Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

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finally. finished stitchyard achievements! now its time to wrestle the ember court. and 19 mount to 350.


3400th reply right here… we’re getting there!! :pinched_fingers:


Other way around for me! Working on the ember court before stitchyard atm…though doubt I will finish before DF :frowning_face:

Getting where? What is the point in this?

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What do you miss from Ember Court?

Mostly reputation and …most of the achievements…

Be our guest
People pleaser
It’s certainly never boring
Master of ceremonies

…and more XD

Yes, it will be… tight to say at least to get all of them before DF
Ember Court is a bit hard, especially with the random decorations; it took me months to get that bone for the doggo, tired to postpone the PvP quest reward as long as possible, but then the darn quest refused to apear for another long periods of time
The hardest was maybe the Master of Ceremonies
That 10 event is hard, especially when some of them bugs out and don’t count… okay it is easier with the Ambassador’s reserves to make your court last longer…

Maybe this will help


Thank you!

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Happy to help
This might also help:

Maaaaybe a bit outdated, but not many things changed


[quote=“Beastclown-trollbane, post:3465, topic:384961”]
Number of the beast

:musical_note: 666, the number of the beast - hell and fire was born to be released :musical_note:

unfortunately ember court is a lot longer than stitchyard. i have some achi but i miss many ones.
for the kyrian one… i gave up. no will at all.

WHAT!! WHAT??!!??

Loads shotgun

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Actually!! The shotgun isnt enough!

Kitiaara I found another use for rubber tubing!!

Bring me that troll!

And bring me my fusion cannon!

Soul is not the most fabulous!!! Me!!? ME???


For… science!

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You’re all lucky im in bed under medication or Id bevpurging this thread, forum… Nay!! The world!! Of those who doubt my standing as the most fabulous!

Bloody cheek!! I demand apologies and offerings!

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Bow before Leader Lamb Soul!

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You’re a close second, I promise.


Google now because I will censor it again, not sure if even the name can be shared here :joy:

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