Disable addon access to AH


  1. Listings will be far clearer, with less data noise caused by multiple, single-unit, entries.
  2. Players will be able to use effectively AH without being forced to install an addon.
  3. Disabling addon access to AH stops RMT from manipulating AH.

The use of addons to list items has caused AH to be full of hundreds of entries, multiple listings of one item: same price listed by the same player. This has made it almost impossible to search the list unless the player has an addon capable of doing so.

Automated access is a godsend for RMT’s, enabling them to game AH far more effectively than before, to the detriment of everyone else.

Classic was touted as the “Vanilla experience”. Automated access to AH was not part of that experience.

By disabling API access to the AH all of the playerbase will need to use AH as it’s designed. There will be far fewer large listings of single items, due to the amount of effort required to do it. This will reduce the level of data noise in AH, allowing the players far easier access to the items they require.



I am quite fed up of people insisting to change game according their whim. AH add-ons are not just there for include item, but also keep track on pricing, and give people idea of vendor prices and what not.

And no lack of addon wouldn’t make the basic UI any more useful. It is clunky and horrible.


Certainly on the busy servers this is indeed very necessary… At the moment you have to scroll alot if you don’t have any AH addon, which kinda forces you to get one and make the problem even bigger for the ones not using the AH addons…


In what way is this a whim? I gave three very sound reasons why API into AH is a bad idea. I’m thinking you’re a heavy user of automation: am I right?

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Automation of what ?

  1. No the basic UI does not make it anything clearer, easier or simpler. It even makes it worse, when people pull their 1 copper and high BO items in AH. And on busy servers you use add-on to fight such behaviour. Single stacks are irreverent, really.
  2. No. They are not. Why you think original AH addons were made ?
  3. No, people will keep manipulating AH in one way or another.

There your 3 points are not even remotely enough to ban addon from - yes, i repeat out of whim.

Every 2nd day someone goes with BAN this or BAN that, change this and change that.

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What are you talking about? Literally everyone was using Auctioneer back in Vanilla. You just didn’t notice it because the 1-stack stuff hadn’t started yet.

No reason to break the game for legit players. All they need to do is restrict the amount of single stack items you can put up. Let’s say 1 per item. So if you put up 1 silk cloth, you can’t put up another until that one is sold. You can still put up other stack sizes.

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Now this sounds more like a solution !

So if we have a stack of items but want to sell 2 at a time, we have to individually separate into stacks of 2 and then post 1 at a time on AH ?
Too fiddly.
My addon helps (Auctioneer). I’d like to keep using it please.

You’re wrong. There were addons in vanilla. You want to change it. No changes, please.

Here’s two macroses which I use and that’s enough for me to buy things without addon:

Sort by item buyout price:

/run SortAuctionItems("list", "unitprice")

One click buy out:

/click BrowseBuyoutButton
/click StaticPopup1Button1
/run SetSelectedAuctionItem("list", GetSelectedAuctionItem("list") + 1) AuctionFrameBrowse_Update()

Stop crying.
End of the discussion.

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This seems interesting, do you need ot search for the item first?

Yeahhh, that’s a hard no from me dawg.

I like playing the auction house, it’s like a game within the game to me.
Addons streamline my process.

Also the AH addons were available in vanilla so noty.

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We had auctioneer in the original game… Ergo, it was a part of the experience even back then.

If you want to post and claim something about the original game, at least get your facts straight…

I am so tired of these constant topics where people make claims and demands, left right and center without having a clue what they’re talking about…


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People only have this mentality because they didn’t know about most of them and didn’t have the Twitch app do everything for them.

No thanks, the default UI is absolutely terrible.

If they fix the default UI then yeah sure but they haven’t done that in the 15 years for retail so I’m not getting my hopes up.

You press that macro, then subsequent searches in the current game session will be correctly sorted.

One thing im pro changes is AH. A practical and functional AH UI with an addon restricition would represent the perfect scenario.
AH turned out to be a game within the game where half of the world is trying to trick the other half. Exploitation and opportunism should stay in real world.

I’ve made similar thread a while ago, when single stack spam just started: AH add-ons that are ruining Classic

Since then it turned to worse. Many players are intentionally posting single stacks to annoy other players, so they would have a choice either to buy overpriced single stack or spend 10 minutes scanning pages. Such add-ons should not be allowed in Classic.

Even though “technically” AH add-ons existed in vanilla, so did LFG add-ons. Yet none of them were popular enough to cause problems. Today Blizzard has disabled LFG add-on and AH add-on is already causing big problems. Players should not be forced to use add-on in order to be able to use auction house.

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