Demonology in Shadowlands

It’s not so hard to envision it mate, it doesn’t have to shift anything.

It would be a talent in the last row competing with Demonic Consumption. It would be an instant cast ability that transforms you into a demon and changes how some of your spells work, for example it could make Shadow Bolt and Hand of Gul’Dan instant cast.

This way you have a choice between choosing Demonic Consumption, which makes you summon a powerful demon, or choosing Metamorphosis, which makes the warlock himself powerful.

IMO it should be baseline like this, as having a cast time for your main damage cooldown is quite ridiculous. Or at the very least make the Tyrant an instant cast.

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druids? they got a 4th spec when it made sense, without everyone else needing one

a single talent that reworked multiple spells is a bit beyond the reach of talents generally.

Druid didn’t got a 4th spec, they already hat 4 but Feral was back then 2in1.

they had balance, resto, and feral, they now also have guardian, they were given a 4th spec, regardless of if it was a 2 in 1 or not, there was a 4th spec that was seen neccesary and it was added, because it made sense, so adding back the old meta based demo as a 4th spec would be warranted and it would require a 4th spec for all other classes, stop being ridiculous

Druid was necessary yes because all the time they had 4 specs. But didn’t hat the 4th spec. But in warlock point of view, there is not a “necessary” for the 4th spec. It is a wish from you because you don’t want to lose your spec as we did.

But ours was first and more people played it, mop was the only addon where all warlock specs had a good time in every aspect of the game.

Fury warriors have a new talent Reckless Abandon which enhances two of their spells. That’s exactly what the talent I proposed would do.

You seem to argue against any changes to the current iteration state of demonology just for the sake it. Everything you have said in this thread just shows your general lack of knowledge of the game. You are just spreading misinformation at this point.


there is a massive difference between a talent that buffs up to abilities but a large amount compared to a talent taht would have to completely redesign certain spels when you take them in order to bring back the old playstyle,

im not sure what you think im getting wrong here, could you elaborate, because im fairly certain i havnt been misrepresenting anything,

demonology is a good spec in PvE content, it is completely viable for all of it, and i understand that it might not be the best, which i have always said, but just because it isnt the best it doesnt mean it isnt good, which is what people seem to think.

the whole idea of meta play and if something isnt the best then it is garbage is ridiculous, you can clear all content in the game with any warlock spec currently, and i understand that some of them are not that great in PvP but as i have also said, i dont PvP so i cant speak to that because i dont know anything about that side of the game and i dont care to learn as it will always be the most unbalance pile of sh*t.

before guardian was introduced they never had 4 specs, they had 3 specs and 1 of them specs could DPS or tank depending on how you built it. its very different.

bringing back the old version of demonology is not “neccesary” its just a wish from some players because they are not a fan of the current version.

the same dumb logic can be applied from both sides.

Of course it can, that’s why I think I understand you. I especially wish the demo version of MoP and not WoD, beccate the WoD version was also bad. After that I was happy that blizzard is changing from WoD to something, new as I got a Beta Key I was really happy but after 2 minutes got disappointed. And they didn’t change much from the Legion version till now.

It is not our problem that they (blizz) will have to make a lot of work for it.
They has ruined old demo in favor of making new one. No one asked them for it.
Blizz should work hard in order to fix what they has broke. They can bring back old demo, and 90% of the demo players will be happy with that. Or they can overhaul large chunk of their game engine in order to make pets(demons) reliable. In the end we as players should not care about their problems, blizzard and we are not friends. We pay for the product, and part of that product - demonology is not working.


Hey Daedra, just came in from your Feedback post.
You mentioned Demo has no meaningful dots and I fully agree.
Do you think a dot based on the Hand of Gul’dan Azerite trait might work in SL?
Maybe as a passive baseline or a talent?

Can’t you read? Where exactly did I mention a complete redesign of abilities. All I mentioned was instant cast Shadow Bolt and Hand of Gul’Dan. How is that a complete redesign? Are you deliberetaly misunderstanding?

everyone can pull numbers out of the *ss and it means nothing, if i talk to all of the people i know that have played warlock over the past few years they are all fairly happy with demo as it is, so based on what i can see outside of whiningon the forums current demo is fine

i get that pets are annoying and are not fully functional, but they generally work well enough to not be that big of a problem, or should they change all hunter specs to not use pets as well?

the initial suggestion made by someone was for them to add a talent that changed demo back to the old state, in mop/wod. thats what i was reffering to

That is me, I hate the actual demo. It is not what I understand as a master summoner.

