Demonology in Shadowlands

I don’t see where this has became our problem.
Thing is, blizzard has failed demonology, blizzard has failed demo players.
They had 2 xpacs in order to develop and improve current itteration of demonology, and they failed. There is too many bugs in pure tech side of the spec (totem bar for example), there is too many issues in desing side of the spec.

They should rework demo or revert it to MoP, and we players should’t care what they will have to do in order to fix things. If they need they may crunch, work harder, work overtime, but fix spec that they has broke in Legion. If this will cause burnouts to devs…well i’m sorry, but I as PLAYER didn’t asked for rework in Legion, it was THEIR decision, that lead to catastrophy that we see now.


I’m not trying to make excuses for Blizzard. They are a multi-billlion dollar company and the least we can expect is every spec in the game to be atleast viable and working properly.

What I was trying to say is that at this point it’s too late for a rework because prepatch is either next week or the week after and there won’t be enough time. But that doesn’t excuse the fact that they had atleast a full year to make the spec viable for SL and they didn’t.

Ok, thing is, world of warcraft is made on C+/++ or sharp. They could take base of the spec from MoP/WoD. Run script adjustment tool, and fix all typos in the code for all demonology spells. It is one day max. After that they should bring designer who will desing math behind damage values, maybe day or two of work. And they will have rest time before launch of the Xpac to figure out Conduits or legendaries. An easy way for this is to use old demonology set bonuses as inspiration.

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I know how coding works. I’m in my last year at uni studying Artificial Intelligence, and have designed multiple games myself. The coding is not the hard part here, I know that, it’s just balancing and to what exactly they want to rework the spec into. I don’t think just copy pasting old demo to current WoW would cut it.

SL beta has been going on for months now and specs have had the chance to be tested in raids and dungeons and tuning done accordingly.

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Well yet again, it is not our problem.
We is in the unique situation, when spec and it’s community was on decline from blizzard for four years in the row. No one else was opressed by blizzard as demonology.

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Yes and I 100% agree with that. I’m just trying to think of practical ways that they can make demo at least viable for SL, because I’d hate to see it in its current form for the next two years.

A few simple fixes, as mentioned above, could at the very least make the spec playable.

Simple fixes is not enough… we deserve more then “simple fixes”.
If it was first Xpac with redesing, i would probably understood blizzard in this situation, but we will suffer from current itteration third xpac.


And this is to much of a suffering for us. Blizzard needs to admit that they failed us hard on this spec.

This time they are listening in a thew aspects, we can only hope they see the demo problem and have already plan b ready. But this is only a wish from an old warlock player.

If we get no changes, demonolgy is gonna end up awful everywhere. No reason to play it in PvP, raids or M+.

Dead spec for another two years it seems…


We can only hope they will change something till release. But i don’t think they will do anything.

If every lock is not playing demo for the whole xpac maybe then they change a bit.

We already got this for 4 years now, and there will be 2 more years coming. The good MoP demo was just 2 years… then the wod one came with the Demon Bolt… only 2 years…

Then the real horror began…

During BFA beta test, there was a reports that Nether portal talent on 120 lvl summons 110 lvl demons. We warned them for 3+ months before release - ingame bug reports, forum bug posts. And blizzard just sliped that bug into release, and they has fixed it only near 8.1 patch.

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The bloody glyph of wrathguard has been bugged since Legion! They made it hold only one small weapon in BFA instead of actually fixing it to how it originally was, that’s how much they can’t be bothered.

Ruining his model in Legion wasn’t enough it seems. sigh


I guess they don’t know what to do with demo, right now it is just weaker version of Affliction. The MoP design was a mix between Affliction and destruction.
You had the ramp up time like Affliction and then the burst nearly like a destruction lock.

Can we make a petition or something in the forums? I tried posting in the shadowlands class section of the forum, but I cannot post there apparently.

You need access to the beta in order to post there.

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Ok that could be the problem blizzard is fine with the class and the players are not.
But if we think about all Addons, MoP was the best for us, even after the nerf in S2 or 3? And even the pvp system was the best system.
Still they changed everything…

In MoP gameplay was first, classes was fine and complete from the start.
Sure there was some classes that became better in the later patches of the MoP because they finaly could reach some caps in their stats, but still all classes had a complete toolkit in game.
And all three specs of the class had access to same talent trees, but all used different talents because in each spec we had different needs.


I made one on the ptr a thew days ago

In the US forums there are also fellow demo locks with the same feeling for mop style demo. We are not alone!