Demonology in Shadowlands

Never played demo in MoP, but anything would be better than having tyrant imo.
I actually like the imps, and the hounds are okay, but our biggest DPS cooldown being defeated by a small pillar feels all kinds of bad.

I know what you mean, of you want to see mop demo. Go to Youtube an search for Morpheus 3.

That was an good demo build.

Speaking from a mainly PvE perspective:
I really would love for Demonology to be the master of demons instead of the master of Felguard.

There shouldn’t be talents to only improve one demon that you can summon. There is literally no use for any other demons outside of it.
I’d love to have a real choice again.
Revamp the talents to effect all the demons, for example:
Demonic strength: It literally says Demonic and not Felguard, so why not allow any demon to be empowered and have a swipe ability?
The succubus can whirl her whip, the Felhound can Claw swipe around it, Voidwalker has it’s own aoe already which could be empowered and Imp throws Fire rain or Fire strike (mage?)

The same goes for Soul strike … why can not any other Demon use this ability? it is literally only a strike.

As for the last row in the talents:
Regarding Sacrificed Souls, the name already doesn’t fit the theme of the talent.
Rename it to Soul Empowerment? Let it decrease the power consumption of Wild Imps so they stay around longer. Let Demo has a massive army of Imps with this talent. Remove the Shadowbolt amp, maybe decrease the Demon Bolt amp a bit.

Not much to say about Demonic Consumption.

Nether Portal: Let it act like the army of the death from uDK. You cast it and create a set amount of demons. It shouldn’t be a channel but may interact with soul shards spent on casting. Like 1 shard 3 demons spawned up to 5 shards 15 demons spawned.

feel free to correct me if something sounds unreasonable.
for example Sacrificed souls: Impplosion may need to have a set amount of Imps used for it.

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Make a revamp to demo lock in mop but without the asthetic of the meta dh has now, let us just get wings or glow green or let us transform into the tyrant, that playstyle was fun and you could combine them if u add the resource of demonic fury on top of current demo


Actually, a suggestion i’ve never seen is to get middle way between old Meta and the new build. Basically: instead of becoming a giant demon (which doesn’t make much sense, to be honest, now that Demon hunter exists, and now that Demonology has a different “fantasy”), why don’t we turn our felguard into a giant demon?
Now you’d say, “but tyrant already is a giant demon!”. Well, yes and no. First thing, Demonic Tyrant is more often than not, a gigantic passive damage source. Right now the playstyle is about cramming as many procs and buffs into the Tyrant window, and then twirling your thumbs until Tyrant is ready again.
Imagine, instead, the following situation: you have a new Demonic Tyrant button (a toggle) that turns your felguard into a tyrant, at a initial cost of a single soul shard. When the felguard is a tyrant, Felstrike, Command Demon, Health Funnel and other demon related abilities change to more powerful version (like the old shadowbolt/hand of guldan becoming demonic touch/chaos wave), and Legion Strike becomes a soul shard spending ability that give a static haste buff to the pet that falls off once he exits Meta/tyrant.
Obviously this isn’t a clean-cut solution; Demonology would become, if possible, even more reliant on Felguard, and this, paired with the new casting times, could cause problems.
Another solution would be to make the Tyrant a toggle that spends soul shard when he casts demonfire (with the stacking haste self-buff to prevent keeping him out all the time while generating shards), decoupling him from the felguard (so you could for example summon the tyrant while having out a imp/felhunter), while keeping the “stance-like” mechanic.

Another thing that would make the “mass summoner” fantasy better, is, imho, a demon re-skin. Like, why are we even summoning a demonic tyrant? Where are those guys from? Why aren’t we summoning a pit lord, or a dread lord? Same for imps: why are we summoning them? I for one would greatly enjoy summoning a single demon with the sum of three imp hp/damage for a 3 shard hand of gul’dan, like a Jailer, or another Felguard/wrathguard.

Deathlast in every poll and ranking…

And no love in sight…

You think its to late to expect anything for this spec?

No way we are getting a rework this late. If we’re lucky maybe we get some number tuning, but that still won’t fix the fundamental problem of the spec, which is the super slow ramp up.

Eh, true. Tbh all we can do is:

  1. Hope for big numbers
  2. Hope for a rework mid-expansion (which, as far as i’m aware, never happened)

They never change a spec mid Addon. We can only hope they change it for the next Addon

thats literally the reason behind the change, it shouldnt be as easy as summoning it back easily, it defeats the point of killing pets in the first place. that needs to be changed for PvE.

this might be just for PvP you are talking about but demonology is a good spec overall, works well for dungeons and raids, and its okay that a spec is good in some places and not in others, thats generally how things are designed in this game,

technically everything is viable in most content, some things are just better than others

A demonology warlock without a pet is useless, they lose a lot of damage, utility and some abilities don’t even work without the felguard. Beating a warlock shouldn’t be about killing their pet, since our pet felguard is very squishy to begin with.

Demonology is not a good spec overall, not in raids, not in m+ and certainly not in PvP. The ramp up time to deal any significant damage in m+ and PvP means it’s a dead spec. In raids it has poor target switching because of the same problem and not to mention it is completely useless trying to cleave targets that are apart, making it dead weight in a lot of fights.

It is NOT viable in high-end content, why on earth would anyone bring a spec in their m+ group that takes forever to ramp up damage and is still THE ONLY DPS spec in the game without a proper silence?

