Destro locks need a nerf

We will remember this thread cause lock is gonna dominate

still doesn’t change the fact that when this thread was created they were not broken will be weds though obviously

Are we forgetting about bug fix that was a huge dps increase?

I wish they had never fixed this bug because havoc proc+chaos bolt really feels like destrolock, fits the destruction theme.

But unfortunately it got fixed and they’ll make ChaosBolt more single target oriented instead of multiple target damage.

Fortunately for you you never cast 3 sec chaos bolts but only short ones with 1.5 sec and lower.

Because of the actual Design for destruction. But blizzard will not change it.

Can yall please stop crying about Ele? It got nerfed and its a glass canon class with 1 (YES ONE) defensive for 8 seconds that you can`t even use during a stun. No immunities, no invulnerabilities, no instant self heals. Its the EASIEST thing to kill, and everyone focuses the Ele first because of that.
All the hype about Ele is those 6% of the times when you get procs, otherwise its kiting behind pillars, trying to survive getting trained by melees and stuff like that.

if u have haste procs and get ritual of ruin you can easily pump out 3 in a couple of seconds. They hit around 60-80k now, so after 25% buff 260k damage in a few seconds might be pretty insane.
Of course can be interrupted or lined and is very visibly occurring unlike ele burst. that being said destro is not weak now, it’s prob the easiest and best spec for shuffle at least.

We get it, you leveled an ele and want to have some fun now.

“you” get it , not “we”

There`s no point to try and explain you anything because a class with one defensive spell of 8 seconds that cannot be used during a stun, needs no explanation.

I am literally playing an ele shaman myself and while it’s true they only get one real defensive cooldown you can run away in wolf form, which also serves as a permanent 20% wall and heal yourself up behind a pillar.

Melee cleaves and especially assa rogues are a pain for every caster. Stop pretending this is ele exclusive.

So BfA S4 is getting a Comeback but as a week version.

Its not 2007. The pvp is way different than kiting behind pillars. Why would a dps class kite for its survival most of the times praying please God ascendance to proc? Heal yourself, with 20k heals x4 times, IF you are free to cast. Ignoring heal reduction such as mortal strikes. We are the hybrid class that heals the lowest , even worse than a warrior self heals. No instant heals either…no immunity, basically Ele game play is kite behind pillars and pray to God for procs. However, how would you kite an arms warrior, if I may ask? hes always 100% on top of you.

Sounds totally boring…

yea but hes only ilvl 409 atm so it feels weaker than it is for him

I have 413 on mine. And i am still blasting.

mines still lvl 60 are they as good as they feel when you’re playing against them?

What do you mean with that? I hate facing them because they’re broken. Playing them yourself is obviously fun even though i am not a big fan of rng related damage.

just seems like the barrage of lava bursts is almost all the time when they play against me how often does it proc when you play it?

If i manage to get 3 Flame Shocks running (which is basically guaranteed at some point) i basically do not have to cast LB anymore as it procs constantly.