Delves solution

Why? Visions, Torghast, Delves, they all allowed grouping, Visions also gave amazing gear. 475 for a 5mask which is N’zoth heroic/Early mythic tier in BFA. Also equal to +15 weekly chest as well. I don’t see the issue.

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Focussing on what a system is meant to be is not punishment.

That’s like saying that Blizzard is punishing raiders for not allowing M+ to be done in a raid.

Bad reply.

As Emje said…

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Well because i hoped for something more uniqe maybe like Scenario where 3 people are max and maybe no healing or tank option so only Brann can keep your team allive, idk just something new other than easier instance

It sounds like you have a different expectation than what the content advertised, rather than what it was truly advertised as being different.

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Doesn’t matter.
It’s ruining the system.
It needs to change.

aye that is definatly the case. But i shouldnt complain it is good source for good gear i just gotta take it nice and slow with every char as they are ounder geared :joy:

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But “the system” is as the link states: "You can explore alone or with up to four additional friends, along with an NPC companion—Brann Bronzebeard

So the system functions as advertised. The problem is, you and others seem to think Delves were supposed to be solo content, and now it’s game breaking that people can do them in groups…

How is it ruining the system, that people do them in groups… When… That was a part of the intention?


No it isn’t.
Because it’s an endgame progression system.
Just rushing through everything day 1 with a group is NOT what a progression system is meant to be.

And the fact of the matter is: Blizzard sucks at balancing.
So the easiest, most fitting solution is to make this a purely solo progression system.
You can still do it with a group: But you won’t progress as part of that system.

No. I’m saying it SHOULD be. Exlusively.
Because it was created as an endgame system for solo and world content players. So it would be fitting to make it into solo only progression.

Makes all the sense in the world, honestly.
You can disagree of course that that’s not what you want delves to be, but in that case we’ll just have to agree to disagree.

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But how does this affect YOU ? People also rush M+ and Raids day 1, does it mean raids and M+ should also be solo content with any progress turned off?

There is already people doing +11’s… Scrap the mode?

key word should so the system works as advertised. YOU just think it should work differently. That’s the difference.

Indeed, we don’t have to agree. But saying grouping is ruining the system, when the system is intended to also be done in groups does not make sense.

wanting the system itself changed, that’s another thing.


I cleared 11s in the first week of them being available, solo only too. Haven’t done a group delve beyond 8 and it’s only with friends. It works as intended, clearly. People were clearing the highest available torghast wings as soon as available. People were clearing the 5mask visions as soon as their cloak was upgraded enough. I’m just getting the vibe you’re unhappy others cleared the content or want people who were able to clear before the intended power level. If it’s available it’s meant to be attempted. There will be people who are just good enough to do the content regardless of their power level. You should be happy they can do it. The same way I’m happy for a dude named Metro who beat Zekvir on ?? before I even managed to beat him on the easier difficulty.

The only way and I have to say a terrible one, would be to copy the cloak system from BFA. You couldn’t push further not because of skill or power but because you were forced to through a system. Another would be timegated releases of the difficulties? Both sound horrible.

Let people have fun!


Indeed! I am all for the discussion of making a mode, that is 100% solo play… That could be fun too (For some) or like Plunder Storm, some game modes only available in duo’s whatever… But(!) It seems a lot of people that either makes these threads or complain about the Delves, seem to think or want the system to be solo play, and then claim running it in groups ruins how it “was intended” or “should be played”, which imo is not the case.

As you said, every system, every bracket, every mode, has people clearing the highest end on day 1… Then the discussion shouldn’t be “Omg they messed up Delves by allowing grouping!!” because the other side of that coin is, that they messed up Delves trying to also balance it around solo rather than grouping… But the discussion should rather be, to maybe make a game mode that is either or, as it seems trying to balance around both, seems to neglect one part.


People clear the highest end raids in a week too, it’s called the RWF. It doesn’t make raids bad for the rest of us.

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and we are telling you for years that you are playying the wrong game is you want to play wow solely solo and are appaled by any contacts with other humans in mmorpg.

the game is working out perfectly well .

its just not something what you want from game.

tought luck :slight_smile:

You say that but we have the RWF which is primarily focused around doing exactly this and Blizzard are promoting it. There is no wrong or right way to play, if people want to rush through on day 1, that’s good.

