Disconnecting all the time (WOW51900323) [09/12]

How bout u take ur own advice seen as u have u taken 5 mins of ur time whinning about ppl whinning funny that huh!!!

Yeah but like I said any compensation given is a financial cost to blizzard, they will happily take your money now but it would have to be a seriously long time for them to compensate probably at a ratio of 1:1

Don’t forget you can also buy wow tokens with gold so you can actually play for free buuuut I do understand how you feel as I also pay a sub, but with nearly 600 games at my disposal wow downtime doesn’t really matter, also I could go out and touch some grass! but F**K that its freezing outside!

In the meantime, I thought I would hop over to WoTLK but, ‘login servers are full’ :rofl:

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was geting DC all time but now wow servers are down

The issue is we pay for that downtime. Telling us to do dishes is frankly absurd.


The audacity of some people to expect to be able to play the game they paid money for. smh

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yeah its sad… usually it only happened when flying… but now its during fights, while opening my bag, and even when summoning my pets xD its crazy

I tried to repair and now it keeps saying something broke and I should try again. Can’t even log in anymore x)

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they are doing emergency maintenence now

what are u talking about? I pay the game to play it at any time I want. I. Pay. For. This.
what the fk dishes.
and just for u to understand: if u dont tell what u want/expect for troubles, none will give it to u. if none of us wudnt write here that problem exists, no any dev wud look into it.
and if we wont demand compensation for a troubles, they will never offer it even.

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Since you mention what you think you are paying for, you might want to read the end user license agreement, more specifically where you acknowledge this: " 1. Blizzard is not liable in any way for the loss of data or damage to the Beta Test System, interruptions of service, software or hardware failures, or loss of data or disruption of service;"

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In all fairness, complaining about an issue is the ONLY way to get a “released” issue fixed, people have a right to complain about things especially when their point is valid! This has been caused by a “hotfix” which the devs obviously did not test properly and rushed it out to stem complaints but this is bad practice and leads to situations like we have now.

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I tried that as well - the fastest way is to reinstall the game :slight_smile:
Fixed it for me - i hope this helps.

There is a difference between reporting an issue and whining and demanding things.

what is it that you don’t get?

  • they are literally taking YOURS, MINE, AND EVERYONE ELSES money, and you get nothing in return, other than time you can’t use on the game, Time you’re actually PAYING for… - i mean… im surprised it doesnt even bother you a little… a tiny little bit…

either you’re dumber than bend paper, or have someone paying for your sub, or it must be awesome being so rich and so chilled that paying for a broken service is completely fine, and on top of that, Not getting anything in return ofc. :wink:

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It can’t help when it’s server-side problem. That’s why servers are disabled now.

Do not get discouraged by haters. <3 your comment


Let see if the updated works

Never seen the forum as busy lol

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you agreed to this in the end user agreement lol

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