The important thing is; renown will come ‘naturally’. If you fall behind because you didn’t do some weekly thing, then the next week (or later) you can just do various activities and catch up on renown. So no need to stress about farming it.
Killing raid boss: "ok fams, back in 30 mins to swap all stuff, to do x % more dmg).
no i ment thats what Ion Said :P… that he thinks player power has to attached to it… and cannot be a true “RPG Feature” because he thinks no one will pay attention to it xD
not that i personally beleive it.
Yes, he believes player power must be there. Curious how he will react to statistics of like 90% DKs as Night Fae and so on. And Revendreth teleport will likely reveal some cheese usages which then will require regular patching. And I assume that a lot of enchanters will go Bastion for the enchanting mats drop and abuse an early unpatched hyperspawn spot to farm absurd amount of mats to then control the Legendary base item market
And from time to time people will get declined from M+ PUG due to a covenant and they will get angry and they be angry at the game… This aint Baldurs Gate.
He’ll tell himself its a coincendence 150 times before sleep each night.
To OP, just got this on my Google recommended.
You might want to check it if you are planning to go back to a Covenant you left.
This might happen, if they decide to change things during the expansion:
It’s not really a choice if you have to pick what is best for your class but you can’t stand the covenant lorewise or looks.
Personally I think this is far worse than class halls, at least that was set up to cater for your class and specs in the right way. Covenant seems to be a poor version of this. And I’m going to touch some nerves here but…
Even Garrisons is better than this system. By all means let those choose the covenant but it should’ve had bonus set to what class and spec you were so it was the same in all of them.
Only thing I’m really not liking about Shadowlands at all. It’s a change to the other extreme again but should be used to Blizzard doing this by now.
Because I like the system.
I think it’s pretty cool and most people who despise it don’t really despise it, they’re just parroting what their favourite streamer man said about covenants.
Disregarding other people’s opinion because they might share the same opinion as a streamer = 200 IQ
Am i the only one that will choose a covenant based on aesthetics and the story and not based on if i’ll perform 100% optimally, in a certain scenario, that i will get done even when i’m not performing 100%…? Oh ok
Why do you need more than one covenant in SL?
You want to be a fluffy celestial thing?
No thanks!
I`ll be a vampire!
Venthyr all the way!
Because i wanna change my covenant depending on my activity?
Just like i do my essences now.
Essences? What the hell is that?
I never change anything.
With my 120 main, I mean.
That’s your choice. See how it goes?
You could not change covenants if you didn’t want to if they were unlocked.
Now, could you stop telling others how to play the game? Do you happen to pay other players subs? My sub?
I can tell you how to play the game if I want!
How can you stop me?
Pay my sub?
Funny, because that just shows that you have no right to tell me how to play the game.
I have the right to tell you how to play your game!
We are made from the same stardust from long gone star.
You are me and me are you! Get it?
Fine, then i’ll tell you to switch essences when doing different activities.
You might be able to finish more than one mythic instance in an expac if you do!
Ok. I`ll do that.
We are made of the same stardust, i believe in you!