DH mobility - The mobility is killing the fun for everyone else

You put too much work on this comment and only few will read it.
They just like to cry on forums. I remember the days if you are not playing a rogue , you basically can’t pug m+ or the days when affliction warlock can solo heroic bosses. Best part is everyone crys about pvp but rmp is 1 shotting people for like forever


Used to it, this isn’t just my opinion either, it’s a compilation of knowledge from players over a multitude of these threads alongside my own experiences trying out a DH.
They are outperformed in a lot of ways and people want to be oblivious to it.

The flag carrying, I’ll give them that, classes like monk and warrior have functions nerfed when carrying the flag, leap with a vdh feels like an oversight because of this and it’s something that is hard for any serious team to ignore, yet established metas bring around counters all the time in many games, I just don’t know if PvP(the specific bgs they are useful in) has really had that much attention invested into it to bring about true counter plays, plays which are rarely found whilst complaining but by those who stomach it and knuckle down.

Leaping around with the flag does not make them immortal!

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This has been true of caster classes for ever, excepting BM Hunters. Actually the situation is so bad for classes with long cast times, that you wonder why would you want to play such a class that any slight movement requirement results in huge DPS loss? Or, if you want to stand in the back and shoot, why not play the BM Hunter who combines the best of both worlds?

Secondly, melee classes have their own problems, they have to move much more and all this extra movement also results in DPS loss. So much so, that a few patches ago, Blizzard decided, " we increase all melee classes DPS by 10% because they need to move a lot".

In the end it is the encounter, Raid, M+, Horrific Vision or PvP, that determines which class has an advantage.

In my opinion BM Hunters always have the advantage in any situation I can think of, and if any other class overtakes them in DPS, it is simply Blizzard tweaking the numbers trying to balance DPS out, for example a single, 2 second cast Chaos Bolt or Glacial Spike may do as much damage as the Hunter has been doing in the past 10 seconds…

This rustles my jimmies so much. Meanwhile I have ONE mobility spell (gateway) on 2 min cd that I CAN’T EVEN USE when carrying the flag. And absolutely no way to catch the DH unless my team is constantly slowing or ccing the DH.


It’s not that we don’t understand the class is balanced once you know how to counter it. It’s the fact that it just feels incredibly infuriating to play against them. You don’t need to read an essay to undertstand how to beat any other specs in a regular situation.

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I imagine most people find classes infuriating when they keep coming against them or have a class that is directly countered by it.

Yet if it’s balanced with it’s strengths and weaknesses I struggle to find how it can be labeled as trash.

You know these threads pop up every expansion for different classes and there is typically ways to play against such things, people just wanna wave their arms and wail on the forums, then next expansion we repeat it all again with whatever is the next fotm.

It’s not really a winning situation, perhaps if people devoted some time to understanding these things they might complain a bit less, or y’know, accept that sometimes you will lose and there is nothing you can do about it.

Sorry if that is too long for ya. edit I was rash and assumed you are grilling me for trying to provide a bit of insight, maybe you was but ah well, apologies if that was not a low key dig :joy:

There is no amount of essay that is going to beat experience regardless but that said, I imagine there is a lot to be said for each class in each match-up, Dh being very weak to CC and roots is all purpose however, you can even use items in random bgs/wpvp if your class is lacking.

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deleted post

My DH is playing a melody for you on the world’s smallest violin. - Sorry it is so small you can hardly hear it!

All who cry how easy is DH and how too good it is… You really think you keep pressing one button and you get 4k+ Rio?

It takes skill to play good, like any other class.

Seen a lot of not very good DHs, so just playing DH is not enough to make one good.


Yeah it’s pretty dumb imo, they have the best movement in the game, around the top of CC’s, around if not the top dmg and pretty insane defensive capabilities. They should not have all of these, they should be balanced like the rest and excel at certain things while lacking or being decent in others, they are around top 1-3 in all fields with does make them just generally better in all fields. (Talking dps, pvp, world content and legacy content and not tanking here but that’s still pretty silly imo.) :}

Several specs move around like rocket ships.

Mobility is fun.

Too much mobility breaks the game - at least if many specs are going to be designed around standing still.

Demon Hunters are definitely not fun to fight because of their mobility or absorbtion. It’s not so much that they are overpowered because they’re really not particularly - it’s that they make you feel completely powerless. Far more so than when fighting rogues, which is honestly quite the accomplishment.


You know I was doing arena the other day to get to 1.4k purely to speed up getting rank 3 strife.
I played as Vengeance, and by the time the healer was dead my partner died pretty much too. I was up against Havocs and had no problem killing them (As tank !!). Want to know a spec that heals like a little sissy… Fury Warrior. Every match guaranteed they had done 1.1 Mill or in excess there of.

Another thing I found was the number of slows, roots etc. OMG sticking to a target was near damn impossible.
Unlike Havocs Veng does not have vengeful retreat so we have nothing to remove snare. But EVEN IF we did, it would not be anywhere close to keeping up with the snares (roots and slows) going.

I could list classes and what not, but instead I found weak spots and played them to my advantage instead of taking to the forums.

I do sometimes get the distinct impression that people will complain and cry nerf for anything and everything until its beatable with minimal effort instead of trying to learn and improve.

Just to add im no pvp guru, im no pve god. I am someone that swapped from rogue to DH and finds the class fun and just gets on with it…(unless its titanforging then ill whine lol)

Whole thread:

Everyone else: Arguments against too overpowered DH kits
DH: Hurpedydurp lurn tae play m8ts!!1

Everyone else: some facts and comparisons about DH overdoing everybody else’s jobs.
DH: Mamma mia!!1 Its’a heeero classse!1

Everyone else: At least DH could just be tuned for PvP.
DH on a twinks: DHs actually VERY VERY VERY BALANCED™


Whole thread:

Everyone else: Hurpedydurp 2 button leach!!1
DH: Hurpedydurp lurn tae play m8ts!!1

Everyone else: Mario!918 mah class isnt hero :`((((
DH: Mamma mia!!1 Its’a heeero classse!1

Everyone else: DHs are INCREDIBLY BROKEN™
DH on a twinks: DHs actually VERY VERY VERY BALANCED™

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how creepy it is some random forum troll can ‘‘pull up logs’’ and shame you or harass you. …not on this exact instance but in general. i agree this player dh is bad not because of his logs but because hes playing dh…

hordectivi$sion sells too much info to3rd party sites

Both dh and monk shouldve never been added to the game. But yeah cant change that now, so please do nerf their mobility into oblivion. Ty.


These classes are fine, even future ones - but the rebalancing only happens every two years which is the problem.

DH mobility wouldn’t have been such an issue if they could decide if the game should have more mobility or not. Which is one of the many topics that they keep being indecisive with.


Main problem that blizzard has is they have no middle ground at all and its affecting almost every part of their company.

Only thing really that is always good is the cinematics and music everything else is either designed to be top notch or most annoying thing since the days when game developers created all sorts of crap for C64.

Rambo voice on insert your name instead of Murdoch ,“Murdoch I’m coming for you” sticks knife in table. Cut