Do not give this person your money. Don't spend a penny

A while ago, someone opened up a forum post asking for money, and in return, they’d write TRP descriptors and other things. In that post, it was revealed that this person lied, scammed, accused others of vile things, as well as telling other roleplayers to kill themselves, making a tonne of alts to try (and fail) avoid being caught, and just all-round being a detestable person.

I just saw that person today in Stormwind once again, with the TRP name of “AD Novelist” (though that may well change depending on if they see this post.)

Please do not give them anything, they’ve proven in the past that they cannot be trusted and personally I see no reason why they won’t fall back into old habits. In a private message, they even claimed that the forum posting was nothing but bullies and lies, despite screenshots to the contrary.

Look out for yourselves, look out for each other, don’t fall prey to scam artists and liars.

Also, I’m aware most people on the forums from a few months back probably remember this person, but for those who missed it, or have only started checking them recently, I hope this warning can keep your wallets safe.


The warning is appreciated and I hope it’ll help someone out there, but… doesn’t this fall under naming and shaming, causing the risk of you getting a forum suspension?


Possibly/probably, but really I’d rather people remember what this person did than stay quiet on the topic.

Same person who made this post, and apparently one other where they were called out, back to try and take money from others once again without a care in the world.

Oh and they traced art last time, forgot to mention that in the OP, as if what was there wasn’t bad enough already.


Ironically his art (at least the dragons that are obviously traced WoW models, even with weird wing anatomy) is pretty bad. I don´t understand how anybody would buy from them, not worth a single euro.


Thanks for the info everyone. Another thing I didn’t know about :’)


Also yea, he advertises his writing commissions almost daily on a new alt every time, which yea, suspicious in itself. Never has a set character and we know why. He also charges IRL cash and can’t write well anyway.

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Adding a purely customer-based review here, to add my two cents removed from more personal accusations.

I did give this person a chance based on their claim they were ‘Quite desperately in need of money’, and my experience with this seller was poor. I received a mediocre MRP with added fluff I never requested and was completely incorrect (A scar on the character’s body was described as ‘Weeping’, when I had described it as a clean and old brand, their description going as far as explaining it needed tending to daily - Unnecessary excess for a first glance on top of everything.) they were also very heavy-handed in attempting to pressure me to leave a tip after I paid on the higher end of their price scale.

After I did not agree to tipping, contact was abruptly cut off by the seller without any goodbyes or conclusions. The entire thing gave me underwhelmed, uncomfortable vibes and I’d not recommend this seller to anybody.

Thanks for bringing our attention to this. I wrote it off as a bad experience to learn from, but I’m glad other people have the chance to not fall for it like I did.


Rereading that thread has reminded me that I’m so glad a certain “enlightened centrist” stopped posting on the AD forums.

God, nothing makes me want to slam my head into my keyboard more than rereading their posts.

I hadn’t scrolled down that far when I posted the link but good lord.
Hope nobody comes around to try and defend the indefensible this time. Blech.

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I think the Stormwind discord has a warning about this person and their many alts, or at least they used to, so hopefully an admin there will see this and update.

At least it won’t be them and their brand of “hot takes”

I’ve got a screenshot of their TRP saved, and it has their (new?) Discord mentioned. Happy to pass it off to any servers that want to know, though obviously I’ll not share another person’s Discord info over the forums.


I really hope that, in this case, naming and shaming is less important than warning people about this… person. Not in the last place because people like him give artists, genuine artists, a bad name.

One thing that I find quite worrying about this is that if this individual is regularly peddling their wares, then there’s an implication that they are meeting with some modicum of success. I find it baffling that anyone who engages in role-play would actually pay money to have someone write their character’s profile for them. I’m also somewhat sure that advertising this type of service in-game would result in a terms of service breach, not unlike selling in-game gold.


If this person advertises on ADFB, please let the moderation team know.

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This baffles me as well. I can understand purchasing a story, something with narrative. But paying someone else to write your character’s profile, when that tends to be quite a personal thing, feels… counterintuitive.

Thanks for bringing this up though. As a freelancer, this sort of malpractice only serves to make the rest of us look bad.

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It is indeed against the rules to offer anything for real-life currency through the game.

I do not believe I have seen such a case on ADFB, they don’t seem to dare.

You’d be surprised. I’ve already banned one IIRC. Not for this case in particular but for similar stuff.

If you’re in need of help with your TRP or character description, I wouldn’t recommend giving any sort of money away to people to write it for you. Nine times out of ten if you ask someone else, they’ll probably help you for free.