“Boldly stated, but there is nothing you ca-…” Is suddenly interupted as a barrage of whispers pours in.
/w “Hahaha, did you think we had forgotten? Did you think we had forgiven? Behold now, the terrible vengence of the black list!”
tbh I’d play that in a heart beat over the weird doe eyed things the Troll model is at the moment. One of the few times blizzard should’ve just said “shut it”, or given both options imo.
(tried to quote the image but apparently I don’t have that privilege yet)
Jaina was the daughter, if not of royalty, of nobility and of a ruler. Her father, Admiral Daelin Proudmoore, ruled the city- state of Kul Tiras, and Jaina had grown up accustomed to interaction with nobility. And yet, Prince Kael’thas unnerved her. She wasn’t quite sure what it was. He was handsome, certainly, with that grace and beauty that all elves possessed. Tall, with hair like spun gold that fell halfway down his back, he always looked to her like a figure out of legend rather than a real, living person.
Even though he was currently clad in the simpler violet and gold robes of a mage of Dalaran and not the lavish robes he would wear to official occasions, he never seemed to lose his stiffness. Perhaps that was it—there was a sort of…antiquated formality about him.
Traveler also describes elves as being almost ethereal and so unfathomably beautiful that they often disarm people with their grace and poise, a fact that elven warriors are known to exploit.
Eh, beauty’s in the eye of the beholder. Even when I describe a character of mine that I personally find beautiful or handsome, I still keep the TRP text neutral. I think using “attractive” and “beautiful” and such words in one’s trp reeks of a need to be validated*. I’ll be the judge on whether or not I find someone beautiful, tyvm!
*Of course this does not apply to my handsome orc monk. He is the very pinnacle of manliness. This is simply fact. Love me, please.