Disconnecting all the time (WOW51900323) [09/12]

Sure buddy. I’ve had this account since 2009. I know that hiccups happen, especially with new releases, but it seems that went right over your head in all the previous years and expansions. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Hello everyone,

As mentioned previously, we’re performing an emergency maintenance to address this issue. Please let us know if it’s still happening once complete.


yeah buddy i got a few more years on you… been around since release of vanilla mate, So I know the drill, doesnt change the fact that players new, old or returning, should not waste time and money on their F!ck ups!


never before I wasnt glad to a server shutdown

Any ETA on how long the maintenance will be?

Tell your incompetent devteam to test an update before they push it.


Then unsubscribe if technical errors bother you to such an extent, I’m sure Blizzard can cope without your subscription. :wink:


I can confirm that at least in my case, I no longer get DCed after removing my Memory of Ysera wristband mog. As soon as I put the transmog back, it crashes. It doesn’t even render the mog. Of course, probably if you encounter another player with the mog, it will still crash. But at least for me, in a secluded leveling area with no one around, I no longer get DCed. So a temporary workaround if you’re leveling with not many people around you.

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Around 1 hour they said on twitter

Can’t believe it takes Blizzard a whole team, and server shutdowns, to fix a problem Glowbeard solved on his own :grimacing: smh my head

but its cool to see that you’ve plently of money to toss at this game, to not care about these issues, that you’re wasting your money on, why are you even here on the forum then?

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Actually not true, I remember back in the days of Vanilla, BC and LK blizz would give free game time, OK fair enough the downtime was long, and I mean LONG! but they did compensate. They won’t do that now as blizzard is only interested in making money instead of keeping the customers who make them money happy! You only have to look at Diablo immoral and Samegame 2

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He still didn’t fix it xD

has nothing to do with my specific sub, Theres tons of people who are wasting their money and time, with problems like this! we’re paying for a service, not for broken updates!


About time you changed the batteries too.

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i remember that aswell, id not even care if they would atleast give a little in return for the time we’re unable to use on the game.

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nah man, ppl are right. this is paid game. we pay to play.


I browse the forums on a regular basis, even if the game is running optimally. :exploding_head:
Just because I pay a subscription doesn’t mean I have to be in the game 24/7.

I was able to play for a while, got one disconnect during one hour of play. but now since I entered the azura zone. I get to be ingame for like 4 seconds and then get disconnected again. Been trying to log in like 10 times, same result every time. I have restarted wow and my pc and it still doesn’t work.

Obviously, but it’s pretty well-known that technical difficulties happen, instead of whining about it trash talking the dev team like others have in the post, people could go and do some laundry, dishes, watch a show on netflix, have lunch, walk their dog while they fix it - literally endless options. Complaining about it isn’t magically gonna fix the issue, and it makes people look pretty foolish.