Developer Update: A Look at What’s Ahead for Wrath of the Lich King Classic

Put in transmog and some of us will be happier. Everybody looking the same every tier is so incredibly tediously boring.

TRansmog gave some alternative flair for people to play with.

#Some changes

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Players do NOT want WoTLK messed up ! stop trying to twist it into something “new” , copy paste the damn expansion and release it ! get ur 2022 retail hands off it and stop justifying it with some far fetched idea that the majority wants it changed !

None of the players that played WOTLK 2008 want it changed … just leave it as is , i dun care nor do i wish to play WoTLK Retail Classic !!!

Whats next ? Arthas a coloured woman instead of the MAN he was ?

THis has gone TOO far just stop it !


We are the vast majority of players who do not consider it necessary to respond to the aggressive, corrupt and not very smart minority.

The problem with the often binary or one-sided view on the forums is that people who have other/different opinions than the sweatiest forum dwellers get worn down by not rarely 20 walls of texts in reply to argue for their equally arbitrary opinion to a point where the diffrent minded people leave the dwellers to their sand castle (and unfortunatly leaves the dwellers with a feeling of victory and ego boost).

I think you have already experienced it in this thread.

In terms of previous WOLTK Naxxramas difficulty I agree with you, it wasn’t even a raid, it was a sightseeing tour for the 99,99% of the player base who had missed it in Vanilla.
I saw what people did to Naxxramas in Classic - , the so called “hard”-version, so I can just imagine what would have been of the old WOTLK Naxxramas once it was released. There’s a reason more or less nobody played it after a while, and it wasnt “new epics” in Ulduar but the lack of difficulty of all achivements in there - even back then.

Should they buff it becuase of that? Depends on the view one has of what “Classic” is and was made for.

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oh ffs just put in dungeon finder

Well done, You ruined the entire Wotlk experience players were hoping for!
Private servers will remain more popular BECAUSE ITS ACTUALLY WOTLK instead this half-half release…

Many players today choose to play Classic WoW because they love that feel, and don’t want it to be lost.
You made us lose exactly that!

We know players in *Burning Crusade Classic* have experienced a great environment with raiding. Players are active in multiple raids at all four raid tiers, participating in both 10-player and 25-player raids, and raiding with their alts and in pickup groups at all tiers
Yes GDKP experiences! Aka, RMT experiences! Blizzard have you lost complete touch with your playerbase? LOOK AT YOUR OWN FORUMS for the love of god…

We hope that this glimpse of the in-progress itemization design helps you better understand how we plan to adhere to these pillars as we move forward.
Yeah, I undestand you guys plan to destroy every aspect of the good WOTLK experience and instead fund more into GDKP raids and therefore RMT situations.


“A good example of this can be found in the Emblem system from Wrath of the Lich King, which became needlessly complex and confusing by the time we defeated Arthas”

You mean just having 1 type of emblem per content tier used to purchase that tiers gear from vendors? Laughable.

Heroic challenges sounds quite interesting. New challenges that don’t impact the authenticity is welcome.

I don’t see an issue buffing Naxx either. It was far too easy. Raids are heavily boosted on most popular pservers for good reason. It was indeed a mistake to make raids on Wrath so easy. I would like to see this trend continue.

The thing is though, changes were not really needed. The extra content and making things a bit more difficult could be nice, but changing the fundamentals such as emblems, gearing system, currency, gear, stats etc is just stupid and you lads clearly haven’t listened to the community on this or tried to understand what people loved about Wrath or why hundreds of thousands of people moved away from live realms to continue playing it when Cata came out.

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I would say you are the MINORITY :smiley:

Looking at the multiple forum threads and replies I can only conclude he is actually part of the majority :laughing:

EDIT: This can also be because Unhappy costumers are always more vocal.

IF i remember correctly the people that left at the end of wotlk it was not that many cause cata still had milion of players playing
And was a decent expansion first half
Now to changing emblems i always tought that it’s a stupid system
cata brought way betterform
JP/VP maybe they should go with that to make it simple

Agreed, this has the makings of a Class A S*!^show.
Christ on a bike just leave it as it was…


Then when Cata arrives you’ll probably enjoy it a lot. We want to enjoy Wrath. Not a hybrid wrath/cata.

I will enjoy WOTLK too even with these changes :smiley:

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Let me guess? You didn’t have gold to buy gear and you didn’t wanted to go the usual route of a raiding guild or even trying to join or create a decent PUG?

Blizzard commented on GDKP like 2 days ago. GDKP will stay but they are “trying” to look at RMT problems.

See it as SSC/TK prenerf.

I assume you played wotlk back in the days but do you even remember how easy nax10/25 was? I have gotten both drakes + Immortal/Undying back then when I was 14/15 years old. I had zero clue what I was doing neither I had any addons/consumeables.

Nax25 is actually easier than Nax40 with 30+ Sunwell geared 70s

I don’t want another phase1 TBC.

This is a good change imo.

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That’s not an experience I would want to relive tbh.

I do yes, but that doesn’t mean its difficulty needs to be jacked up to unreasonable levels either, and seeing what Blizzard did with SoM doesn’t make me optimistic about their understanding of “reasonable difficulty”. The only thing that gives me some respite is that they didn’t mention anything about retuning Sartharion and Malygos, so they likely (hopefully) wouldn’t make Naxx that much harder than those two.

Putting aside the “shortness” of it, I don’t think the tuning of Gruul and Mag was off the mark tbh. It actually felt just right to me.

I will wait to see the actual tuning before claiming so. Let’s just say that Blizzard’s track record in this sense isn’t encouraging to me.

It’s funny how many people’s existence just consists of crying and complaining about everything… It’s unreal.

I’d rather have them fix GDKP runs and goldselling/buying, but whats in this post seems actually not that bad if done right


Rush wrath, skip cata, and release classic Mists of Pandaria during Christmas 2022.

If we knew exactly what Blizzard intends to do, maybe there’d be less complaining. Right now, it’s all a lot of vague statements that could go one way or the other. And given Blizzard’s recent track record, like with SoM, people are justified in being suspicious. At least with the original product people knew what to expect. With these changes… we won’t know until we see them, but I’d rather not have taken the risk personally.


Hey I have seen Berny in real life ! … Hope he didnt die at those terokkar towers :smiley: