulpera. Who would love to RP in Stormwind or Boralus as mercenaries. Or freebooters.

It’s the Blood elves and Alliance arguement all over again. Where Blizzard showed allot of High elves in the Alliance. While the Blood elves where Horde.

The Vulpera have it the same in Kul’tiras as pirates and freebooters. Clearly not all of them are glued to the Voldunai or the Horde theme.

Besides… Its not like the Horde fanbois are gonna cry over loosing us anyway is there?

Although that said. I am more of a sand rat fan than a team quitter Vulpera. :eyes:


*stab stab stab *
May Gral feast on you scally boi


And this is why I think RP communities are ruining this game.

Sure, they’re welcome to do what they want. Don’t get me wrong. But don’t ask them to change the game itself to do so.

I think exactly the same. But in reverse to your kind… This game was built on a fantasy and rp world. People like you who don’t care none of that are ruining its integrity and fantasy.

You just want to do m+ and raids as whatever with whatever. Lore and world building be damned.