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The Battle for Azeroth was never about Horde vs Alliance. The Battle for Azeroth was always going to be about stopping N’Zoth taking over Azeroth. Every expansion in its last patch in some way or another tells you what is going to happen next. Alliance and Horde squabbling over Azerite and new lands was just filler.

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Okay, and now two pacifists lead the two factions. Now what?

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Factions are in Peace until a big bad Flying Monkey appears in Azeroth to killl them all, wooooooooooww Amazing lol :joy:

I am sick of faction wars till the bone.

Every time it happens it’s because:

  • A good leader of the Horde made a dumb decision and chose a Warmonger that chose Blackhand’s path (again)…
  • A minor skirmish is answered with a Mana bomb or burning a entire city of civilians.
  • It always ends up with Horde killing Horde, which begs the question:
    Why have the Alliance when the Horde does a five star job Destroying itself ?
  • If someone chose conflict it’s always the villain path.
  • If someone chose to go against the conflict it always has to be the treacherous way.

Next faction conflict let the players who enjoy it have a separate experience from the players that are against it.

In example in BFA, they could had given two choices to the players:

  • Stand for conflict and get the title “Veteran of the 4th war”.
  • Stand against it and help Magni save Azeroth. Rejoin the faction afterwards with the title:
    “Champion of Azeroth”.



MoP, WoD, Legion, and BFA yes.

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Are they though? Baine ain’t leader, he stayed quiet whilst Lor’themar and Thrall sorted it out (Which actually makes a lot of lore sense, for him to have spoken due to his part in events would have been foolish I guess

If some players are tired of faction wars till the bone it’s because they always are doing that on Horde and everything starts with Horde, some War should had started with Alliance for a bit of fresh air

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Exactly. Have you read what I’ve been saying? I am no Dwight Eisenhower but even I know, if the Alliannce REALLY wanted to win this war, they could have done so. Twice. After the Siege of Orgrimmar and after Sylvanas fled after revealing herself as a pathetic power hungry pawn. Only people with little power obsess about it. On the Alliance you have Anduin, who still stubbornly clings to the idea that everyone can live peacefully. They won’t. He either lacks the courage or is too naive to actually cut through the horde like a knife through butter. At worst he is an appeasing pacifist thinking he knows what is best for Azeroth. He’s even starting to infect Jaina and Genn with it. Remember Jaina after the Siege of Orgrimmar? She knew how to wage war then. Now she has forgotten.

And as Brigante has rightly said, the Horde in wow terms Hiroshima’d Theramore. Have they forgotten how? Wars are won by annihilating your enemy quickly and efficiently. The best thing the Horde could do for this never ending “my flag is bigger than yours” is drop a few on Stormwind. It might then make Anduin realise just what ending a war actually means and what he has to do.

Right now he is Azeroth’s Neville Chamberlain, except with no (name will be censored) to appease. So he makes do trying to appease his ally Tyrande.

This… So much this…

The Race War storyline is overdone and boring…


The other way around is the same pointless and Boring

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Pff… At least when you’re fighting “big cosmic baddies” there’s a winner…

The Race War will always end in a stalemate, because they can’t let one side destroy the other.

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If is for that Story WoW should have ended with Wrath of the Lich King


I disagree, Because faction wars makes everyone involved and I prefer ground leveled stories than end of the world stories that are thrown at us.

We don’t have to have World-War like escalation but skimrishes and minor battles can still occur. And I enjoyed those.

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As I say, they should go with the 1970’s version “World of Warcraft: The Spy who never Loved Me”

Huh? Because Arthas was defeated?

There’s always another threat to the world or its inhabitants. Azeroth is a dangerous place.

I don’t mind factions being at war if they do it like the developers behind SWTOR did.
The war was never truly over, and the Republic and the Empire never worked together. Except for the expansions with the “Eternal Empire” or something, but I’ve never played those.
If they wanted a Race War, they should have stuck to it. NEVER any cooperation between the Horde and the Alliance. EVER. And focused all the storytelling on the war.

Not this eternal back and forth…
H & A are fighting, they hate each other! Grrr!
But look! Bigger threat on the horizon! Unite to defeat it!
Then immediately after the threat is ended, they absolutely hate each other again and want genocide each other off the face of the world.
Then a new threat emerges and they work together again, only to fight when it’s over.

How many times can you realistically fight alongside someone before you stop thinking they are a plague on the world that must be eradicated down to the last pink/green woman and child?
It makes absolutely no sense that the Horde and the Alliance can go eternally back and forth between working together and fighting.

Pick a lane Blizzard!

I used to love the “faction war”… But I hate it now, to the point where all I want is for my character to be faction neutral.
I want no part of a new Race War, ever… It makes no sense.
My characters have fought alongside opposite faction members so many times, but yet, without my input my character is an irredeemable racist that hates anyone who is of the wrong race and wants them dead?

If another Race War expansion comes along I’ll unsubscribe until it’s over. I am sick and tired of that “story”.


I feel more loyalty to Lor’themar than Anduin yet because my face has a blue background and he has a red one by default I want him and all his kind destroyed.

Fine. Give a me a reason, other than "murr blood elf… Kill Kill!! I may be an undead icy harbinger of death and destruction, but I’m not a mindless one.

No lol. Because had the perfect time to end the Franchise, so for you is better keep pushing the game to the Limit and to be Ruined in the end? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

That is the problem with many Franchises and not only in Games but in Movies, Animes and etc… everything have a Perfect time to stop, some ends to early and others ends for too long and Ruined

Dragon Ball is a good example DBZ was the perfect time to end the Franchise, DBS was a big Mistake is just Fan Service and Nonsense, Ultra Instinct was Great but meh Story and the Essence of DB is dead

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That’s the Vanilla way, and not something I mind, because I dont see it as a true faction war.

I heard this exact answer from classic players as well.

“Too many expansions. It should had ended in WoTLK.”


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Well, that’s because of money.

If you had a product that made you insane amounts of money.
Wouldn’t you want that product to live for as long as possible?

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