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Sylvanas appreciation thread? :smirk:

lol no, i want Sylvanas and Nathanos dead in Shadowlands for good, Sylvanas was Great Character until middle of Legion expansion after that she became a Generic Villain with lame reasons for Vengeance
You really want to know a real written Godly Villain is - Sephiroth of Final Fantasy 7

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I’m not saying it couldn’t be improved :wink: I think it would but this is the direction I’d like to go. Especially when vanilla stuff was atually morally grey.

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this is one reason I think, alliance and horde as they are now should be scrapped, and it would instead become something else, where any race can join what ever side they like, whit a story on why things has gone as they have, would not need to be a full out war whit theese factions eighter, but 2 factions whit same agendas, but totaly different approach to them, where conflicts pop here and there due to it.

I’m not a fan of this idea, I wouldn’t want to be in the same faction with humans personally.

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it all depends on how it is made realy, and I do think something similar is gona happen sooner or later anywas, heck Blizzard even had plans on it after wod to scrap the factions, so I would not be to supriced if this happens soon anyways, I can say the same that it would be akward to have forsaken all of an sudden running arround stormwind also, considering I still feel the forsaken should not have been a playable race at all hehe.

but we have to se what happens, but a new alliance vs horde, conflict is not something I am looking forward to though, becuse they do not work at all

Hate to break this to you, but 100% of the Horde players are humans.

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I already ended to Discuss everything in this Thread, i have my Opinion, all of you have your own Opinion, it was a good time of talking but now let this thread sink in the Forums depths please

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You don’t say?

the conflict will end when we have the writing team severed heads on pike outside our capitol the true enemy of both the horde and alliance is the crap writing team :stuck_out_tongue:

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Don’t worry. The story has been so thoroughly butchered by now that it wouldn’t surprise me if a new faction war flared up. Could be anything. Tyrande farts Baine’s soup. Jaina polymorphed Lor’themar for the lulz. BOOM.

imagine thinking that the great Ranger Lord Blightcaller would fall to a mere dungeon group the power of his insults are far to great for that

It’s never well written which is why they will likely discard the idea for the next 5-10 years. The backlash was immense and I highly doubt they will go back to Blue VS Red in a long time.

The story will start focusing on the true enemy of the franchise, the Void Lords and how insignificant these petty faction wars are. Besides, we have also Yrel, the Twilight Hammer and the Scarlet Brotherhood coming at some point too which are way better storylines than what we got in BfA. Oh, and for good measures we will likely see the return of the Burning Crusade too at one point.

Though they will focus on stories within the factions I think.

that is probably more in khadgars style to polimorph people for the lulz hehe.

but next war is most likely due to some farmer in westfall getting butthurt, becuse an orc accidently stepped on his turnip or so anyways.

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Idk I think void lords and the whole “le epic big bad boy destroyer of universe” is quite overdone. I never understood the appeal, just look at Avengers and how everybody hyped up Thanos to be the most badass villain in history? Why? We all know that whether it’s Thanos, Void Lords or N’zoth, they will all be defeated and we will win.

If we had discarded N’zoth from Bfa and instead ended the expansion with another huge faction war raid, Bfa would probably have been a much bigger succes.

I don’t see how anyone can be exited about some lame void lords, or Cataclysm 2.0 or burning crusade 3.0. A epic raid where we kill Sylvanas would be almost as epic as scaling ICC and confronting Arthas.

I think the reason people liked Legion so much is cause it reminded us of the original Warcraft. I definetely think a round 2 with the scourge would be infinetely more interesting then fighting some epic bad guy void lords that no one cares about.


you’ll always win a mmo because the alternative is death :stuck_out_tongue: you literly cannot lose the stakes are to high

This why the Warcraft part of WoW cannot be about Alliance vs Horde since both sides have players.

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It depends on how successful WoW is. If the game can’t afford to keep on running, the storyline will end - otherwise they will setup something new, like WoW2 or another decade-long arc.


I do not realy think a faction war is something that is needed in this game anymore and not factions eighter, atleast not as they are now.

problem for me is, that whit a full out faction war, only leads to hate, what realy is not needed at all anymore, we have enough of that in Real life any ways now.

you can already se it on theese forums when people try to justify other sides action, what only leads to more hate, and whine, for no reason at all, it aint needed.
becuse you can not know if that person is just RPing, or he literaly is hating someone else instead, people are so unstable now, you can not be sure at all.

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It is similar to a very real split in the beliefs of people in the real life these years