Demon Hunter feels incredibly undertuned

We are last and with the best legos hahaha nice job blizz

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I’ve been doing Mythic zero with my guild. I worked really hard on getting my gear above 180. Most of my guild have not gotten their ilvl this high. So I’m jumping into dungeons with them, and my experience has been this.

Rogue, Shaman and DK, all 170-175 ilvl. I’m 182. I can top the dps meters on some fights but very often they all shoot up to top. How have they all got buttons they get to press which make them POP OFF! Yet I’m spamming Demons Bite Chaos strike to the point where I’m actually in pain because of having to put 3 or 4 more demon bites and chaos stikes into world mobs than should really be necassary with the gear I have… I’m a new player who is putting so much effort, learnt all the systems from scratch unlike my entire guild who all grouped and got all their gear, I’ve surpassed most of them pugging. Yet I look like a below avg player because I decided to play the class I love and choose the Covenant I like.

Everything about SL I actually love. But the fact DH is screwed like this is crazy. A lot of new players I bet went to DH because it has a nice learning curve. Do you really want new players to also have a weak character?

People who moan about this will surely carry on playing. Like the naysayers with the maw.

The maw is actually amazing, old wow players are just fed up of playing the game lets be honest. I love all the new systems, the difficulty, not being able to mount in the maw. It’s immersive af. The natural grouping with people in the world becuase of the cool quests and rare spawning mechanics and the pvp world quests!

Please make DH good I’ve worked my butt off to be viable and I’m getting beat on dps by people with way less gear than me. Ofc new players will play DH, why this has to be my first experience of wow I really don’t know.

I’m pressing demon and chaos way too much, open world mobs feel stressful to kill cause my thumb hates me cause of how many demon bites and chaos strike I have to put into 1 damn mob when my gear is 182ilvl.

I’ve stopped playing Havoc in Torghast and the Maw because it can’t survive even if I play well. Some boss in Torghast was just too difficult…

Basically my spec sucks and I can’t even dps I have to tank half the game even though I don’t want to play tank I want to be dps DH :frowning:


As someone who’s played DH since it came out, I can certainly say this is probably the clunkiest it’s ever felt. The class needs a buff, badly. If we’re lucky, we’ll receive a buff when Mythic raid opens up (if we’re really lucky) since I’m very much certain the differences in dps will become apparent in normal and heroic versions 2nd week when other classes get their legendaries.
As for those constantly complain about “DH being OP in BfA and Legion”, well it’s neither of those expansions right now? It doesn’t change the fact that class imbalance in Shadowlands is currently insane where top dps specs perform over 1k more dps over bottom dps (which happens to be havoc). Simply put, it’s the new class hate that is already very much old. It’s like trying to drag out a meme for years and thinking it’s still cool.
I’m also pretty sure none of them have to make sure their hands aren’t falling off from pain every time they complete a dungeon/raid boss fight. While the class is simple and fun, it takes effort still.
Case in point, the ones complaining usually aren’t top end players and their opinions should matter little for any DH player. Sadly, blizz seems to disagree recently.
For the class itself feeling weak, I can only say experiment as much as possible for now. I’ve found that some builds of the class perform way better in different scenarios and have been constantly rotating talents/trinkets to adjust to the activity I’m performing at the time. For example:
Torgast: Demonic Appetite + Burning Hatred + Demonic
WQs: Blind Fury + Insatiable Hunger + Demonic
Dungeons: Blind Fury + Demon Blades + Momentum
It may be my personal opinion, but I think all the effort that is being put by those sticking to the class/spec will eventually pay off sooner rather than later. So don’t get demoralized. :slight_smile:


As always wow combat team making another … move and making a class unwanted in group content. When they start nerfing a class they switch off their brain and just nerf every single thing that class has until it is ablolute bottom and same time another dev. doing same thing on another class and making them dominate everything. 16 year and they still making same stupid mistake. They really need a few real devs who can act reasonable when buffing or nerfing. Sadly in 16 long years they still couldnt find that heroes.

Combat team leader : “X class is over performing balance it”
Devs: Nerf every damage ability 25%, remove extra defensives, redece every single DR and it is done in 5 min easy.
No need to think about it, it worked 16 years why change magical formila


There you go

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Currently rolling a DH too, and it must say it’s quite underwhelming, i got almost 180ilvl and can barely do above 2.5k DPS on boss fights, while mages and other clases are steamrolling ahead.

I feel like the only time I do damage in pvp is with rain from above which feels cheap but you get destroyed by certain classes unless you take it. I hate this skill it’s boring and I think should be removed and replaced with something that doesn’t take control away from your character.

