Discussion: Perfect Females

I like to use the floaty orb shoulders from the Antorus monk set. Ideal transmog for when you just need some more orbs.

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It’s a generalisation. Of course female RPers RP pretty characters, don’t think ive said otherwise. Usually the key difference is that guys tend to make their descriptions more visually erotic and tend to overemphasise the visual details. Girls tend to stick to more general descriptions of beauty, proportions, and standards. There’s always exceptions too but they do not disprove the trends.

I think comic books are a fairly good example of what guys usually want to see, and imagine. As for girls I think they are more likely to feel self-conscious about the female standard set by bikini contestants and comic book heroines because if you don’t have the perfect hip to waist to ratio, a thigh gap, perfect chest, and long legs then no amount of training’s going to change that.


They should be called Night Hawks

Starts getting Allo Allo flashbacks

Oh Gawd, I forgot that was the codename, and that was a question in a pub quiz recently!

Of course it is, and like most generalisations it is absolute poppycock. With the exception of the ‘Lads Mags’ like Loaded and FHM (Showing my age, I think both have stopped now) the place you see these depictions of unrealistic beauty is in -women’s- magazines, written by women, for women. They have rubbish headlines like “10 ways to get a look to drive your man wild” or “What do men like?”
It is absolute patronising nonsense. A woman shouldn’t be changing their appearance to pander to a male viewpoint, and equally, who are these incredible female psychics who can tell what a man wants?

It basically reduces both sexes to a kind of binary “Is this hot Yes/No” situation which is categorically -not- how it works. Its like, Gwendoline Christie, who played Brienne of Tarth in Game of Thrones, is supposed to look unattractive in the books, and they took pains to echo that in the filming. I didn’t find her unattractive, quite the opposite, some blokes might, or might not have, but that’s the point, trite as it sounds, beauty really -Is- in the Eye of the Beholder.

As such, generalisations like “Women like this in a man” or “Men like this in a woman” are always doomed to failure, because they can never possibly be correct. For some women, beards are a turn on, for some a turn off, some men don’t like women with short hair, some do, some don’t care either way.

Weirdly it is one of those things that cannot ever be scientifically proven, because it does not follow the rules of Science, and evolves over time, rather than being a set rule that can be established. The only reason Scientists are so desperate to pin down how Attraction works is to dispel the discomforting idea (to some) that we are just clever animals, and that our thought processes do not -have- to conform to rhyme or reason, but vary wildly.

Again, you’re falling into the trap of generalisation.
Tell me what is visually erotic about these descriptions.
"X is average height, slightly skinny, her facial expression is usually best described as moments away from sarcasm, she looks ‘interesting’ but by no means beautiful by the standards of her race, being fairly plain. She does not wear cosmetics or make any attempt to “look Pretty”.

Or “X is a muscular woman, with cropped short ginger hair, tall, and clearly has led a soldier’s life, nicks and scars showing a life led by the sword, looks-wise, she is nothing to write home about, and she makes no effort to look ‘nice’, she wears no cosmetics and generally smells of sweat, armour polish and cheap cigars. She is in her mid 40’s, so has wrinkles here and there, but frankly, she doesn’t care.”

Either of those sound Erotic?

That’s a man, writing descriptions for female characters, You don’t -have- to make them into some sexual fantasy, but equally, this idea that all men are somehow hardwired into doing so is equally incorrect.

I can tell you have never read "The Sandman"series by Neil Gaiman. Tell me that ‘Despair’ fits to those criteria, or even ‘Desire’. ‘Death’ I’ll give you, but ‘Delirium’ is a kid, so heck no.
Read “The Red Star”, what do you get, realistic women protagonists.
You’re thinking of the ‘Golden Age’ of comics, and that age has long passed, long ago.

You can generally see the attitude towards what women ‘should’ be (Which is in itself a pretty damned patronising view) by what is going on in the world at the time.

I ain’t going to dig out my Degree stuff for this (Yeah, I had to study it for History) But check out how the depiction of Cleopatra in films has changed with every decade, and what was happening at the time, Its pretty interesting stuff.

Either way, I think your idea of what men ‘expect’ is way out of whack, and the idea that males all desire the same attributes is almost as distasteful as saying that women should look a certain way to please men…

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So… your point in 1 sentence?

You should know by now that is impossible for me… But I will try.
‘Varalorne is talking nonsense with easily disprovable empirical evidence’

That work?

Now that wasn’t so hard now was it? now only replace

with ‘BS’, and we are done.

But how will people know I am clever if I don’t use long/lots of words? (Dear Gods, no one take that seriously, as with most of my posts, it is in jest)

Wait… you are clever?

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I am wise in the ways of wisdom… nods

Can you explain your definition of wisdom to me… in 1-4 sentences if possible.

Stereotypes are never universally applicable or at least that’s what I interpreted.

If that was the message then I’ll add that statistical surveys on individuals are stereotypes or at least commonly used to make stereotypes.

“Wise in the ways of Wisdom” is a euphemistic statement used at LARP to denote 1 of 4 things. 1. That the NPC doesn’t care. 2. That the NPC has not been properly briefed and genuinely has no idea, 3. The players have asked something so outlandishly outside of expectations that the NPC has no frame of reference “SO Wise Sage, how many Box Jellyfish could one fit inside a double decker bus, and would gardening gloves protect you from their deadly 30 foot long tendrils?” Or 4. The Person playing the NPC is Drunk.

So you are a clueless drunk that has been misinformed and doesn’t care about it.
Good enough for me.

Story of my life…

That story ends when the coffin closes… seeing you in forum action still makes me wonder, how did you become what you are?

I feel like Sindri should be my Magic 8-ball… like a more sarcastic ‘Alexa’

Gives Sindri a Shake “Sindri, should I go out drinking for my friends 40th tonight, even though I haven’t been paid for VA work yet so am a bit skint, and might run into bad news Ex’s but it probably will be an awesome night out?”

Social/evolutionary psychology disagrees. There are plenty of personality based/physically based traits that are more popular cross-culturally because those traits are based on basic evolutionary adaptations.

You’re correct about the fact that it evolves, though. But it does not evolve faster than we humans evolve.

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Sindriball says yes also… why care about ex’s what are you? 20? go out and have fun and if they come chase them away with your verbal text walls.

Now -that- is a good question. Childish idealism, vast disappointment, high expectations, crushed expectations, Muddling along, Ooh, Good stuff!, Parental bereavement, being made redundant from a managerial position (The bloody day after) Getting morose, Divorce, Hitting the bottle, getting very cynical, then in the last few months amazingly good shiz, New style, new relationship and broke into VA work professionally and starting to make some serious dollar.

All in all, I am a vaguely perpetually sozzled professional actor ( I can actually claim that as my job description, well, the actor bit).

Hmm…I think I shall take Sindriball’s advice…

Ehh, twice that and more, but she has the fact she has a Shotgun on her side…Although to be fair, she always left that at home under the bed.

So you’re a person that says he can dance yet fears to face the music?

I mean, i don’t know the details but these are quite the common things.