Disconnecting all the time (WOW51900323) [09/12]

I started to DC again

It seems that the issue is character dependant - constant DCs on the one character 3s after login while the other one is ok in Valdrakken

For me started right after the server shutdown last night. Some chars are ok, others just get a chain of DCs. (WOW51900323 just now, 3 in a row)

Same issue on ravencrest EU, i stopped DC once i teleported away from valdrakken.

Same, normal for all chars NOT in Valdrakken. All chars in Valdrakken DC every couple of seconds…

Same, one one account (Wife pc Hunter), not the other.
No addons, delete cache and fix game files did not work.
Completely unplayable for her, DC after 4 seconds.

Silvermoon EU

Edit, my pc had the same disconnected just now.

Edit 2:
Completely remove WoW and the Blizzard launcher and remove the remaining cache and leftover files and then reinstall:


Still no reply? Shocking.

If you can get into char select screen, go into settings and type in the search bar “optimize” and turn off optimize network for speed. Seems to work for some people

Did not work for me

Same issue here. I fixed the issue by flying one of my alts that was unaffected by these dc’s, next to the one had issues. Works just fine now for some reason.

Not for me, managed to be online long enough to fly (flee) the city but as soon as I hit the ground I D/Ced

And not a single blue answer, i guess thats one of the reasons Final Fantasy XIV gets game awards and this pile of refuse doesnt.

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What the hell is going on? I keep DC-ing as soon as log in!

same here, char selection is fine but it is when u log into a char i get DC

same, please fix

Same here!

Worked OK till I got into a epic BG, now I am stuck there with my char … WOW51900323


Same. As soon as I login it disconnects. Char is at Waking Shores.

im in now… nice

Someone mentioned it only happends WHEN you start moving, it’s the same disconnect you get when you do invalid move ala the engine says nope you can’t do that, so they’ve likely done SOME changes to that part with the restarts making it overly sensitive.

Still can’t login.