Developer Update: A Look at What’s Ahead for Wrath of the Lich King Classic

Well without RDF people will basically do only raids, as it is. Though it remains to be seen what they mean with those “extra challenges”, but if it’s something like Ulduar hardmodes that’s gonna make it even worse for newer players as people will expect everyone to do them - same way ppl expect every ZA to be a bear run.


I’m not seeing any upcoming nerfs for SWP here. Aside from WotLK pre-patch which is frankly too late already.

Is this just another try at proving that “we think we do, but we don’t”?


Yes but Sunwell is the last tier not the first tier. It’s meant to be the ultimate challenge of the expansion…

What i want from you DEVS is not to try and make a better game. I want you to deliver the game the way the old guard made it back then or as close as possible you can at least, fix any bugs that might surface, ban the bots and adress any server population issues faster.
Just that, leave the game the way it was.

Talking about social proximity whilst having paid instant 70 boosts in the game. Give me a break.
This article would be perfect for a new MMO release, actually promising. But here we are talking about a 15yo expansion that was the most succesfull in all mmo history probably.


Who is WE? :smiley:

Awsm blizz classic team had f-ing job to release lk classic as it was instead we get lk som. Lets be honest here blizz has a crap track record they dont listen they fail to fix large problems like boosting rmt there precious community council members on the us forums that should be and stay impartial starting to show there in the blizz camp till it is out my faith in there team real low not to screw it up as the company has been for years


SoM changes vastly killed boosting through instances :slight_smile:

I am so sorry for your forums Blizzard. Guys here are so toxic. Keep up the good work! At least Reddit seems to support all of the changes thank god.

Also to address the people here, just having the mindset blizzard bad whatever they do, don’t touch anything hurts the game. These changes are good, coming from a classic only player and from an original classic/tbc/wotlk player. And a huge chunk of the player base actually asked for these changes that’s why Blizzard is doing them.

It’s inevitable that a classic game will have new problems in new times (ex boosting being a plague in classic). Having the mindset don’t touch anything because you are going to break it isn’t helping anyone if the game is broken itself. This isn’t 2008. This is 2022. Naxx will be a face roll even if they buff everything 100%. Please get on with the times.

Also I have to find one poster here who actually seems to have complete a good chunk of TBC on the char they are posting… Are you guys even gonna play Classic or you just want to ruin it for the rest of us?


I mean, Molten Core was meant to be the first tier in Classic SoM and look what they did there.

I mean, don’t get me wrong - I know WotLK Naxx was undertuned. But the thing is, “increasing HP/damage” can cover a lot of scenario. It could be a minimal buff, not including any extra abilities etc., to put Naxx more in line with OS and Malygos (and the fact neither OS nor Maly have been mentioned by devs somewhat gives me hope). But it could also be a larger buff akin to what we’ve seen to some pservers and SoM where tuning is jacked up to points comparable to pre-nerf T5 or harder. Which would kill any hope of gearing up alts for Ulduar and later WotLK.

Maybe I’m just too pessimistic, but with Blizzard’s latest decisions and the retardness of some of the people posting on this forum I came to realize it’s best to expect the worst and then be positively disappointed, rather than the other way around.

See, these kinda sentences are exactly what makes me less than optimistic.

My main tankadin (Jhastra) has done every single raid, including beating both Vashj and Kael pre-nerf, up to 4/6 Sunwell (currently progressing on M’uru, we’ve brought Entropius down to about 40% and trying to get there). Is that enough to you or do you answer only to ppl who killed KJ week 1 or something?

10-man loot same as 25-man YES PLS


Did you actually ever raid WotLK naxx? I completed with my guild when i was 12 years old and my PC run WoW with 15fps and I had 2fps in raids unless I looked at the floor… And I was even a healer back then… Yes even if they buff everything 100% it is still uber easy…

And on top of that I am 100% sure their will revert the buffs/nerf it 2 months in… so super casuals can have their round with…

Also please don’t forget that WotLK has way more casual friendly content than any earlier classic iteration…

Yes I know I already said it’s undertuned, but from here to saying that something like Kel’thuzad with 50 million HP (following your 100% statement) is perfectly fine, when basically no boss outside of ICC had anywhere near that much HP (other than Flame Leviathan but he obviously doesn’t count), makes me realize just how out-of-touch with reality some of the playerbase is. I for one don’t wanna see a tuning akin to some of the TBC pservers which had 9M HP Vashj, 16M HP Brutallus or 21M HP KJ. There’re already pservers out there to cater to those players, and trying to do something like that on official servers would just cause a lot of people to quit. This isn’t even some wild speculation - just look at what happened to SoM, as well as what was going on during P2 in TBC.