If I went demonology instead of destruction or affliction in SL, I know for a fact I’d be hindering my group because I chose to spec to demonology.


is this based on your own play or actually knowing anything, demonology might not be as good as destro but if you play it correctly it can be one of the highest damage specs in the entire game, so it is very good in both dungeons and raids, but destro is slightly better so most people just play that instead.

there is a massive difference between something not being the best and it being bad.

demonology is good indungeons because if you pull correctly you can basically use your cooldowns on every mob pack, meaning it does big damage, thats where for a long time most of the warlocks in dungeons were running Demo

Good luck trying to do that in a pug group. Demonology has probably the most setup required out of all the dps specs in the game. By the time you have started doing damage, the pack is almost dead. Almost no one ran demonology in m+, the few warlocks that did 20+ where almost all destro. There are statistics that you can look at, such as:

Out of all the dps specs in m+, only 0.2% where demo and did a 20+.

With SL, destro and affli are now much better in m+ due to the changes they got, meanwhile demo got nothing, not even a baseline silence.

Omg pls stop posting in demo threads…
Sorry but its quite annoying reading every time the same arguments that arent even reasonable…
Why shouldn’t be every specc viable in every content…
In other Mmos its different… Yes some are better in Pvp and m+ but some speccs are complete in the trashcan tier in some content… Especially in Pvp (Demolock, partly Affli, Enhancer, Fury…) just to name some speccs
In teso for example if u die or lose a 1v1 or if u don’t kill a dungeon boss it’s not because of the class being bad… It’s because the player missplayed…
And the problem is that demo lock has a huge disadvantage in comparison to others…
-Huge ramp up (pls tell me how u ramp up ur burst in 3v3 arena against a Meele cleave or rmp)
-ez to counter burst (los or cc tyrant)
-almost only casts as abilities (one of the only speccs that has to cast its burst and has to hard cast 90% of its abilities)
And don’t tell me that he is fine in Pve!
Not everybody likes pve and it’s not an argument that a specc is fine because it is “fine” in only the half content of the game (yes pve has more content but I split the game in Pvp and Pve content so in a half(some ppl focus on pvp))
Most of these issues could be fixed by Giving back the demonic fury playstyle just rename demolock meta and let it look different = done (combine it with current specc (maybe when let’s attack u generate demonic fury) (just an idea)

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And I wouldn’t even say it’s fine in Pve
And I think I remember that you didn’t even do ur Pve stuff while playing demo…

I started performing way better in every single aspect of the game after switching to destro, though it was the fantasy of demo that made me roll a lock in the first place.

It’s almost like not having your entire DPS profile ruined by having to move for 0.3 seconds to avoid AoE makes a spec better and more reliable in every imaginable way.

you are either miss understanding what im trying to say or just not reading what i have typed, i fully understand that destro is better, but that doesnt mean that demo is not viable, people doing the highest content will always pick what is better but you can look at certain players who prefer demo and they have the capability of getting pretty much anything they want to done as demo.

look at sjeletyven as an example, he is an MDI player that actively plays warlock on stream all the time as he is a warlock main, he has basically every dungeon in the game done at 25 or higher, some done at 28-29, which is about the limit most people hit without going full degen and running pure meta picks.

just because demo isnt the best warlock spec doesnt mean it sucks, its still fully capable of doing stuff, its just easier as demo

i dont PvP because its a completely unbalanced sh*tshow so i cant really speak to anything for PvP, but i still stick with my previous comment, since arean was brought into the game in BC there has been an accepted idea that there are some PvP specs for classes. thats not something im making up randomly, its something that just happened.

i didnt specifically say that he would be fine in PvE, he claimed the demo is useless in all content, which was either him flat out lying or he was just wrong, so i corrected him.

you say that would fix it for certain things, but it would also break it for other things, there are plenty of people i have seen that enjoy the current playstyle of demo, through reddit threads and other forum posts, replacing the spec might make it slightly more functional in PvP but it would mean that a lot of players that like the spec wouldnt be able to play it anymore because personally i found the older playstyle of demo trash and i hated it

as i have said repeatedly, demo is fine in PvE, and yes i dont play it a lot but that doesnt mean its bad, destro is just better, demo is more than capable of doing all the content that i do and i do play it, just find it easier to play destro in dungeons because of the interrupt. and im not a huge fan of having to try and LoS my imps to maximise my damage.

The fact that the best demo player in the world is managing +25 does not mean the spec is fine. If everything, by watching him you should see all the problem demo has: relying on Tyrant as the linchpin of the spec, having low damage outside of the burst, and often relying on “tricks” to keep the damage high (like using HoG+Molten Core procs on critters and forcing imps out of range to inflate the tyrant number).

If you don’t play it a lot, then why post at all? I play once in a blue moon arcane mage and i don’t see why they should rework the spec. Does my opinion matters the same as the one of someone who mains it? Obviously no.
On top of that, as you said: you have to LoS imps to maximize damage AND you don’t have an interrupt. Aren’t the lack of common tools and the need to do a clearly “illogical” action the symptoms of a unhealthy spec?

This said, TBH at this point all i want is instant Tyrant. We’re way too late in the development cycle to hope for anything else.

i dont play it a lot but i still play it and enjoy playing it, so i would rather that the posts here trying to get it changed to a spec that i absolutely despised had some back and forth, because im planning on sticking with warlock for the next expansion and through the future, so if they did change it and for some reason demonology ended up being the only viable spec then i would be out of luck and basically be unable to play my main

that a good enough reason?