Same here brother. Disconnecting every 5 seconds.
Same issue here. DC soon after logging in. Only in Valdrakken tho.
Same problem, endless disconnects that started some time after todays realm restarts…
Started with disconnects every few minutes. Now can’t even launch the game, stuck on an endless cycle of Update > Scanning > Update > Scanning etc etc
Hello Blizzard do something already this has been happening for a hours, game is unplayable right now. Where is compensations?
Same for me. Can not to move arround without disconections. Unplayable right now.
Does not matter where i am. Was same disconections in Darkmoon Faire
Same issue game unplayable constant dc
Getting constant DCs aswell after entering Valdrakken, can’t even get into the game… loading screen stops at 95% with message “A streaming error has occurred”
Do a full restart of game Bnet - people saying its downloaded a small patch which is causing a conflict.
Same, Silvermoon + Draenor, non stop disconnect on all toons
typical clown company blizzard. fix a debuff that doesnt really affect too much and now nobody can play
I have found out the reason why I kept dcing since the restart of the server. It was because I had the item “Memory of Ysera” transmogged and this seems to be buggy since the newest patch. It doesn’t show up and causes a dc.
I kept dc’ing the whole time, then I found out when I went into hivemind mount really fast I stopped dcing, I also stopped dcing in dracthyr form. So I guessed it had something to do with my transmog and the Memory of Ysera was the only “special” thing I had equipped. Since I took it off I didn’t dc anymore at all.
Try and move away from valdrakken , i think it may be that something there is causing issues
Was lucky enough that i logged in close to the dalaran portal , so move there by dc’ing and get into it , I am currently not kicked from the game there and can play.
My characters not in Dragon Isles I can log in, but any character in dragon isles I get DC before even getting into the game.
Same issue, seems to happen more frequent in Valdrakken for some reason.
Same here. Aerie Peak. DC few seconds after login.
Same problem, disconnecting after 1 second in an instance in DF
Same happening to me.
As soon as I move, take off or land, attack, heath - all very risky. Chain dc trying to log back in. Going to an alt and then back was working but not anymore.
It’s becoming more frequent now too, happening to everyone in guild and world grps too
Seems that the dc only happen in crowded places like capitals and battlegrounds
The same thing happens to me as well while in DF zones. It kept disconnecting me, then it worked for like 20 mins and it begin again