DH is disgustingly broken

They’ve had their fun for 8 seasons now, and this one is by far their most broken one yet.

DK and Monk were nothing compared to the absolute Domination by DHs that is going on currently

About the class itself:

  • Immortal (Dodges everything, insane defensives etc.)
  • Has a Dispel
  • Untouchable/ most mobility ingame
  • Can literally fly in Arenas
  • Has infinite stuns
  • Mana burn (!!!)
  • Insane Damage
  • Gets you free 3K in Arenas, what does it even lose to?
  • Purge

If I told someone back in MoP that one day, a class will be able to do all of these, I would’ve gotten laughed at.
Now DHs have been the undefeatable overlords for 4 months and always been one of the most broken classes in Legion

So since 8.1 doesn’t hold any significant nerfs to DH (or any nerfs at all rofl), I’m asking you again Blizzard: How long do we have to wait?


Well for someone who has obviously played at top flight in arenas to be saying this makes me feel a lil better, played all last night probably 30 games+ lost to most dh fights, also not a caster that wasnt a healer in sight, shame bliz doesnt take critisism well.


DH’s are blizz newest toy… they wont nerf it because only 4% of the population is playing it… and they looks cool i guess?! If they nurf them the the numbers will change to 0 :slight_smile: because they are boring as hell.

But yeah they are absolutely disgustingly broken…and i cant understand how balance team(HAHAHa… i know this is just a myth, there is no balance team… actually there are 3 monkeys :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:throwing feces at each other) let the games stay at this state.


Compare DH with Dk.

I don’t get it. DH has literally everything while Dk has absolutely nothing. It’s almost like they don’t even play their own game.

DH is probably one of the most broken classes that ever existed in this game right now and they just don’t get nerfed for whatever reason.


And we DK’s are supposed to be the slow, unstoppable Juggernaut…


Yeah look at all those DHs in top 100.

If you added 30 more to them they’d be 33.

Meanwhile 15 Druids in Top 100.


Edit: 8 DHs in top 200.

Broken af. Meanwhile 28 Druids.

19 Rogues.

14 Hunters.

25 Shaman.

38 Priests ( LMAO )

14 Paladins.

19 Mages.

7 monks.

Only 4% of the player out there are DH, every other class is with 8-12% :slight_smile: so 4(not 3) DH is not that bad dont you think :thinking:?

Citation needed.

Nobody plays DH because the gameplay is boring af but the ones that do play it get highly rewarded


Citation needed.

All the population censuses I’ve seen show DH to be as played or more played than average.

Realmpop, worldofgraphs, warcraftrealms all support my narrative.

There is not blizzard tool that keep tracking class representation, the closest that we get is from third party sites.
You can type : World of Warcraft: most played class 2018 or something like this, and you will see the results i dont think they are are 100% accurate but the are based on something dont you think?

I linked you 3 census websites that all put DH at around 8-9% in line with most classes and even above some others ( Shaman, Monk ). I highly doubt all 3 reporting the same data is coincidence.

so the number of people playing a class effects how op it is? good logic there man you ever played into high damp against a dh? probably not and if you did the dh was dog sh!t

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Dh wasnt broken towards the end of legion. Infact im pretty sure DH was the lowest representation of r1’s at the end of nearly every legion seasons. Me being one of them. they were easy to counter and good teams would kill you.
However i agree with you that in BFA they are pretty op and need nerfing :slight_smile:

Shhhhhhh please. they already took resto druid from me :sob:

To be honest they got one big nerf - Mana rift.

  • Demonic Origins no longer increases damage outside of Metamorphosis.

  • Mana Break no longer increases damage based on missing mana, now increases the mana cost of spells by 30% for 10 seconds, and now costs 50 Fury.

  • Mana Riftnow has an 8 yard range (was 20 yards), now explodes after 2.5 seconds (was 2 seconds) and now costs 50 Fury. Was 20 fury

So lets do a small summary:
DH’s were never the type of a class that can do a proper setup and execute someone like rogues/mages etc. They are about the constant pressure they apply. Meaning the combs that are having DH’s were mostly relying on constant pressure and winning in dampening most of the time. Mana rift was the one thing that was making them so OP because of the presusre it applies - mana burn + 8% of the health. Late game DH always win.
The thing is now the rift is a lot smaller, it takes more time to hit and a proper setup for mana rift + stun = 60 Fury in total. So its gonna be a lot easier to escape from it + DH’s will sac a lot of FURY(which is equal to dmg) for mana rift.
This is my opinion, but i think it will have a huge impact.

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not anymore, my friend, not anymore…

What did they do to DH’s?

i’m gonna discuss every of the points you explained below and prove that you are wrong:
1- Immortal:
- dodge is physical melee (not melee physical or magic dmg is dodged)
- 3min cd 20% (70% with talent), 1 min cd 35% dmg reduction 50% dodge chance (both RNG depending)
- 2 min cd dmg inumne, unable to attack, can still be slowed, rooted stunned and everything but killed or take dmg

2- Dispell 1 min cd, yes it’s reflect dispell, but must be 10 yds or closer to dispell a teammate
3- most mobility: root+slow, nothing else to say
4- infinte stuns: 30 sec cd 4 sec , 1min cd aoe 4 sec stun, 3 sec sap 45 sec cd (extended to 5 sec talented, but 1 min cd). in return you don’t have any slow, but a 3 sec 70% slow on 25 sec cd
5- Mana burn, yes, you are right there it was op, but already got nerfed (more fury cost - was 20, now 50-, more delay time on explode, range highly reduced - from 20 to 8- )
Insane dmg: Only if you let us cleave, he has lower ST than fury, outlaw, sin, enha, sruvival (ooh look the most played melees in pvp)
6- That’s why the representation is so high (3 in top 100, 8 in top 200)
7- Purge: i don’t see you crying about shaman’s purge :wink:

i think you got enough information, if not, feel free to ask or reach 3k with you own DH if it is so easy :smiley:


Did you even read what you wrote ?

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