lol i try play 2 window on my second account every login inst dc - on main all fine/
tried it, just the same for me. 2 or 3 stweps and dc’d
Same here on Tarren Mill, about 8 disconnects in the last hour with the following error: WOW51900323.
Same thing is happening for me.
Why doesnt my game go past the server list?
Getting error code: “WOW51900223”
Same issue, managed to after a bunch of small steps between get out of Valdrakken and now it’s working fine again. Valdrakken seems to be broken
Same, I’m in Silvershard Mines spawn room and getting DC’s three seconds after logging again. Over and over and over and over and over again.
Same issue. HSed to Valdrakken and instant disconnects now.
Works for me
Same. Only started today…
Same issue. Keep getting disconnected 3-4 seconds as soon as I enter the game and I can’t even move or do anything
Same here, moved out of Valdrakken and it was better.
But …
Now as soon as i enter a bg, whole teams get dcs … unplayable.
I can`t open the game anymore…Ony update option and start to scan over and over again…
I’m still getting disconnected after turning “optimize network speed” off. It seemed to help a little, but after a minute I was thrown out.
You have been disconnected. (WOW51900323)
Darkmoon Fair Realm
Same. Whenever I move
Noticed that disconnects occurs in crowded places and only when I click: skill/npc/any button etc. Disconnects in SW, Oribos and that new city.
Also always disconnects when I’m ALT-TAB while reconnecting.
I have this exact same issue. Played for about 30 minutes in Azure Span, hearthstoned to Valdrakken, disconnected. Standing still no d/c as soon as I take 4 or 5 steps, disconnect with error code wow51900323
I’m having the same issue. Disconnecting after moving a steps in Valdrakken.
I deleted all in the cache folder, and now it works… could work for others…
delete all in: \World of Warcraft_retail_\Cache
Did this too - scan and repair. Deleted WTF folder & Cache Folder and removed all addons but still get dcd. Seems to be Valdraken and instances mainly that boots people off when you try to take any action other than standing idle.