All are welcome. Dwarves in particular! Don’t tell the Gnomes I said that
Smart name!
Glad you like it. Our Gnomes spent three days engineering the most succinct and pleasing name.
Come one, come all! That’s what we think, even us Wildhammers!
Lovely! More diverse community discords making more RP for their respective communities.
There is no need to homogenise all our RP eggs in one basket, far better to spread them out and let new and interesting things grow.
Good luck with the community and we’re looking forward to see what events come out of your efforts!
For some reason they were not pleased with “Dwarves & Co”.
Ahoy all, back when we were still Folks of Khaz Modan community we kickstarted numerous Happy Hour evenings in Bruuk’s Corner and the Grim Guzzler. However over time they fell to the side, we are relaunching the project on a rotation scheme through different settlements representing the Dwarven clans and Gnomes. So without further ado:
Grim Guzzler Tavern Night!
19th July
8pm Server Time
Event thread: Tavern Nights: Anvilmar, 8pm 16th of August
Warlock summons will be available on the night to get folks into the Allied Race version of the instance
It is good to see that under new name we are active once again. It seems we needed that change as a community.
We will have other events than tavern night coming up! Stay around and see you OVER THE MOUNTAINS!
Not long now until the utterly prestigious and renowned Highland Games returns bigger than ever!
You won’t find any better hospitality given than from that of a Wildhammer!
So don’t be a Trogg, If you’re a denizen of the great kingdom of Khaz Modan get yourself saddled and up to us in Kirthaven for the 24th!
Winds Guide!
That’s 2 community events coming up soon! I shall watch with glee as those poncy Dark Irons fall flat on their noses during their own tavern night!
And for the love of all that is good in this world, we need some folks to buy Thundermar ale-… Which will also be stocked aplenty by the time of the Highland Games!
Come on by!
Troggs are denizens of Khaz Modan too!
Sure, Troggs can stay underground in their tunnels I say. Wouldn’t want Ironforge to end up like Gnomeregan.
Braach! Troggs are people too! Gnomeregan wus inside job!.. And wesses come for Ironforge grog too!
Try Grim Batol instead! I hear you’re good friends with the Skardyn >:D
Cursed Mechagnome and Cursed Earthen units working to a common goal. This is pleasing. The Titans would approve.
Finally! A reason to use that fake dwarf beard I made from a–
Ahem! Mines a mead’, och! Up the modan!
put orc mask on his face Lokter Ogre my friend!
Why Mok’ra my frie-- …IT’S A TRAP.
Quick! Aim your mugs at his kneecaps if he has any!