Why? How does me running Delves with my 3 friends affect you? We are a part of a group that you have no interest in interacting with… So why does how we gear up make such a fuss for you?
I mean; our currently overstressed forumfriend is doing queuable dungeons and LFR…
I have 2 friends i can play ‘regular’ with.
it dosent affect me. as stated higher up it is merely a sugestion to help blizz tune it so lowering the group number might help them? Main goal was to come with sugestions on how to fix their tuning issue. And to see if others had better sugestions which they had so i changed the thread to be abit more sane then from what i first wrote
Main thing atleast is that i didnt aim to exclude anyone from the new fancy thing in wow
Hmmm then I have no idea
Whoops… Time to choose which one of them is your favorite! hahah
Luckily those are the moments we can play as 3 and for M+ we try to grab 2 or 3 dps of a guild or no pressure.
Ah but then I don’t really have anything “against” your view.
I understood it as you wanting to change the mode as you perceived it to be intended for solo players and had a problem with people running them in groups.
so apologies if I mixed up some of your answers in the frey!
How dare you!
Jokes aside, yeah I enjoy Delves with friends too… Nice chill break from all the M+ pugging and people flaming each other And there is no way I’ll do Delve T8 as holy priest haha
I’ve done over 50 delves, only 3 of them in a group (during the period where it was broken and overtuned even), comfortably farming T8 delves already during the first week that they were released, which is the maximum reward. So exactly where are you going with this? Blizzard fixed the group scaling being too easy, and now the difficulty is comparable.
Exactly what is the problem? You want low skill players to be able to easily farm the maximum reward? Or is it that you think “casual” players don’t enjoy challenging content? T8 delves are laughably easy compared to games that are actually skill based, and if you can’t meet that level yet, you just spend more time to gear up and work up to it.
Those who are good enough to do it now, can do it now.
When I did delves, I did them with my girlfriend, we’d been waiting TWW keenly and both bought early access to the game.
I don’t think I’ve ever done anything in this game on my own.
Still as I said, whatever people think about them, they aren’t changing, so this thread is really moot.
Tah, I like you but
w h a t
You’re being negative, your idea is basically: I don’t like that others can group, let them enjoy the mode less.
‘‘You dumb people wallowing in a cesspool of negativity.’’
Also earlier you contradicted yourself saying that it should be for solo players and that ion said it’s meant for ‘‘solo and world content players’’. Yes, it is. That’s the idea. Your parent with 45 children who can play 2 minutes a month has a whole system they can progress at their own pace, whenever they want for an entire season which will last like half a year. How are you not getting that none of this ruins anything for the target audience when you’re literally describing the target audience having fun with the content but you want it done your way? And your way will also RUIN THE FUN OF THE TARGET AUDIENCE
No, that’s not it at all.
It’s about a group of players that have been underserved for years and years and now finally getting an endgame progression system made specifically for them to enjoy.
This is not supposed to be just another group-based activity, because we have loads of that already.
That is what I have an issue with. With people wanting to claim delves for their own greedy reasons; to have an easier time gearing for the content they actually want to do.
I feel like delves are being abused by these people. And it’s mostly being done in group form. Because that is what they know, that is what they do.
I am part of that audience. It ruins it for ME.
I am already geared with 12 slots of champion gear. 2 slots of hero gear.
I have 1 slot left that is ‘just’ adventurer.
I don’t want to be done in such a short time. That defeats the entire purpose of a progression system. That’s why it’s ruining things for me.
And that is because Blizzard can’t balance properly.
So removing group play from the progression (because that’s what I suggested; not saying people can’t group in general), will make it easier for Blizzard to focus on balancing the solo version and making sure that is working as intended (maybe even allowing them to do some proper balancing for classes/specs individually).
That is the reason. I don’t hate people being able to group up.
It was not. It was created for people that dont want to / cant participate in organized content. And delves are just that: un-organized group content.
That is what was advertised. And that is what “solo and up to 4 friends” means.
Do I really have to share Ion saying those words again?
I’ve already done so multiple times over the last 2 weeks.
According to who? If WoW was a primarily solo experience with medium to high difficulty and a gear progression path attached to that, not only would I endorse it but I’d play the game a lot more.
When the game has no challenging solo content and you can only get it from Mythic raiding and M+, I lose interest. That’s why I only played DF in Season 3 and only because my Classic guildies dragged me into it to do some M+. But in Shadowlands, I only raided in Castle Nathria but I played the expansion a tonne due to Torghast updates.
In BFA I came back to play the visions. Challenging solo content is tailor made for someone like me, who doesn’t want to commit to Mythic raiding or pug M+, but who wants something to progress that isn’t braindead easy.
I think it’s awesome, they should just hard nerf the raid a month after it’s done, since Mythic raiding is too much of a time investment/commitment, thats why almost nobody bothers with it these days, most guilds that don’t clear Mythic probably could if the logistics of roster and schedule weren’t an issue, but they don’t because people drop out and it’s hard to replace them.
If it were nerfed to be more realistic for a larger number of players after the RWF, the RWF could exist, be great and not have any meaningful impact on the game’s difficulty for the majority.
You have been busy for sure.
I am part of the audience too btw but not as lucky.I have like 3 or so champ pieces(one is from pvp) and 1 hero…(because my dh was way too squishy for t7 and above untill this week).
So I won’t be done for quite a while.
I find the pacing good.
I rather they released the higher tiers with m+ so this whole fiasco could ve been avoided.
Well we have a problem.
Because I can quote you THE official Blizzard reveal post that said the contrary. And I really don’t want to quote that again. And I don’t want you to quote Ions words. I believe you.
Delves should be 100% solo. Are you healer? Respec, its not that hard. Also if you want solo content then picking healer isnt really the best option.
Same could be said of playing with others. Dont you agree ?
Well it requires blizzard to balance for multiple people, making it complicated. We already have tons of content for multiple people such as raids and mythics. The entire selling point of delves is that it’s a solo content for people who like to play solo
Same could be said of M+. Its a system for those that don’t enjoy high end raiding for whatever reason.
And there are balancing problems… And there will always be. We M+ have to deal with “metas”, as you!!
So what can i say … welcome to the club ??
I mean… Being part of the “end-game” pillar club with meaningful ilvl and difficulty progression comes with a price …
Among other things : anything you balance for solo play will affect the other 2 branches. So you will get a compromise. 100% of the time.
So you either accept the compromise or stop playing wow. Simple as that. Same as for M+ or raiding.