Demon Hunters

Good for you!

Demon hunter need nerfs - burst , sustain , deffensives , mobility , easy to play , oh wait they lack of mortal strike.

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I assure you it’s their burst cooldown though.

Just chain cc the DH? its the best you can do?

Its their “con”, actually.

Not only can’t they do any dmg, but they cannot heal insane amounts or peel and their tank trinkets won’t be an issue either.

or do you mean its boring to always cc chain them in every arena match?

People that say its the easiest class, well thats not the case in pvp, while i see how this could be true in PvE, they negate a lot of boss mechanics.

But in pvp, the easiest class must be BM hunter and maybe arcane mage.

You have just a few buttons to push to be successful, but you can do it all from range, requireing much less positioning, so a tank trinket is not reven required.

People do not notice it yet, because their numbers are not up to par with DH, once their numbers are upped, people will cry rivers here in the forum how stupidly op they are.

That said i played sub rogue in 8.0. and he was the most op melee i played since…TBC. Even wotlk dks pales in comparission. Sub 8.0 basicly could 1 shot anyone while having insane mobility and stealth. Not a surprise they got hit with a nerfhammer so hard, that they did become a meme.

If you quit wow, you do it because of BfA in general, be honest. I played locks for years and even i think the simple class design of DH is much better than those of locks, it might be simple, but locks class design is just retarded and stupid. Blizz hsoul roll lock back to MoP standards.

I mean, if you must play BfA, for whatever reasion, why not play a DH? Since class design isn’t big in this expansion, this is the best you could do.

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sure, if its arena only, i am ok with that.

But by just removing healers/tanks in 2s, as we see in skirmishes, this would not be a problem at all.

There is simply no way 2s were designed with healers in mind, not for a long time, maybe since wotlk.

heck, why dampening even exists.

The game has some problems in pvp and lack of class design as well as gear distribution(tank trinkets) yet, people think its all just “a class”?

Isn’t this a bit naive?

This would automatically include, that arena also wasn’t designed for quite a few dps classes/specs - like Arms Warrior for example. They were basically not a 1v1 class at all when arena came out (or in most expansions after).

Because we had quite a few 45 mins games in the past. But since it doesn’t affect most double dps comps, it’s not an issue either from that PoV I guess.

Isn’t this a very subjective PoV? Try to take a look from different perspectives.

Only because it isn’t forbidden to be a RL butthole, doesn’t mean you should become one. Same in WoW: Only because they offer such a disgusting class, you don’t have to play it (and shouldn’t!).


Generally speaking they have been overtuned in seasons but still required a degree of teamplay where as the current state of dh’s is so braindead it makes any comp current or past look complex. I literally am not joking when i say i see no difference between a 2k dh and a 2.6k dh. Most of this comes from the horrible class design that has resulted in making it very difficult to be “bad”.

BM was the easiest in legion when it didn’t require los to do dmg, now it does - and it deals no dmg anyways (outside of the first 2 weeks of bfa) so why bring it up? Besides, you have fewer buttons to push in your rotation than BM (and BM is already braindead which makes Havoc a joke).
DH has passive leech that makes them unkillable, best movement, passive dodge on 6 sec cd baked into their rotation AND the dodge works from behind = theres no counterplay to blur and you gotta wait for blade dance which is so dumb. Also lets not forget mana rift, instant cast trap (lul so skilled), double stun and on top of having stupidly high dps, nearly every button does aoe = their passive cleave is god tier without losing st dmg. Oh yea and your meta gives you full immunity + a gigantic jump range cus why not?

srsly get real - playing dh is an instant +500cr to what your skill level actually is.


It’s everybody’s con lmao


you heard it here boys… you can cc a dh to stop their damage! its this new secret technique that ONLY works vs dh. Thank you for finding one SINGLE weakness your class has, that nobody else shares along with their 60 weaknesses that you don’t deal with


"CC Chain them “- But the fact that DH (literally the easiest class) can outdamage/outheal/outcleave every other and way harder classes is a joke. I doesn’t even want to talk about mana burn, stuns and other abilites wich makes the DH’s literal gods in Arena. BFA isn’t started good, but it got a bit better ngl. But currently DH’s are destroying the whole PvP Experience and Blizzard doesn’t seems to give a damn about it, wich is fine, they doesn’t give a damn about anything we say. I mean, look at one of the reasons they said why they don’t want to give the pvp vendors back " people won’t find the npc’s”. At this point, with this answer do anybody expect blizzard gives a damn about how the most retarded class can own a player wich plays with a way harder character ?

The game has so many classes, yet you meet DH’S 90% of the time in every arena match, and Blizzard thinks this is fine.

And every Demon hunter who’s getting angry at us (because of complaining about your favorite class), be sure to thank this to blizzard. Because they are who put the DH in this position. Nobody would have problem with such an easy class if it couldn’t overpower every other class with way less effort.