The stupidity is when lesser skilled and/or more casual players get mad at other people for enjoying the game differently to them, and then those who also start making demands to cater to them because they too want the same rewards, but with less difficulty.

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Almost every game has people who destroy the game very quickly, there’s an entire (In fact, probably several) community(ies) based around speed running.

I don’t understand speedrunning, if I spend 50€ on a product I want to enjoy it for a few days at least. But if it makes them happy, it also has no impact on my own enjoyment.

So, what’s wrong with it?

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So howcome you think that people make a thread like this cus they are mad?. People dont have to be mad just because they want something that is solo focused a MMORPG can easy have that without it destroying the game or multiplayer aspect. They go in they get the gear they go back out and sees other players again.

Only difrence is that they dont have to play with people who wont even say hi in a group. Or play with a guild who wont let you play with them cus you dont want to or cant talk to them on discord

Also pointing out skill in a pay to win game is just sad a huge % of the playerbase who have rating in pvp or high score in m+ or even fully raid geared and got every achi mount have bought their way to getting the stuff. So there is no skill except from the 20% who actualy bother to get good. This is what the game is now and how blizz wants it to be so dont mention SKILL cus there is none unless you are a part of the 20% players.

Now why this thread was made in the first place is because blizz strugles to tune it to fit both parties. And since we already have 3 gear roads playing with each other then it isnt a problem to add a 4th road who is purely solo based.

You can make solo achievements with exclusive rewards tied to the solo achievements for delves and solve it that way, that seems to be an ideal answer to keep delves open to groups, but reward and incentivize solo interaction with it.
keep the prestige of solo and the ability to group
however making it solo only will be simply unfair in the face of class balancing, because the classes are not balanced in a way that you can put them through the same modes of content and get equal performance
H.Priests can’t even interupt, sure they can heal I hear you say, but Brann is way better in healing then he is in interupting, so your DPS with healing brann still has a better time then a H.Priest with dps brann


But what is holding you back from doing Delves solo? You may say it’s way easier to do it in groups compared to solo… Okay… But doesn’t that make sense? When you have multiple people CC’ing / doing objectives, something does tend to become more easy?

And if you are solo focused, why would someone else’s gear matter to you? You’re not interested in participating in the content they’re doing anyways. Those people are already on to M+ and will probably not do Delves again.

What you’re unintentionally doing when you’re “forcing” Delves to be solo, is you’re taking the casual players that are not good enough to do M+ and taking away some of their content.

DPS players struggle to get into keys unless they either have a good score or high ilvl… Now imagine 2 casual dps friends, that only just does the usual +2 maybe try and get KSM… They will have to either:
A) Farm heroic dungeons to upgrade their HC gear to max, before anyone will take them in M0 and then start
B) Solo Delves and lose out on playing together until they are geared enough for pugs to want to take them…

For what? So solo players feel “as effective” in T8 with their 580 gear when it’s recommended 603?

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Those systems weren’t created FOR solo and world content players specifically.
Delves WERE. That’s the big, important, difference.

No. It needs to be fixed. And that’s why I’m making this suggestion.
It’s too late for s1 basically, but I hope they’ll fix it for s2 and beyond.

No, it isn’t. The part where ‘you can play with a group’ is, sure.
But that’s NOT the important part of this system.

It makes all the sense. Because this system was created specifically for players who often don’t group. You keep ignoring that.

Then it’s no longer endgame progression, but a ‘gear up in 1 or 2 weeks’ thing.
That’s not what I want and have been waiting for, for years.

I’ve also already stated in various threads that I think Delves are too easy.
They should not be finished so quickly imo. Progression should require getting the appropriate skill level and item level. That can be almost entirely negated at the moment.

You can just be quiet and not troll.

And I hate everything about RWF.
But this is clearly different as MANY people were doing this week 1.
Not a select few elite players.

I get it… What I’m suggesting is threatening your ‘cool easy loot piñata’, but this is not what an endgame progression system is meant to be. So stop being greedy and understand that quick gain isn’t always what’s best for a game overal.