DnD Pet Peeves

Congratulations Tehya. You hit the limit.

Edit: this is specifically for DnD now.


This is amazing.

Pet Peeve: that every time a pet Peeve thread dies, there is always 5 more that get spawned from hell itself.

Here we go again AD.


The Great Pet Peeves Succession War begins :pensive:


I prefer this peeve thread. It doesn’t mention Akamito’s uncle…

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There’s only one way to settle this. Me and Rhaewon must fight irl

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Mak’gora at Blizzcon

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I’ll bring my genji katana

i don my winnie the pooh costume with full battle armour

let’s go


Pooh? This sounds like a ban.

I’m untouchable.

I cannot believe you got the true 20k aswell.

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Never second best

I warned you


Googled an online dungeon editor for D&D. The first two results require Flash. In 2019? Seriously? To add insult to injury, one of them is also available as a mobile app, but for some reason not a desktop app.


Peeve: The fact that the thread cap was at 20k posts, it seems like a weird limit.

Also kinda sad that the legend finally died :frowning:


No king rules forever…

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There really are not enough modern online resources for d&d. Something must be done about this!

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I’ve found it surprisingly frustrating to find good dungeon editors, for free mind you.

They either cost like 40 euro or something, or seem to have split up the basic features among eachother.

So one will have alot of good walls/doodads and stuff to place, but god-awful grids, one will lack colour whatsoever but good grid, and some other will have good grid and colour, but have like one crappy barrel as an option.


If you want a good dungeon map editor that is cheap, I recommend Dungeon Painter Studio on Steam. It’s in early access and can be a bit unstable sometimes, but it has Steam Workshop for a plethora of extra, free assets.

I churn out quality battle maps for my online D&D campaign pretty fast.