Disconnecting all the time (WOW51900323) [09/12]

Can I come back now or is it still down?

Totally agree, its called freedom of speech tbh if ppl dont like us bashing on the devs then stay out the forums n play a broken game, ITS THAT SIMPLE m8 no ones asking u to read or except anything we r typing just let it go over ur head instead of trolling others opinions


Make sure to exit your game to apply rollback patch.

I believe u have big button PLAY. press and discover

the on update does not work I canā€™t play the new World of Warcraft like that Iā€™d like to play again
Was engaged in PvP Here I am not paying for a game that does

They announced it on the forums and the twitter account about 30min prior. You were given a 15min warning in game.
Thatā€™s how things go with a pressing issue needing to get solved. You canā€™t announce this a few days ahead, unless you want us to continue DCā€™ing for the coming two, three days?

They also stated it would take +/- 1 hour.

I did go and do something else, and I now have a nice cup of tea while I can watch some streams. Feels good man.

Iā€™m sure thereā€™s other useful things you can do around your home in the meantime.

Completely understandable that it is frustrating.
And honestly, yes, the only way you can change sh*t is by voicing your opinion. Iā€™d rather have them thoroughly test and double check everything before a release, but sometimes not every issue is found before a release.

That said, itā€™s taking longer and longer to get a response from any blizz related person when there is sh*t going down on EU. 9 hours for an issue this game-breaking for so many people is TOO long.
Nevertheless, when servers come back on, we all happily log in and continue playing.


Yea so true :+1:

waw crappy lauch dc bugs everywere it did make my fix my home so yes idm beind this ecpac so crapp in status but who cares its not that i login see after 5 min playing servershutdown is fun no but think it like this imma continue fixin my house and wait patiantly to when i get to play i play proper and no dc lua error her and there

Still doesnt work?

still doesnā€™t

Fingers crossed they will fix this soon. I have so much to do. :crossed_fingers:t2:

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looks like all servers are down nowā€¦ lolā€¦ :eyes:

I never told u to go do something else mate, im pretty sure they were ur words anyway, i told u whinning about ppl whinning is kinda the same thing

Servers are up.

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I canā€™t even start the game due scan&fix loop hole.

If you have looped scan and fix then you must reinstall game. I had same issue once and only this fixed.

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Laggdraken killed the servers againā€¦