Disconnecting all the time (WOW51900323) [09/12]

Same, but my Stormwind characters are OK, only happens in Valdrakken when i try to login there with a character

P.S. I returned to WoW to give it another go and so far i like Dragonflight, but things like this and Blizz not communicating about it, just puts me off again. If this were any other MMO, the lead producer would already have put a communication out.


Fix your god damn game. Iā€™ve disconnected 9 times in the last 5 minutes and I really wish I wasnā€™t kidding, before someone blames my end, my friend who lives in England is having a very similar issue, we both obviously have different service providers.

Dragonriding has been the biggest pain in the backside for DCs this expansion, Iā€™ve disconnected far more than any expansion combined in the space of two bloody weeks but this time Iā€™m not even dragonriding and getting DCā€™d.


All characters on Silvermoon experiencing this. I did file repair, disabled all addons and it keeps kicking me out after 4 seconds in the game


same issue here since today morning

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Itā€™s being doing this since the Restart/Update they did last night. Sometimes itā€™s ok for 30min then sometimes itā€™s constant DC every 5 seconds for about 10 min. Happening in instances and Openworld/Cities
Iā€™m on Argent Dawn

Joined a Isle of Conquest just now, the dcā€™s started and I log in to see 30 of the 40 players all stood still at the gate opening xD


Same for me, constant disconnects, even outside of Isles - Stormwind, Darkmoon also

the game is unplayable can you atleast post something blizzard or you are investigating or something coz i dont see anything from you guys


Was getting disconnected every 5-10 minutes in western Azure Span, near the Three-Falls Lookout. Now Iā€™m getting constantly disconnected, same area, unplayable.
Jaedenar realm, but probably realm doesnā€™t matter.

Quiet there too, leave comments about having issues, maybe theyā€™ll notice that some players canā€™t play the game lmao

Same here i cannot log in to my character im stuck at valdrakkenā€¦

This seems to have fixed it for me, although I got dcd when trying to do the Iskaar soup thing and now itā€™s over so might be that it works because the area isnā€™t crowded anymore. Worth a shot though

Whatever the hell they did during maintenance they really screwed things upā€¦ :frowning:

Whats goin on?! :smiley:

How they rolled this update out last night and broke the game so damn hard is beyond me. Even more so itā€™s being happening for hours now. No Blizz response? Surely Blizz have to have noticed SOMETHING going on by now right?

Still disconnecting every few secondsā€¦ please fix your bugs so we can play.

Getting DCā€™ed every 5 seconds or so since this mornings update/patch release. Impossible to get anything done ingame right now. Maybe we could get some answers to possible solutions, or atleast that Blizzard are aware of the problem?

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Same logged in to Valdrakken and insta DC or after few seconds.

I am having the same issueā€¦ I canā€™t log into my main as I get D/Ced after about 5-10 seconds of being onlineā€¦ However my alt in the same location can log in and is fine?

Same problem and blizzard is asleep ofcourseā€¦ Ugh!

Same, capital city, Dalaran EU