Bro locks literally spam 80k chaosbolts all game. Your lockout barely lasts long enough to get behind a pillar before you get 100-0’d

What are you on about

So yeah … both is kinda stupid rn

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:joy::joy::joy: i agree :grin::+1:

Finally i found out what is this ability called storm bolt for.
There were nummerious of nights that i was thinking that storm bolt is a waste of a talent.
Thank you mister for opening my eyes for this magnificent talent.

So many people with no DH expierence, i suggest playing one right now.

I am correct on my advice to cc a DH, its the best thing you can do, if you don’t you shouldn’t complain.

yes it affects every class, but no class as much as a DH.

Because the problem is his huge selfheal through leech, and this is stoping it completely, other classes simply don’t have this and can gain HP back after getting cced, like a DK using death strikes, while DHs die in there, without support and in 3s there are at least 2 other targets to avoid the leech after putting DH in cc chains.

I know its the latest class, but really? Can’t still figure all of this out?

Since this is the arena forum i’d say any problems might be more the comp a DH is running and less so the class itself and this should be discussed, BUT if the DH is so allpowerful and immortal, “literally without a counter” everyone would play one and reached free glad, since its the easiest class to level.

People please use brains…

Always the same BS, next patch its some other class that is “immortal and has no counter”.

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easy is true, outdmg/outcleave is nonsense.

This happens merely in mythic+, but not in small scale pvp fights. You might confuse here some things?

I play multiple classes, and i consider my unholy dk waaaaaaaaaaaaay superior, he is melting faces, with just passives and some necros, while cc isn’t afffecting him as much, a dk certainly cannot die as easy in a stunlock as a DH for instance.

btw, complaining as a DK? lol

what is this…cabarett?

Now i get it, you guys are making fun. Really funny, indeed.

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they may be unbalanced in arena, but so are man other classes.

  • DH is very easy to obtain and favored in mythic+, this might be the main reason why you see so many of them.

DH is currently a meta due to BfAs shallow class design, other classes prunings and how they well they perform in mythic+, if autoattacks aka white hits always equals 2nd place in any dmg chart in pvp, this trend will continue, with all the melee classes.

And i said it before, he is not immortal without counter on his own, he needs support to survive burst and cc chains outside of big def cds. sheep/fear will destroy his meta dmg/leech and stuns kills him when he is not in meta, if a class does not have a spamable hard cc, this is simply unfortunate, however since this is arena, most of the time you have plenty of cc.

I suggest to duel them to see their weakness, arena team games are not a good indicator to see a class weakness/strenght.

Btw, unholy dks are much better in pvp and require little skill as well, and we can procceed this to ww monks and rogues, actually DH Havoc is not even in my top3 when it comes to sheer class vs class comparations in PvP.(other story in PvE)

Or in other words, you can avoid a DHs dmg, by just kiting him or putting him in hard cc, while you can’t avoid an unholy dks pet and dot dmg, that makes up for over 50% of his dmg or more, while he can break stuns like a long kidney, quite easily and has access to the orc race, to further reduce the most deadliest form of cc.

And i do not complain about this either, while its really a problem, if you look for balance, but you are posting with a class that has unavoidable dmg, ridiculous selfheal, and shrugs off stuns like its nothing and it all requires little effort.
It just feels very ironic, mind you?

Blizz can design the DH more complex, the talents are there, but the more innovative talents are replaced by autoattack talents and passives, talents requiring a button are not as effective as those that do not.

Its certainly not the players’ fault, if blizzards classdesign in BfA is horrible, they got enough feedback during beta and afterwards.

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Recently came across this post on us forums

Dude got into his first arena season in 3s and got 2500 on dh. Thats a bit depressing.


your logic is so flawed… you can’t say that cc affects DH more than any other class cus they can’t heal… ok? so if you cc a hunter, then he can’t maintain pressure himself and then he loses the game cus they rely 100% on controlling the game and having constant pressure…

you have no defense for DH that can’t be shut down with the slightest logic


You included. I played DH and it is completely nuts.

It affects warlock more.

This comparison is so flawed… A DH dies after cc? How? He literally is back on any target in a matter of seconds and can pump dps and heal with leech. A DH needs melee range to benefit from leech? Ok and what does a DK need? Air?

Ok, guess that means DH is balanced. You heard it guys!

Well, since your the obligatory DH protector… it apparently is.

No he won’t die that easily and he doesn’t need much support. Meta is 45 seconds, no cc will be enough to destroy this as any form of cc will be dr while meta still running. Noone except RMX has “plenty” of cc.

Bwahaha, best joke of 2018, 2019 and 2020 so far. Have fun kiting a Demon Hunter.

That pet is basically a 3 shot.

Demon Hunter AND DK have ridicolous self heal. DK on the other needs to facetank damage before in order for its selfheal to be over the top. Demon Hunter just got it handed passively on a silver plate.

Good thing your opinion doesn’t mean anything since you have no experience to back it up on.

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