Disconnecting all the time (WOW51900323) [09/12]

Just started for me, i was ok for maybe an hour but then i started a grand hunt and when we were fighting this worm mini boss there was a dc, cam back, dc again the moment i move, return and am dead and unable to resurrect. Now its just a chain of log in > DC Error 51900323

Same problem, hope u will refund us for this.

Did a full clean reinstall of Battle.net Launcher and WoW

Issue persist :<


Grand! Thank you Tyrskorn

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After some testing.
I have notice the only character that this is happening is my Ianna Outland-EU . It allways happent after Covenant Mission Board Alert pop up. Maybe it have some probelms whit it ? All of my other characters that are lvl 50+ working whitout any problems as they had they mission tables cleaned over month ago.

Seems i can stay logged in on my character at level 60 in Ogrimmar , However when i try to login into my main thats in ValDrakken i disonnect instantly after 2/3 seconds.

Don’t bother reinstalling your client/bnet folders unless Blizzard asks you to, its a placebo thatll break the moment you stay more than 5 minutes in a high pop zone

t. Someone who did this roundabout an hour before the angry dwarf started preaching it and understanding its not a client side problem when it didnt help.


have they announced any time for when they think they will have this disconnection issue fixed?

After about 20 DC’s I’ve gradually made my way to the Auction house and successfully bought an item :+1:

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I just logged in and it worked - NO idea how or what I did unfortunately - did they fix it?

Same here. Unable to play (Rat von Dalaran)

I thought it did too, only for it to happen again once I turned around to the mailbox.

I’m having the issue in Azure Span, dc-ed about 6 times in a row.

They just replied that they’re investigating. No estimated time for a fix though, but it’s something

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Same issue!

amazing 20 years down the road, and they still manage to mess things up lol

beating a dead horse, but having the same issue

ty :slight_smile: I just saw that after I posted my msg :heart:

Same issue on Argent Dawn, constant cd with error 51900323

So far what I’ve noticed. Avoid densely populated areas. If I’m questing it’s fine. As soon as I aproach bigger cities, it goes ham. Or when the hunt is near me.
Hope it helps ^^