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Everyone can say that demo is fine, but the main place where people can share their opinion - forum has vastly different point of view then yours.

Hunters function much better then demo. Why? Because they have limited amount of pets that has well crafted design of their abilities and mechanics, unlike demo.

Hunter pets have even if work as burst have tools to stay on target and be effective, unlike our demons.

If you like current demo then make a post how you like it and share it with the community, and we will see how many players agree with you.

Current demo is badly desinged, it has zero thoughts behind it’s mechanics and ideas.
The main core idea - a master summoner is good. It’s implementation are bad and unreliable. We as a players deserve more then good idea with crappy implementation, i know for sure that i deserve better, and all of you should think the same.

Puppeteer style of demo could have place in game only if it will be designed and implemented perfectly, anything less will ruin it, and it is not some nonsence of old demo player, it is a reasonable thoughts about any class desing that involves AI controled NPC that deals damage for the player.


but all of it comes down to a subjective opinion, meaning realistically no one is right or wrong, because you either like it or dont, thats what people dont seem to understand, i point out that i like the current demo and im basically being told that im wrong for having an opinion, and i get that pets are a bit funky in wow generally, but demo is a spec that can still perform well enough, just maybe not in PvP

people never post on the forums to say how good things are though, at least no normally, so people that are happy with it are a hell of a lot less likely to even bother reading let a lone responding, meaning that the numbers of people that do or do not like things on forums are always going to be skewed.

feel free to explain why everything is so bad in your opinion please, you might have done in the past but i havnt seen anything and its way to much effort to go back looking for specific posts now,

because i honestly think that demo works well enough as it is, there are always issues with pets, thats a problem blizz has in general, hunters have a lot of these issues as well, but from my experience playing it there hasnt really been any bugs or major issues meaning that it doesnt functions, the spec has worked fine and performs well in the content that i do, so i dont see why everyone has such a major issue with it outside of PvP

How a spec performs in high end content is not a subjective opinion. There are statistics you can look at, which show how little people have played demonolgy for progress.

You don’t have to look at posts from ages ago, just scroll up on this very thread, you’ll find plenty of problems that demonolgy currently faces.

This thread isn’t about whether or not we like demonolgy, it’s about how it performs, which is very poorly in PvP and PvE high end content.

The major issue of warlock pets is that they are weaker than hunter pets. I mean they should be bash those hunter pets in the breakfast.

Then why is it all around playing the burst Tyrant? If it really is a master summoner, where are the masses of demons? Why are we only able to Summon 3 extra pets? Why can’t we Summon a Abysall and Terror Guard? I mean demo should have them as he is a master summoner.

But blizzard decided to bring a beginner or average summoner instead, I will test demo in the beta. Let’s see what the Tyrant can, maybe hitting harder than CB?!?

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the subjective opinion is people saying that they dislike it, not that its isnt viable, because that isnt subjective, the spec is perfectly viable, as i have said repeatedly, just because it isnt as strong as destruction it doesnt mean its not viable,

you can clear all content through mythic Ny’alotha as well as getting anything done above a 25 M+ if you play demo, the spec is fine, people just generally play destro because its easier to play or slightly better.

i get that it sucks in PvP, but its not like someone playing demonology in a raid means you can kill the boss, i was literally watching kalamazi play demonology and beat destro locks in his raid last night,

ill say this one more time so you can finally read it and hopefully understand

demonology if perfectly fine in PvE content, destruction might be slightly better, but that doesnt mean that demo is unviable.

2 demo locks in top 15 parses for wrathion
demo made it into top 200 parses for maut, no aff locks in there.
demo lock shows up in top 100 for skitra as well
top parse for xanesh is demo
2 top 100 and 1 in top 60 for demo on carapace.

the spec can be used in mythic raiding without causing problems, but destro is just better suited to the types of fight because of flashpoint being so overtuned. specially with expedient stacking.

Lack of silence is enough to not bring it to any high keys. PvE doesn’t only consist of mythic raiding.

This thread is about the problems demonolgy still lacks in both PvE and PvP, but mainly PvP, due to the ramp up damage.

If you read the original post, it tackles the problems the spec faces, not it’s enjoyability. I am fully aware that fun is subjective.

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demo still works well enough in higher M+ just watch sjeletyven’s stream he has been playing demo in dungeons for the past 2-3 seasons

same goes for dungeons, demo might not be the best warlock spec for the content, but it not being the best doesnt mean it isnt viable, you are still perfectly capable of doing the content as demo as well