Do I have to pick one covenant in Shadowlands?

Thank you, my stardust brother :smiley:
I actually found better essences for my 120 level huntard.
I was too lazy to switch them before.
You encourage me and now Im doing better in 120s :slight_smile: Thanks.

Amazing… you better hurry though, servers shut down in 11 minutes. :sob:

I hate this time of the week :((( All of my games shutting down for Weekly maintenance. CS:GO too.

i laughed so hard at how quick this went from almost a verbal fight to bromance


It’s dead… wow is non-existent to me anymore.

Non-existent i said!

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Peeps: Obsession with Cookie-cutter is killing RPG… Gief Immersion!

Also Peeps: Covenants? Blizz!.. Gief Cookie-cutter for everything!
Pull Ripcord!..Fetch Pitchforks!

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Every change or new thing they implement has yay and nay-sayers.

Your example truly did hit the nail on the head.

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In fairness, the players are not always wrong… but, constant wailing and gnashing of teeth whichever demographic Blizz tries to please, does get a bit tiresome.

Look same as you I have argued with Tahra more than i could count, sometimes to the verge of madness, it even has become somewhat of a guilty pleasure for me to argue with her. However i trully believe she isnt a liar, her view are… flawed , but she trully does believe in them. Also she is more so than not a pure solo player, she doesnt even use a dps addon and believes that performance doesnt really matter, and that an abillity/tallent only gives 0.00000001% troughput. Is that wrong - yes, does she believe that - also yes. She isnt a liar or a Blizzard shill, infact i have seen her multiple times complain about “fun desicions” made by Blizzard, she is just extremly ignorant on player issues.

Solo players XD.

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Then it is blind as well as stupid, Darwin’s Prize recipient-in-waiting. Ignorance is not bliss, it is putting one’s cranium in their cloaca and pretending the problem doesn’t exist if you can’t see it, then being OH SO VERY surprised when the problem bites you in the backside. It likely doesn’t use dps addon because it’s BM huntard - ez mode gameplay in any situation AND top performance, no brains required except some barbed shot awareness as the pet does most of the work anyway and BM can move out of any fire without real penalties.

For the record I was talking about the Corporatese-doublespeaking lawyer who has a big fat record of false statements issued on the topic of the game. But this interpretation works too I guess. Except “useful idiots” - read: agents - are not paid in any way whatsoever. On the contrary, they’re expendable, because there’s always more where they come from. And it’s not like they’re human beings, sentient, or even reasonable. They have passion, which is exploitable, and no brains, which makes them what they are called. If they had brains in addition to passion, they’d be paid, and be regular agents, information sources, or whatever, not expendable sheep :smiley:

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Cant argue there mate.

Ok i must have missunderstood you earlier.

Also one more thing

She trully doesnt care about dmg, months ago i was trying to prove a point to her that a talent roll is way more than just a 1% dps increase so i simmed her character, the results were … lets say grey. In her belief one should not care about their performance only to do their best, even if the results are again lets say grey. What she in turn fails to see is there is not “I” in team and no matter how frienly you are or how much “your best” you are doing if you are not pulling your weight then the team should find a new member instead of you.

All and All my conclusion is to never argue with Tahra on these sorts of things, the results will be the same as trying to convince a rock to do a backflip, do it only if (like in my case) you want to some cheap laught out of it.

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I don’t believe they see the flaws. For people who don’t participate in any content that has any difficulty to it, player power just holds no value to them and seeing the point of view of someone who does go in for a challenge and understanding that in that type of content, player power matters on top of rpg and not at the cost of it, is not a thing they are capable of. They will tell you a broken system is fine becaue they truly believe it is, simply because it has no negative effects/consequences on them, so it naturaly can’t have negative effects on anyone else. I believe it’s called an argument from personal incredulity. I’ve seen people arguing that “if you don’t like the ability that comes with your covenant choice, just don’t use it”, and they were being serious, because to them, the abilities and gameplay is just completely meaningless. They will just have their class as they always had and keep doing the same thing without anything slowing them down or inconveniencing them in any way as a result of a system, because it simply doesn’t affect their favourite content, positively or negatively.


Aye the solo player is fascinating beast to inderstand. My memory is fuzzy on whether it was WoD or Legion, but a friend of mine didnt have acces to the current expansion so he was trying to do Dragon soul and was wiping/reseting on Ultraxion , so i ask him “why are you using your Avenging Wrath/Crusade” , the answer was “man i never use that thing its a 2 min CD”.

You did understand just fine, only that one sentence

was really about Hazzikostas. Though it can also apply to any other errant white knight on a crusade to spread good word about how New Rushed and Unfinished Expack is the only salvation.

Solo players in MMO? Whatever floats their boat. Not understanding how the invididual and group interests conflict? Now that’s “please kick me, I’m a deadweight” behavior :smiley:

Been there, seen that, rekted them, put in ignore forevermore.

Let’s leave such semantic constructs made of flexing linguistical muscle to lawyers. I propose calling it “shortsightedness” or “being short-sighted” i.e. inability to think about implications further away than one’s nose. If this unpleasant condition only affected them, I’d not care, let them stew in it. Thing is, when they get up and cry “It’s only X, it will be fixed” after 573654982 failures, it DOES get old, it creates a thoroughly false impression that players LIKE THIS CRAP, and you have to start considering other solutions to their problem. Like not including them in any decision-making process more complicated than “what to eat for dinner”.

To be fair, I had to google it myself just to make sure how to spell it and if it actually means what I think it means. I’m not exactly a linguistic prodigy to say the least. I just like identifying and pointing out fallacies from time to time.

Atm I almost cant wait for this system to land “the way Blizzard intends” and see all the “Big bad raider man wont take to a dungeon because of covenant X, this community is toxic” treads that will come from the people that defend these systems .

Don’t forget “Filthy casuals can’t do math & their output is too damn low for M+10 because of wrong covenant, this community is toxic” threads :smiley:

Yeah those too. Its going to be a very salty first patch XD.

The joy of being a casual player.

I will pick my Covenant based on:

  • Wich one does it appeal more to me:
  • tematically,
  • visually,
  • wich mogs it give?,
  • wich mounts?
  • wich one i see myself chilling during the expansion when im not out in the world farming, doing dungeons etc?

The freedoom to not obess about extra 1% dps.