Disconnecting all the time (WOW51900323) [09/12]

Happening for me too - a few times in Valdrakken but literally non-stop when trying to do the Surge Breaker daily in Dragonbane Keep.

Same! Started fiale check - ups! somthing went wrong! Blizz, rly? LOL! C’mon! We love u! Do smth!

Same here, keep disconnecting when logging in into Valdrakken. When I move I disconnect. Game is unplayable atm.

seems the issue is in all of the major cityes. This happens also in Ogrimmar. Realm Twisting Nether.

Same! Started file check - ups! something went wrong! Blizz, rly? LOL! C’mon! We love u! Do smth!

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Same, WOW51900323 in Valdrakken.

Disabling all addons does not help.

Same issue here!

Time to do something else then… :slight_smile:

On Pozzo dell’eternità (Italian realm)
No issues as of RN.l

the same happening to me at the feast event. disconnects after 5 seconds in game. server:ragnaros

Same issue here

Same, WOW51900323 happens with my main, tried to sue the character stuck but kept happening. Doesn’t happen with my alts tho.

unplayable Madge

Come on, Blizzard. Please fix asap.

Why is Blizzard not talking about this issue anywhere? Not on twitter or in the Bnet app, do they ever work on a solution?


Just started experiencing the same issue when I joined the siege. As soon as the siege started I got disconnected, and every time I log back in I get disconnected again after 2 seconds.
After maybe 10 disconnects I was able to play for 2 minutes before getting disconnected again. I asked nearby players if they experience the same and everyone said yes. Then I got disconnected again.
Now, 15 minutes into the siege, the pathway up to the gates are littered with players just standing still, presumably disconnected.

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Same in BGs , at the start everybody stands there dc’d

Everytime I login, as soon as one of my characters (my main) is hovered I get DCd

If I’m lucky enough to hover an alt before it dcs me, then it seems I can login - although seemingly not for long.

Would love it if Blizzard would speak up about this now…

7:23 server - Drak’Thul only Valdrakken did disconnect. StormWind, Boralus, Orgrimmar was without disconnects
7:56 Valdrakken was working again, did got one disconnect while I was flying outside/near Valdrakken, outside Valdrakken it was working ok (doing WQ)
8:43 Valdrakken disconnects again

Looks like they need more servers with more Sharding layers

even before I got disconnects from opening my leatherworking window
In Valdrakken sometimes when I open my leatherworking crafting window I got disconnect

Had same issue, primary character assets not loading in on character selection screen followed by a disconnect.

Tried to run repair to fix any errors in updating but battlenet cant even download and update the game after completing the scan. Maybe they froze the update while working on a fix? Some communication would be nice in that case.