Disconnecting all the time (WOW51900323) [09/12]

I did repair game because I thought it would help, and now that made things worse and the launcher can’t fix my files and wont let me get through ‘update’ because it starts scanning game files again to try and repair but throws an error at the end. GG rip. Any advice?

Nope, happening in Origrimmar and Stormwind…

WOW51900323 error for me…

It doesn’t fix anything. Problem is not client side, its issues with servers…

This also happens in The Dragon Keep…
Stay away from there… I got myself stuck there

poke Glowbeard, he has mega advise, the pill for every in-game case

Who ain’t calm? Look at yourself.
I’m online for long enough (guess 30mins or so) in the capital city where before I got dc’d 20+ times whitin 5 seconds.

But we a emo kid and cry some more here while a fix is in your reach and complain to people who hand it to you…

Repair did not work for me either

Deleted cache, no good.
Reinstalled, still no good.

Issue doesnt seem to be client side, seems to be server side, esp since my other online games work perfectly fine, packetloss is also not above normal.

Adding my own hat into this ring

Utterly unable to login - trying the supposed full uninstall + new install to see if that helps at all but given how widespread and seemingly server-side this seems to be, I’d wager something’s up with the actual servers

Would like to see this resolved sooner rather than later :c

World of Warcrash!!!

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reinstalled, wow and the launcher … bs, does not work, same problem


Well it is resolved… That you don’t like it is something different.
I can imagine if you have some dial up internet this is no option but 1000mbit up/down fiber users should try this…

Make sure no blizzard processes are still running in background, like agent, battle.net, voiceproxy etc. To be sure just restart your PC and try again.

30 mins? as I said, I was playing just fine the whole night after the problem started. But then I guess ppl started to log in and dcs started again. this. is. not. on. gamers. side. but yeah, if u like to re-install the whole game couple time a day, have fun

I doubt you did and else you forgot to clean the leftover files and cache like I said it the original post.
Read some more about data corruption, in shadowlands this was a thing also

It is not resolved if it doesn’t work for everyone else. So cut it^^

Its working again for me.

have no more dcs in bgs and cities.

Can someone confirm ?

If you like to stay here and complain instead of playing… fine

Unable to play too, was fine 5 minutes but now I can’t play 5 seconds without getting a WOW551900323, tried disabling addons to see and the result is the same so it’s client side.

ive deleted everything after deinstalling… just the same problem after reinstalling