Just give it a reasonable tuning in line with OS and Malygos and keep it that way, I’d say. But again, it’s Blizzard so who knows.

Fixed it for you.

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When I said 100% I meant up the difficulty by 100% not health/damage. I didn’t actually sit down to do calculations jesus lol. But if you up the difficulty 100% you go from a 3/10 difficulty to a 6/10 max. But even a 50million Kel Thuzad is doable. His damage was abysmal and in Phase 1 WotLK healers never go oom ever. So it’s just a large fight then. But ye it would be stupid to just make the fights last longer without giving any other changes

Well, excuse me for saying that these completely arbitrary numbers mean absolutely nothing or at least give absolutely no idea of what the fight’s tuning is supposed to look like according to you.

So were the TBC encounters I mentioned before. The point is not whether they’re doable or not but whether their difficulty is reasonable or not. This isn’t Retail, where you have 3+ levels of difficulty and thus you can reasonably tune Mythic so that it is mathematically doable as long as you give an absolutely perfect performance with favorable RNG on top of it. There’s literally only one version of Naxx (well aside from the size ofc), which is all the entire playerbase gets. If there was at least both a normal and a heroic version of Naxx, like with ToC or ICC, I’d be less worried about the hc tuning - at worst, I could still do on normal the encounters that I can’t do on hc, or I would have a bit more control over the progression. But when there’s literally only one version of Naxx available, it being merely “doable” isn’t necessarily right.


A 6/10 is around a BT level difficulty. Vashj/Kael pre-nerf is around 8/10 rest SSC is 6/10. Sunwell is mostly 8.5/10 with Muru being a 9/10. There so you have some sense. So Naxx being a 3/10 is a bit underwhelming don’t you think? Even pre-nerf kara is harder like come on.

And like I said I am 100% they will nerf it 2 months in. Will casuals even be 80 in 2months? And I see you’ve only done karazhan in entire TBC, why do you care so much? Unless you are posting from an alt for weird reasons.

And still WotLK has so much casual content that I fear it will destroy my social life since I will also be doing it… Like achievements/titles/mounts/pets/quests/reps/fishing/professions/grinding oh god it’s so much I have no idea how I will see the sun ever again after it releases…

Lol you almost sound as if Naxx being a 3/10 is some kind of objective number that you calculated rather than a number you pulled out of your behind^^ Could be 2, could be 4, could be 5, could literally be whatever.

Guess you were too busy crafting imaginary numbers out of thin air to actually read other people’s posts…

So your basic idea is that it’d be fine for all raid content to be however hard it can be because people can go do fishing or achievements instead? Wow, I’m sure the game would be so popular if devs followed your advice.

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Naxx is too easy for even casual guilds mate, simmer down

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First of all my guild disbanded because of Sunwell difficulty. I have not actually killed Muru or KJ and still I am not here crying about how raids should be easier. I had more fun getting my @$$ handed to me in Sunwell than I ever had doing karazhan half asleep. I still have a mega ton of fun playing WoW even if I have not completed the latest content week 1.

If you play WoW because you think you are entitled to clearing all raids easily, maybe don’t play WoW. You aren’t entitled to that. Other people actually have fun with challenging content instead of snorefests. Explain why you deserve better treatment than them please.

Second, I didn’t pull anything out of my behind. These numbers are circulated in the Classic Community that I participate in and I accept and use them that’s all. And it couldn’t literally be whatever, even you are contradicting yourself by saying could be a 2 could be a 4. Lol those are the closest to that number I said so you kinda actually agree as well too, why didn’t you say it could be an 8 or 10,you know it would sound absurd because it is. Even you yourself kinda understand those numbers. Also these numbers sound out of thin air but they aren’t. People have calculated difficulty from Warcraft Logs from how fast and how many guilds have cleared a raid. Naxx isn’t out yet I know but I bet you anything it won’t be anything harder than a 3/10 if they don’t buff it.

I don’t consider myself “entitled” to a damn thing, I just want to play the game as it was. My guild and I also wiped a lot of times on both Brutallus and Twins before we finally downed them, but you don’t see me asking for nerfing them here since that’s just how it was back then too. M’uru is a bit of a different matter because we had been promised, since before TBCC launch, that we’d get the slightly nerfed 2.4.3 version somewhere before WotLK pre-patch and yet devs promptly forgot about it - not even a word of explanation or w/e. Says a lot about how unprofessional they are, but I’m not even surprised anymore at this point.

As for Naxx… yes, it was undertuned back then. And yes, I do think it could be more fun if the tuning was upticked a bit. But given Blizzard’s handling of tune changing in SoM, I have next to no confidence in them to provide anything remotely fun or reasonable. And yes, just because something is too easy doesn’t mean that one can’t go too far in buffing it either.