I tried to kill a priest in open world today as I noticed some Alliance walking around. I unleashed a full combo on him. Got a perfect opener, stacked my stuns, used all my dmg cds. It did barely anything. He then healed to full, put a shield on and then destroyed me with great damage.

I went in to some arenas with some friends. After getting to know my guildies and managing to have them give me a chance in the raid, I do a few arenas and we all get super miserable. And I know it’s mainly my fault. Nothing I can do has barely any affect.

It takes me ages to grind down any class spamming my 1-2 combo (zzzzZ) yet Rogues and Hunters can still ONE hit me. I’m not exagerrating when I say I’m dead in under a second, to ONE Rogue or ONE Hunter. Did anyone play this?

I got the flag back in a BG. Waiting for our flag to be returned we fought off one attack and waited for the next. Me and a priest and another were above our flag at top of bridge, a hunter warr and rogue above us on the roof. When they dropped down, in under a second I was dead. There is completely no counter play here.

Pvp in general feels terrible. You die way too quickly just across the board. Certain classes are absolutely the worst culprits for these insane 1 hits. Tanks feels broken and outlast everything, my friend said he killed 10 people on a DH tank at some world quest using kyrian ability and sucking them all in. Healers also feel insane and just seem to never die and heal through everything, at least this is my experience as a DH. Damn this game needs serious balancing, and even if you argue, well paladins should get to bubble and heal back to full it’s part of the class fanatasy, well then where is DH class fantasy? I feel like a wet flannel…

I’m actually pretty upset about it, it breaks the game in a really horrible way, when SL is actually really amazing so far. I pray blizzard heavily balance and don’t stop until the game feels right, even if that takes months. I actually feel like I want to quit when balance outright ruins the whole experience. It’s extremely important, fundamental, QUINTESSENTIAL! I’m upset…

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It happened to me me the exact same thing, with a discipline, i felt like rogue in wotlk… i agree overall

Vengeance literally does more damage than havoc in PvE currently lmao

I was going to start grinding pvp today… I feel really disheartened by the matches I played last night and all my pvp experiences in SL so far. I can’t bear to think that all of SL will feel like this for DH. It’s truly a very upsetting prospect and I really hope blizz address it.

DH is easy yes and what is hard? sublety rogue? aoe rotation 2 buttons shuriken storm black powder single target rotation shadow dance shadowstrike eviscerate…
maybe MM is hard? aimed shot on cooldown rapid fire on cooldown explosive shot on cooldown steady shot when nothing else to press.i can keep going on

Nah leave them mate and let them wallow in their memes how DH is easy therefore it should be down in the bin. By that logic only relatively difficult to pull off specs like Feral or Unholy should be on top by a metric mile. And no I’m not saying Feral and Unholy are rocket science but they by far mostly resemble the MoP design.

What do you mean dh is undertuned? I’m always top dps as tank (:


that is just not correct. maybe some evidence to back your statement?

Whats worse alot of the dungeons in SL has the bosses near to eachother so we cant use meta on all of the encounters… which kills even more of our dps.
They really need to go back to the drawing board with our class. They screwed up big time. I love my demon hunter so ill keep playing it but im sad to see this…

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Havoc dmg is trash atm even tanks out dps… nice balancing blizz


Here are my suggestions:

  • Devs needs to bring back the dodge to blade dance. Without the dodge this is just another generic low CD AOE, reducing the class uniqueness even further plus hitting that ability no longer feel exciting or remotely interesting without the dodge element.

  • The Venthyr class ability, the teleport, should keep the cast time, but let it be usable while you are rooted. The root will still persist, but you will be able to change location. Its a teleport after all, it makes sense to be able to use it while rooted. This will help in PVP as well as be usable in PVE.

  • For single target improved damage (and overall a bit higher damage) i suggest tweaking the Chaos strike to have higher base Crit chance. That could be rolled either directly into the ability itself or be as a result of another ability (for 6 seconds after casting blade dance, your Chaos strike Crit chance is increased by XY%. This will increase single target damage and as an added benefit will make the ability hit harder, and not like many describe it currently, “a wet noodle”.

soul rending talent needs to be at least 10% increased healing up from 5%. Havoc is way too squishy

What needs to happen is demonic baseline and cycle of hatred baseline, without those 2 talents the class just feels hollow. Also blade dance needs the dmg buffed by a lot, atm if you do not have First Blood it is actually a dps loss in singletarget fights … which is ridicilous. Soul rending needs at least 5% buff, blade dance should get the dodge back and then buff Blurr. Also buff overall dmg by a bit.

Even if they made all of those changes DH would still get slaughtered by current sub, mm, R3 etc, but it would at least feel better imo.


Same with immolation aura. If you press this you are actually at a dps loss. It’s only pressed pre fight or in PvP.

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